City of Hull

Proceedings of

January 25th, 2016

Mayor Pro-tem Rankin called the meeting to order at 5:00 pm. In attendance were Councilmen Mark Kreun, Kim Wielenga, Joel Leusink and Mike Broek. Also present was City Administrator Aaron Kooiker, Parker De Vos and Ronna De Vos. Mayor Roger Buys was absent

A motion was made by Leusink and supported Wielenga to approve the agenda for the meeting. Motion carried 5-0 to include checking the zoning map for a possible mistake.

A motion was made by Broek and supported by Leusink to approve the consent agenda which consisted of the minutes from January 11th, 2016, Motion carried 5-0.

At 5:03 Mayor Pro-tem Rankin opened the public hearing to consider the acceptance of the City of Hull “Code of Ordinances.” There was no public comment at that time nor was any received in the city office by City Administrator. Mayor Pro-tem Rankin then closed the public hearing at 5:04.

A motion was made by Leusink and supported by Kreun to adopt Ordinance 340- adopting the “Code of Ordinances of the City of Hull.” Roll Call Vote as follows: Ayes; Broek, Kreun, Leusink, Rankin and Wielenga. Nays; None. Motion passed 5-0

A motion was made by Leusink and supported by Kreun to table proposed Education, Training policy to make corrections and return it to the agenda for the next meeting. Motion passed 5-0

EMS presented their new By-Laws to the council for approval. A motion was made by Kreun and supported by Wielenga to approve the By-Laws.

Public comment and correspondence- none

Finance – Discussion regarding a Pre Levy Resolution that would allow the city to keep the Debt levy stable rather than fluctuate. Council advised Administrator to contact Northland to prepare a bid and open the process up for bidding.

Streets & Storm sewer – No report

Building, Equipment & Grounds – Community Clean up for Eastside Park is tentatively planned for April 15th.

Parks, Pool, Recreation – Key card system was replaced in the Community Building. New Key Cards are available for members to swap out old key card.

Public Safety – No report

City Utilities – No report

Economic Development – Melissa Richter’s evaluation was given.

Other Business-

-City administrator Aaron Kooiker there is a question about if our zoning map is correct, regarding the area north of Hesla field and south of first street. The prevailing thought process was that all of the lots that backed up to the football field were partially zoned commercial. However no one has attempted to move into a residence in this area to confirm the zoning. However at this time a potential buyer would like this correction made so that he could put up a large building. After looking at old zoning maps and talking to many older members of the community, Administrator Kooiker believes that the area may in fact be zoned some type of commercial. Administrator Kooiker requested direction from City Attorney advised that if it was indeed incorrect to have it noted in the minutes and have DGR make corrections to the Zoning map. Council felt that it would be prudent to have someone find the easement or more concrete documentation to ensure that the zoning was correct.

Next Meeting February 8th, 2016

Being no further business a motion was made by Wielenga and supported by Kreun to adjourn the meeting at 6:00 p.m. Motion passed 3-0.


Aaron Kooiker Eric Rankin

City Administrator Mayor Pro-tem