Board Minutes
May 26, 2010
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Minutes of Regular Board Meeting of May 26, 2010
President Mike Pavlik called the Regular May 26 meeting of the Board of Directors of Sumner School District No. 320 to order at 6:03 p.m.
Present: Mike Pavlik, Sherm Voiles, Richard Hendricks, Jeff DeMarre, Greg Hanon
Dr. Gil Mendoza, Superintendent; Craig Spencer, Assistant Superintendent; Debra Barlow, Executive Director, Human Resources; Deb Campbell, Executive Director, Business Services; Erin LaVerdiere, Executive Director, Teaching & Learning; Ann Cook, Director, Communications; Susie Lynch, Director, Research & Assessment; Sandy Maynard, Chief Technology Officer; Linda Masteller, Principal, Bonney Lake High; Sharon Fochtman, and Brian Scheerer, Assistant Principals, Bonney Lake High; Hillery Berteaux, SEA President; Sarah Briehl, Director, CTE; Gabrielle Wright, SEA VP; Shirley Baker, Rob O’Connor and Jay Paulson, Teachers, Bonney Lake High; Kathryn Briggs, Math TOSA; Mark Baumgarten, Director, M&O; Monte Bridges, Superintendent PSESD; Mandy Jowett, Recording Secretary.
Visitors: 0
Flag Salute
Approval of Agenda
Moved by Greg Hanon that the Board approve the agenda and supplemental agenda as presented: Seconded by Rick Hendricks. Motion unanimously carried.
Approval of Minutes
Moved by Greg Hanon that the Board approve the minutes of the May 12 Regular & Special Board meeting as presented: Seconded by Jeff DeMarre. Motion unanimously carried.
Consent Items
Moved by Jeff DeMarre that the Board approve the consent items on the regular and supplemental agendas: Seconded by Greg Hanon. Motion unanimously carried.
Delegation of Authority to WIAA and Sunday Waiver Agreement
The Board approved Resolution No. 25/09-10: delegation of authority to the Washington Interscholastic Activities Association for the 2010-2011 school year to control, supervise and regulate the conduct of interschool athletic activities and other interschool extracurricular activities of an athletic, cultural, social or recreational nature for students in the Sumner School District.
Offers of Employment
Lori Kuzminsky, Administrative Secretary, Bonney Lake Elementary, ongoing position, effective May 20, 2010
Dan Eygabroad, Construction Specialist, M&O, time-limited position, effective June 11, 2010
George Powell III, Night Custodian III/Floater, Bonney Lake High/M&O, effective June 1, 2010
Administrative Appointments
Laurie Dent, Principal, Liberty Ridge Elementary, effective May 27, 2010
Curtis Hurst, Principal, Mountain View Middle, effective May 27, 2010
Supplemental Contracts
Rob Smith, Boys Head Basketball Coach, Bonney Lake High School, 2010-2011 school year
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May 26, 2010
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Leaves of Absence
Kathryn Briggs, Math TOSA, Administration, revision of 1.0 FTE leave of absence without pay approved at the April 14, 2010 Board meeting to a .50 FTE leave of absence without pay, effective 2010-2011 school year
Allison Coleman, Psychologist, Emerald Hills Elementary, revision of .40 FTE leave of absence without pay approved at the March 17, 2010 Board meeting to a .50 FTE leave of absence without pay, effective 2010-2011 school year
Mari Lysne, Intervention Specialist, Liberty Ridge Elementary, revision of .50 FTE leave of absence without pay approved at the March 17, 2010 Board meeting to a .60 FTE leave of absence without pay, effective 2010-2011 school year
McKenna Ledesma, Kindergarten Teacher, Crestwood Elementary, new request for .50 FTE Leave of absence without pay, effective 2010-2011 school year
Kassie Meath, Assistant Principal, Sumner High, continued request for a .20 FTE leave of absence without pay, effective July 1, 2010
Erica Klein, Counselor, Bonney Lake High, effective end of 2009-2010 school year
Arnold DeTray, Night Custodian III, Mountain View Middle, effective May 17, 2010
Reduction in Force
Chad Barrett, Teacher - Physical Education/Health, Bonney Lake High, 1.0 FTE reduction in force, effective 2010-2011 school year
Elizabeth Draggoo, Teacher - Physical Education, Sumner Middle, 1.0 FTE reduction in force, effective 2010-2011 school year
Dana Finnegan, Teacher - Language Arts/Social Studies, Sumner Middle, 1.0 FTE reduction in force, effective 2010-2011 school year
Serena Gregerson, Classified Human Resources Director, Administration, 1.0 FTE reduction in force, July 1, 2010
Jacqueline Krezelak, Science Specialist, Daffodil Valley Elementary, 1.0 FTE reduction in force, effective 2010-2011 school year
Patricia LoRusso, Teacher - 3rd, Liberty Ridge Elementary, 1.0 FTE reduction in force, effective 2010-2011 school year
David Marques, Teacher - CTE Marketing, Sumner High, 1.0 FTE reduction in force, effective 2010-2011 school year
Erin McCarthy, Teacher - Language Arts, Mountain View Middle, 1.0 FTE reduction in force, effective 2010-2011
Sarah O’Brien, Teacher - 2nd, McAlder Elementary, 1.0 FTE reduction in force, effective 2010-2-11 school year
Robert O'Connor, Teacher – Math, Bonney Lake High, .67 FTE reduction in force, effective 2010-2011 school year
Rebecca Oren, Teacher - 1st, Liberty Ridge Elementary, 1.0 FTE reduction in force, effective 2010-2011 school year
Rebecca Pennala, Intervention Specialist, McAlder Elementary/Lakeridge Middle, 1.0 FTE reduction in force, effective 2010-2011 school year
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May 26, 2010
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Reduction in Force, continued
Jonathan Roberts, Teacher - Physical Education, Sumner Middle, 1.0 FTE reduction in force, effective 2010-2011 school year
Jennifer Robertson, Teacher - 4th, Crestwood Elementary, 1.0 FTE reduction in force, effective 2010-2011 school year
Jeanette Schuster, Teacher – English, Sumner High, 1.0 FTE reduction in force, effective
2010-2011 school year
Roger Smith, Co-Director of Special Services, Administration, 1.0 FTE reduction in force, effective July 1, 2010
Karen Wilkerson, Senior Project Coordinator, Sumner High, .50 FTE reduction in force, effective 2010-2011 school year
Out of State Travel
Karen Brown, Director, Child Nutrition, to attend the Annual National Child Nutrition Conference, July 11-14, 2010, in Dallas, Texas. Funding source: registration and conference related costs paid with professional development funds; all other expenses paid with personal funds.
a. District Improvement: Advanced Placement Program
Bonney Lake High School teacher Shirley Baker presented information about the school’s Advanced Placement (AP) program and introduced students Jesse Proctor, Kent Wilson, Ashley Alvarez, Melissa Day, and Will Edwards, who gave reflections about the rigor and challenge of the courses. The AP program offerings have continued to grow since Bonney Lake High School has opened and the high school continues to add new courses.
b. Capital Projects Savings Account
Assistant Superintendent Craig Spencer reported on the savings account for the reopening of
Lakeridge Middle School and Victor Falls Elementary. This account is earmarked as a reserved,
designated fund and was first established for the opening of Bonney Lake High School to provide
support for expenses not covered by capital funds, such as band uniforms and additional staff to
support the new facility. As current school projects near completion, the District is reviewing
projected and actual costs and anticipates releasing up to $500K back to the general fund.
c. 2010-2011 Budget Update
Business Services Executive Director Debbie Campbell gave an overview of the work in progress on the 2010-2011 school year budget, anticipated reductions in extra-curricular activities, and fund balance re-classification changes from the Government Accounting Standards Board. A 2010-2011 balanced budget will be presented at the June 16 Board meeting and is scheduled for adoption at the July14 Board meeting.
Meeting Recessed for the Senior Showcase: 7:00 p.m.
Senior Showcase
Bonney Lake High School Principal Linda Masteller and 2010 Daffodil Princess Ashley Alvarez
introduced outstanding seniors who embody “excellence of mind and strength of character.” Students
recognized were: Ashley Alvarez, Nick Bendon, Melissa Day, Will Edwards, Saoreese Eliason,
Tracy Hare, Karlie, Pyl, Kent Wilson, Natosha Lyonais, and Jesse Proctor.
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May 26, 2010
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Meeting Reconvened: 7:55 p.m.
Audience Comments
Superintendent Comments
Dr. Mendoza announced there were 13 District students who earned varsity letters in community service for their volunteer work and were recognized at a recent United Way of Pierce County celebration and reception; they are Sumner High students Joshua Goodsell and Natalie Mohn, and Bonney Lake High students Crystal Brown, Haylie Cannon, Leslie Cannon, Zachary Goodsell, Paul Hathaway, Joshua Keaton, Shayna Moran, Karlie Pyl, Alexandrea Ronnfeldt, Cher Shelly and Molly Tallon.
Board Member Comments
President Mike Pavlik said he has been enjoying recent visits to buildings to talk with principals and
Unfinished Business
a. Online Learning Policy – Second Reading
Moved by Greg Hanon that the Board approve the Online Learning Policy as presented: Seconded by Jeff DeMarre. Motion unanimously carried.
New Business
A motion was made by Greg Hanon to suspend the rules for first and second reading for the next two agenda items: Instructional Materials & Math Curriculum Adoption, in order to ensure these materials are available and ready for use in the fall: Seconded by Rick Hendricks. Motion unanimously carried.
Moved by Greg Hanon that the Board approve instructional materials and math curriculum as presented in the next two agenda items: Seconded by Jeff DeMarre. Motion passed 3 to 1.
a. Instructional Materials Adoption
Teaching and Learning Executive Director Erin LaVerdiere presented the following instructional materials for use in the District. These textbooks have been reviewed and approved by the District Curriculum and Instructional Materials Committee.
Title: Biology
Author: Campbell and Reece
Publisher: Pearson/Prentice Hall
Copyright: 2009
Name of class in which the textbook will be used: AP Biology
Title: Culinary Essentials
Author: Johnson & Wales
Publisher: Glencoe
Copyright: 2010
Name of class in which the textbook will be used: Introduction to Culinary Arts, Food Prep. II, Advanced Culinary Arts
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May 26, 2010
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Instructional Materials Adoption, continued
Title: Melvin Menchner’s News Reporting and Writing Eleventh Edition
Author: Melvin Mencher
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Higher Education
Copyright: 2008
Name of class in which the textbook will be used: Journalistic Writing
b. Math Curriculum Update and Materials Adoption
Kathryn Briggs, Math TOSA (teacher on special assignment), shared information from the Middle School Math Committee. The committee reviewed the top three curricula from the OSPI recommended list and presented their proposal. She also shared the new textbook, Glencoe Algebra 2, which will complete the math series at the high schools.
Title: Algebra 2
Authors: J. Carter, Ph. D., G. Cuevas, Ph. D.,R. Day, Ph. D., C. Malloy, Ph. D.
Publisher: Glencoe
Copyright: 2010 Edition
Name of class in which the textbook will be used: Algebra 2
c. Bonney Lake Elementary: Acceptance of Bid
Moved by Greg Hanon that the Board approve acceptance of low bid from Commercial Structures as presented for the modernization of Bonney Lake Elementary School: Seconded by Jeff DeMarre. Motion unanimously carried.
d. Victor Falls Elementary: Purchase & Sale Agreement of Walking Path Property
Moved by Sherm Voiles that the Board approve Resolution No. 23/09-10: Purchase & Sale Agreement for Victor Falls Property: Seconded by Greg Hanon. Motion unanimously carried.
e. Sumner High HVAC Replacement: Final Acceptance
Moved by Jeff DeMarre that the Board approve Resolution No. 26/09-10: Final Acceptance of Sumner High School HVAC Replacement: Seconded by Sherm Voiles. Motion unanimously carried.
f. 2010-2011 Board Meeting Calendar
Moved by Greg Hanon that the Board set the schedule for Board meetings for the 2010-2011
school year as presented: Seconded by Rick Hendricks. Motion unanimously carried.
g. Warrant Approval
Moved by Rick Hendricks that the Board approve the warrants as certified by the auditing officer: Seconded by Greg Hanon. Motion unanimously carried.
Warrant #39949-#39950 in the total amount of $9,605.60
Capital Projects
Warrant #39951-#40037 in the total amount of $517,068.94
General Fund $282,401.78
Capital Projects $228,541.33
ASB Fund $5,990.01
Private Purpose Trust Fund $88.00
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May 26, 2010
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Warrant Approval, continued
Warrant #40038-#40122 in the total amount of $2,571,733.23
General Fund $241,177.55
Capital Projects $2,311,813.16
ASB Fund $18,651.91
Private Purpose Trust Fund $90.61
Warrant #91000023-#91000024 in the total amount of $1,675.43
General Fund
Warrant #196253-#196268 in the total amount of $153,187.70
General Fund
h. Intent to Construct: Bonney Lake Elementary
Moved by Greg Hanon that the Board approve Resolution No. 27/09-10: intent to construct Bonney Lake Elementary, a required component of the D-9 submittal; Seconded by Sherm Voiles. Motion unanimously carried.
i. Constructability Report and Implementation Plan: Bonney Lake Elementary
Moved by Jeff DeMarre that the Board approve Resolution No. 28/09-10: Bonney Lake Elementary Constructability and Implementation Plan; Seconded by Sherm Voiles. Motion unanimously carried.
j. Certification of 5-Year Continued Use & 20-Year Extension of Life: Bonney Lake Elementary
Moved by Greg Hanon that the Board approve Resolution No. 29/09-10: certifying 5-year continued use and 20-year extension of life is a required component of the D-9 submittal for Bonney Lake Elementary; Seconded by Rick Hendricks. Motion unanimously carried.
Information Only
a. Upcoming Board Meeting
The next regular Board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, June 16, at 6:00 p.m. and will be
held in the Board room.
b. Bus Inspection Report
The Sumner School District completed its annual Washington State Patrol School Bus and
Vehicle Inspection. For this inspection 100% of the bus fleet and any other vehicle that
transports students is checked. The Transportation Department is proud to announce an
inspection score of 97% in compliance. A well-deserved thanks goes to the mechanics for the
exceptional efforts and commitment in providing safe transportation for our students.
Meeting Recessed for Executive Session: 8:32 p.m.
President Mike Pavlik announced an Executive Session for the purpose of discussing the
Superintendent’s evaluation. No Board action was anticipated.
Meeting Reconvened: 10:30 p.m.
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Moved by Greg Hanon that the meeting be adjourned: Seconded by Rick Hendricks. Motion unanimously carried.
Meeting adjourned: 10:31 p.m.
Gil Mendoza, Secretary
Board of Directors
Mike Pavlik, President
Board of Directors