Our Covenant of Care

Respect those who labor among you…and esteem them very highly in love because of their work.
(1 Thess. 5:12-13)

Leaders flourish in nutrient-rich environments of genuine care, mutual support, and Christian encouragement. Their sense of health, worth, and service are invigorated by positive and focused attention to their personal, professional, and spiritual lives. In order to help our pastor or deacon fulfill the vows he or she has taken, we the undersigned mutually undertake the following covenant to appropriately nurture and support our shared ministry.

+ + +
Pledge of the Pastor or Deacon

v  To participate in at least one peer group, such as a cluster group or community ministerial, on a regular basis for growth and support.

v  To work at the integration of faith and life through a regular pattern of personal study, prayer, and reflection.

v  To focus my spiritual energy on the ministry of this place, while also offering a tithe of my pastoral time and energy to the larger work of community, cluster, synod, local ministerial, and/or churchwide ministries.

v  To write an annual continuing education plan in consultation with congregational leadership and synod staff as I seek to improve and grow my skills for ministry.

v  To give special energy and effort this year in the ministry of: ______

______, Pastor/Deacon

+ + +Pledge of the Congregation or Agency

v  To celebrate with you, our pastor, each five-year anniversary of public ministry.

v  To provide for a Mutual Ministry Committee – or other supportive platform – that will support you in your life as a pastor and professional.

v  To assist your growth, development, and insight through an annual review of your service in ministry, in conjunction with our annual review of lay leadership and our congregation’s ministry goals.

v  To insist that you take at least one day off each week and a regular vacation every year.

v  To publicly and financially support your annual continuing education plan as an issue of your – and the congregation’s – health and welfare.

v  To work towards planning of a pastoral sabbatical in accordance with the congregation’s sabbatical policy or, if such a policy does not exist, to work towards the development of a pastoral sabbatical policy.[i]

v  To annually review your compensation and, if low, to adopt a plan to bring it to an appropriate level within 3 years.

v  To encourage our mutual ministry focus this year in the area of: ______

______, Chief Lay Officer

+ + +Pledge of the Synod Bishop and Staff

v  To be available to congregation and pastor, for counsel and encouragement in the fulfilling of these commitments.

v  To provide regular opportunities for learning, growth, reflection, and collegial support.

v  To offer, whenever possible, scholarships to help our under-funded leaders join in on these opportunities.

v  To provide confidential intervention and consultation services.

v  To assist with ministry and pastoral evaluation processes if requested by either pastor or congregation.

v  To hold pastor and congregation in prayer, in collegial regard, and in love for your ministry’s sake.

v  To encourage you to grow this year in your chosen area of:______

______, Dave Brauer-Rieke, Bishop

Oregon Synod, ELCA

2018 Worksheet for Rostered Leader Compensation

NAME ______/






a. Base salary (Excluding housing Allowance)
adjusted for experience, merit, size of congregation, responsibility and education.
b. Social Security allowance
c.  Housing Allowance or
Furnishings & Equity Allowances
$______/ Pastors only: SS Allowance (b) is generally 7.65% of base salary plus housing, offered because pastors must pay their own SS being legally self -employed.
Pastors only Housing allowance must be recorded by congregation for tax purposes. Official budget or this docu-ment must be in Council Minutes. / ______
a. Pension, medical, disability, death benefits (percentage of “Defined Compensation”)
b. Vacation
c. Other benefits:
$______/ 12% Pension plus
Medical figured in consultation with Portico Health.
four weeks / ______
a. Automobile expense reimbursement
b. Time for continuing education
c. Continuing education allowance
d. Books, magazines, and registration fees
e. Other reimbursable expenses
$______/ $ 0.535 per mile in
2017 (updated for next year in Dec.)
two weeks
$ 700.00 / ______
Salary, benefits, and reimbursed professional expenses as pastor/deacon of this church. / $______/ $______
