Eskom has a mandate to support socio-economic goals of the country. To this end, the following methods of implementation have been developed to ensure that Eskom is able to leverage its procurement spend in support of socio-economic advancement and transformation of the South African economicmarket:

Objective Criteria fortendering

The objective criteria conditions of tender are the following:

  • Transforming this sector by appointing a Black owned contractorwith capacity to provide us with vehicle accessories as per the scope of work
  • Implement enterprise development for previously disadvantaged small contractors
  • Invite qualifying contractors located within the three OU’s Mpumalanga, Gauteng and Limpopo. First choice of appointment will be given to those located within Mpumalanga andwithin a radius of 500km return trip from Eskom park as a base inclusive of the two provinces

To achieve the above criteria, the following aspects will apply:

  • To appoint an EME level 1 or 2; and/or a QSE level 1 or 2.
  • For enterprise development purposes we:

-Sub-divided parts of the scope to enable EME 1’s to participate

-Alternatively encourage appointing a joint venture, where the majority partner is 100% Black owned and local to MOU

BBBEE Status Level Certificate

Eskom is expected to do business with BBBEE accredited contractorsand to provide statistics to government in terms of its shareholder compact with government and compliance to PPPFA:

  • contractors are required to submit a valid sworn affidavit stating their BBBEE status – attached with this tender
  • contractors who do not submit a sworn affidavit will not qualify for preference points and will be classified as non-compliant and may be disqualified for this tender
  • However, where Eskom elect to contract with onethat is not BBBEE compliant, an obligation to submit the said affidavit within a period to be agreed to by the parties should be established in the contract as well as the rights or remedies that Eskom will have in the event that thesupplierfails to meet such obligation.

SD & L Matrix

The successful contractors will be encouraged to assist Eskom in developing skills local to site. The skills candidates shall be previously disadvantaged graduates from FET colleges and / or matriculants.

The matrix below shall form part of the tender returnable and also part of the contract. The contractors are encouraged to develop skills relevant to this scope of work, and complete the localisation matrix accordingly. The actual commitment will be done at task order level where the supplierwill indicate the skill types they intend developing as per the scope of the task order at that stage

The successful supplierwill also be expected to commit on the number of new jobs to be created and those to be maintained as a result of this tender

Localisation Matrix