
Management Side: Jon Lenton (JL) – Chair, Yvonne Watson (YW), Kelsey Hudson (KH).

Staff Side: Andrew Stevens (AS), Sarah McCarthy (SMc). Lynn Hryhorskyj.

1.0 / Quorum
The constitution of the committee was not quorate. Those present agreed the meeting time could be used for the purpose of providing an update on key information.
2.0 / Lead Employer Update
  • Nick Grimshaw (NG) appointed asinterim Associate Director for LET during Karen Fentem’s absence. NG will work part time providing input one day per week. He will be involved with stakeholder engagement with the HRD and HEENW network.
  • The consultation process with regards to the Lead Employer contract is on-going. An informal extension of LET contract to 30th September 2018 has been received and LET is awaiting written confirmation of the extension by the end of week.

3.0 / On-Line Payslips
  • On schedule for roll out for the September 2017 pay date.
  • Trainees would receive log in details in September.
  • KH to circulate log-ins to LNC members to “test” access before rolling out to all trainees in September.

4.0 / Junior Doctors’ Contract 2016
  • 54% of rotations received from HENW by their 14 week deadline. HEENW continued to send LET rotational information ensuring 87% of rotational information sent via LET to Trainees by 12 week deadline.
  • GWSs been issued by the Host Trust to Trainees and copied to LET. LET updating payroll spread sheet for inputting by payroll team.
  • GPST information currently being held within two IT systems by HEENW causing delay and quality problems with rotational information. This issue has been escalated by LET to HEENW. Additionally, high number of deferments has caused gaps in rotations.

5.0 / NMPL and GP Indemnity
  • Discussions taken place for GPSTs not to go on NMPL. However, currently still need to be registered when in GP Practice.
  • LET has 2 providers providing block contracts for GP Indemnity cover. ST1 and ST2s covered by MDU and ST3 and ST3 extensions covered by MDDUS.

6.0 / Attendance Management Policy.
  • Policy to be updated and circulate prior to next meeting for comments.

7.0 / Grievance and Disputes Policy.
  • Policy had been agreed formally via email outside of the meeting. Policy signed by AS and JL. Policy to be placed on LET webpage and circulated via INFO BRIEF.

8.0 / Travel Expenses Policy.
  • Policy to be updated in line with 2016 TCS and circulated to members in due course.
  • E-travel expenses project on-going.

9.0 / BMA/LNC Induction letter
  • On receipt of electronic copy, KH to circulate induction letter to new starters.

10.0 / Trainee Survey
  • JL reported overall increased satisfaction with the LET services.
  • JL currently writing up findings and will share at next meeting.
  • The £50 voucher prize winner for completing the survey was won by a GPST in Paediatrics.
  • Summary will be shared in the LET August INFO BRIEF.

11.0 / Rota Changes 2002/2016
  • Concern raised by staff side representatives re valid monitoring returns and changes to working patterns following rota redesign as a part of 2016 TCS review of rotas. North West approach would be welcome.
  • LTFT rotas - early engagement and flexibility by trainees re hours and days work needs to be clearly communicated.
  • LET to review and link in with Host Trust representatives.

12.0 / Date, Time and Venue of Next Meeting:
12th September 2017
Pre-meet: Staff Side: 1:30 – 2:30 pm Room 222, Trust Headquarters, North Manchester General Hospital
Mngt Side: 1:30 pm – 2:30 pm Room 023, THQ.
Meeting Commences: 2:30 pm – 5:00 pm Room 222, Trust Headquarters, North Manchester General Hospital.