Working Alone Guideline for Z109, Z115 - Biological Sciences Building
For: / Rooms Z109, Z115 Biological Sciences BuildingBy: / Barry McCashin, Botany 240 TA’s
original: / April 23/01 / Signature:
revised: / March 20/02 / Date:
Emergency Phone Numbers:
Number / Contact: / For:2-5555 / Campus Control Centre (24h) / ANY emergency: medical, fire, chemical spill
2-5050 / Campus Security (24h) / suspicious person
2-5252 / Campus Security (24h) / general enquiries
2-5563 / Campus Safewalk (open from dark to 1230 AM, varies during year; 5-9PM) / co-ed escorts accompany you on and off campus
2-4833 / Communications Control Centre (24h) / maintenance emergencies
2-2399 / Supervisor: Barry McCashin / information/assistance
436-7447 / Department Safety Officer
(work/home) Barry / small chemical spill cleanup assistance
2-1810 / Office of Environmental Health and Safety (business hours) / information/assistance
Location of Resources:
outside Z104 / fire alarm pull stationZ115 - beside door / fire extinguisher
Z115 - near door / first aid kit
wooden cabinet outside Z203 / first aid kit (departmental)
CW315 – SW corner
Z517 – N end of hall / small chemical spill cleanup kit (contains list of people who will assist with the cleanup)
Z109 – behind door / telephone
payphone near entrance at S end of G-wing / telephone backup (emergency buttons for campus security and 911)
Spill Response:
Situation: / Action:spill of a biohazardous agent / get disinfectant solution and follow written lab protocol (both should be available in the lab at all times)
chemical spill (small) / get help before you begin cleanup;
obtain departmental spill cleanup kit and follow protocol in the kit; contact emergency spill designates for advice.
chemical spill (large† ) / call 2-5555 and request help, may need to evacuate area - warn others; get help before attempting cleanup
† the size of “large”spill varies with the compound and the amount:
hydrofluoric acid / any amount (concentrated)
cyanide and sulfides / any amount
(metallic) mercury / > 30 mL
organic peroxides / > 500 g
oxidizers / > 500 g
flammable liquid / > 500 mL
Restricted activities when Working Alone:
No restrictions for routine procedures conducted as described in the Botany 240 Laboratory ManualHazardous Activities:
Hazard: / Actions to minimize Risk:1. use of the pressure bomb / wear eye protection and follow procedure written in the Botany 240 lab manual
2. measuring 14C distribution in a plant / wear lab coat and gloves when handling plant; wash hands after removing gloves
Personal Protection:
1. weekday: lab door to be kept shut and locked between 1600h and 0600h (required)2. weekend: lab door to be kept shut and locked always unless there are colleagues working along the same corridor (required).
3. if leaving the lab after dark, please contact either Campus Safewalk (2-5563) or Campus Security (2-5050) for an escort to the parking lot.
4. if someone is at home, inform them that you are leaving and when you expect to arrive.