A.P.E.H. – Terms, People and Events

Ch. 14 – The Scientific Revolution

Instructions: Identify all of the following terms, people and events. Be sure to address the 5 W’s (who, what, when, where, and why) and make a connection between the term and something else we have studied, such as another term, a person, etc…. All terms to be done by hand.


Term / Detailed Definition
Don’t for get to categorize them / Use the textbook, internet and class notes to address the 5 W’s. Remember you need to be detailed, but it should not be more then 3-5 sentences.
Who – (1) are they or (2) was involved?
Where and When – be sure you include dates and time periods (gen. dates are fine)
What – (1) did they do or happened?
Why – (1) did they do it or did it happen?
Significance - why do we study them/it? Why are they/is it important?

Scientific Revolution Terms – Set 1 (read pages 452-459, RQ 1)

Ptolemaic systemgeocentric theoryheliocentric theory

Alchemyempiricismnatural philosophers

Francis BaconRene DescartesRobert Boyle

Scientific Revolution Terms – Set 2 (read pages 459 – 466, RQ 2-3)

inductive reasoningDeductive reasoningepistemology

scientific methodBlaise PascalMaria Winkelmann

Royal Society of LondonFrench Academy of Science

Scientific Revolution Terms – Set 3 (read pages 466 – 478, RQ 4-6)

Margaret CavendishMaria Sibylla MerianBenedict de Spinoza

ProjectorsDiscourse on MethodCartesian dualism


A.P.E.H. - Chapter 14

The Scientific Revolution

Use these questions to help you identify the significant information in your reading. We will not cover all of the material in class, thus you should either be outlining or answering these questions as you read to help yourself retain the information. If you have questions on assigned reading, or are having a hard time answer any of these questions be sure to bring them up in class the day after the reading was assigned. This type of textbook work is an expectation, as this is a college class I will not be collecting it, however if you do not do it you are not likely to pass this class or the AP European History Exam.

  1. Explain how the influence of Greco-Roman ideas and the Renaissance lead to the Scientific Revolution.
  1. How did philosophy respond to change? What were the major schools of thought that developed around the “new science”, and who came up with them?
  1. How did the Scientific Revolution lead to the development of new political ideas such as those by Thomas Hobbes and John Locke?
  1. Why did Scientific Societies develop and what was their purpose?
  1. How did the Catholic Church react to the developments of the Scientific Revolution and what was the result of this?
  1. Explain the impact of the Scientific Revolution on the superstitions and witch-hunts that had plagued Europe until the end of the 17th century.