2400 N Lakeview Ave Apt 1804, Chicago IL 60614 • 617-852-6688 •
PhD in SociologyIn Progress
Specializations: Environmental Science & Policy; Animal Studies; Conservation Criminology
Michigan State University, East Lansing MI
Master of Arts in Psychology (Cum Laude)June 2010
Northwestern University, Evanston IL
Bachelor of Science in Education and Social Policy (Cum Laude) June 2008
Northwestern University, Evanston IL
Sustainable Tourism and Ecotourism Policy
Poaching and Illegal Wildlife Trade
Asian Elephant Conservation
Public and Stakeholder Discourse Analysis
Peer-Reviewed Articles:
Rizzolo, Jessica Bell and G.A. Bradshaw. (In Press at Society & Animals). “Acts of Rebellion: The Imperative to Transform from Conservation to Wildlife Self-Determination.”
Rizzolo, Jessica Bell and Meredith Gore. (2016). “Cultural Influences on Attitudes about the Causes and Consequences of Wildlife Poaching.” Crime, Law and Social Change, DOI 10.1007/s10611-016-9665-z.
Kalof, Linda, Joe Zammit-Lucia, Jessica Bell and Gina Granter. (2016). “Fostering Kinship with Animals: Animal Portraiture in Humane Education.” Environmental Education Research, 22(2), 203-228.
Bell, Jessica. (2015). “There Is No Wild: Conservation and Circus Discourse.” Society and Animals, 23(5), 462-483.
[Awarded Animals & Society Institute’s Article of the Month]
Book Chapters:
Rizzolo, Jessica Bell and G.A. Bradshaw. (In Press).Human Leisure/Elephant Breakdown: Impacts of Tourism on Asian Elephants. In N. Carr and J. Young (Eds.), Wild Animals and Leisure. New York: Routledge.
Rizzolo, Jessica Bell.(In Press).Exploring the Sociology of Wildlife Tourism, Global Risks, and Crime. In M. Gore (Ed.), Conservation Criminology: The Nexus of Crime, Risk and Natural Resources. New York: Wiley-Blackwell.
Kalof, Linda, Cameron Whitley, Stephen Vrla and Jessica Bell. (In Press). “Anthropogenic Food Sources in the Co-Existence of Humans with Liminal Animals in the Northern Environment.” In T.Syrjämaa (Ed.), Shared Lives of Humans and Animals: Animal Agency in the Global North. New York: Routledge.
Rizzolo, Jessica Bell and G.A. Bradshaw. (2016). Prevalence and patterns of complex PTSD in Asian elephants (Elephasmaximus). In A. Manatunga (Ed.), Asian elephants in culture and nature (pp. 291-297). Kelaniya, Sri Lanka: Centre for Asian Studies, University of Kelaniya.
Bell, Jessica. (2015). “Ideology, Subjectivity and Mind in Animal Models and Infant Research.” In D. Moorehead (Ed.), Animals in Human Society: Amazing Creatures who Share our Planet. Washington, DC: University Press of America.
Kalof, Linda, Cameron Thomas Whitley and Jessica Bell (2015). “Media Representations of Animals in Urban Canada.”In D. Moorehead (Ed.), Animals in Human Society: Amazing Creatures who Share our Planet. Washington, DC: University Press of America.
Bell, Jessica. (2015). “Hierarchy, Intrusion and the Anthropomorphism of Nature: Hunter and Rancher Discourse on North American Wolves.” In P. Masius and J. Sprenger(Eds.), A Fairytale in Question: Historical Interactions Between Humans and Wolves(282-304). Cambridge UK: The White Horse Press.
Encyclopedia Articles:
Rizzolo, Jessica Bell. (2017). “Ivory Trade.” In J. Urbanik and C. Johnston(Eds.), Humans and Animals: A Geography of Coexistence. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO Press.
Rizzolo, Jessica Bell. (2017). “Elephants.” In J. Urbanik and C. Johnston(Eds.), Humans and Animals: A Geography of Coexistence. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO Press.
Dietz, Thomas, Jessica Bell and Christina Leshko. (2014). “Population Growth.” In P.B. Thompson and D.M. Kaplan (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Food and Agricultural Ethics. New York: Springer.
2015 Conservation Criminology and Ecotourism[Adult Learners at Chautauqua Institution]
Independently developed and conducted an intensive course on environmental crime and wildlife conservation and tourism policies for adult learners
2015 Sociology 216: Sex and Gender[Online at Michigan State University]
Independently developed course materials, a syllabus, assignments, lectures and guided discussions on sociological concepts related to gender and gender inequality for 50 undergraduate students
2015 Sociology 100: Introduction to Sociology[Michigan State University]
Independently developed course materials, a syllabus, assignments, lectures and guided discussions for two recitation sections of 150 undergraduate students, in addition to assisting with a core lecture course of 500 undergraduate students
2014 Sociology 100: Introduction to Sociology[Michigan State University]
Independently developed course materials, a syllabus, assignments, lectures and guided discussions for two recitation sections of 150 undergraduate students, in addition to assisting with a core lecture course of 500 undergraduate students
Teaching Assistant:
2014 Integrative Social Science 310: People and the Natural World [Michigan State University]
2013 Sociology 412: Animals, People and Nature [Michigan State University]
2013 Sociology 100: Introduction to Sociology [Michigan State University]
2012 Integrative Social Science 210:Society and the Individual[Michigan State University]
ArtisEndowment Fund for Excellence in International Research at Michigan State University [2016]
UseemEndowment Fund for Excellence in International Research at Michigan State University [2016]
Animal Welfare Trust Grant Recipient [2016]
Kellogg Biological Station Research Fellowship at Michigan State University [2014]
Animal Studies Graduate Fellowship at Michigan State University [2012]
Reviewer for Biological Conservation
Rizzolo, Jessica Bell and G.A. Bradshaw. (2016, August).“Prevalence and Patterns of Complex PTSD in Asian Elephants (Elephasmaximus).” International Conference on Asian Elephants in Culture & Nature, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.
Rizzolo, Jessica Bell and G.A. Bradshaw. (2016, June). “Sustainability Inside and Out: Including Psychological and Social Criteria for IUCN Asian Wildlife Assessments.” Conservation Asia, Singapore.
Rizzolo, JessicaBell and G.A. Bradshaw.(2016, March). “Elephant Culture, Psychology and Trauma in Asia’s Tourism Industry.” Eastern Sociological Society, Boston, MA.
Rizzolo, Jessica Bell and G.A. Bradshaw. (2015, December). “Human Leisure/Elephant Breakdown: Impacts of Tourism on Asian Elephants.” Australian and New Zealand Association for Leisure Studies, Adelaide, Australia.
Bell, Jessica. (2014, October). “Tourism, Conservation and Crime.” Human Dimensions of Wildlife, Estes Park, CO.
Bell, Jessica. (2014, August). “Ideology, Subjectivity and Mind in Animal Models and Infant Research.” American Sociological Association, San Francisco, CA.
Bell, Jessica. (2013, October).“Using Critical Discourse Analysis to Identify Implicit and Explicit Stakeholder Perceptions of Wolves.” International Wolf Symposium, Duluth, MN.
Bell, Jessica. (2013, August). “Legitimation, Naturalization and the Production of Human and Nonhuman Consent in Circus Discourse.” American Sociological Association, New York, NY.
Kalof, Linda, Joe Zammit-Lucia, Jessica Bell* and Gina Granter.(2013, July). “The Value of Using Animal Photographs in Humane Education.” International Society of Anthrozoology, Chicago, IL.
*Presenting Author
Bell, Jessica.(2013, July). “Constructing Nature and Culture: The Impact of Circus Discourse on Elephants and Ecological Values.” Australian Animal Studies Group, Sydney, Australia.
Bell, Jessica. (2013, June). “The Effects of Religious Fundamentalism and Religiosity on Humanistic and Biospheric Concerns about Impacts of Global Warming on the Polar Regions.” Canadian Sociological Association, Victoria, British Columbia.
Director of Asian Elephant Program [2016 to Present]
The Kerulos Center, Jacksonville OR
- Conduct trans-psychological research on Asian elephants for a non-profit conservation organization
- Collaborate with executive director on authorship of policy white papers and organization of professional symposia
- Cooperate with Thailand-based nongovernmental organizations on conservation projects
- Currently authoring a policy document on elephant tourism in Thailand
Research Project Manager, Social Neuroscience Laboratory [2010 to 2012]
University of Chicago Center for Cognitive and Social Neuroscience, Chicago IL
- Independently developed an 8-hour training program on Afghan culture
- Program was empirically proven in a clinical study to increase the cultural awareness and tolerance of United States Army members