February 15, 2013 Happy Chinese New Year!

FNSA has arranged through Best Buy the delivery of an XBOX Kinect Console to your schools. You will also be receiving by Canada Post a package containing pedometers, DVD titled Super Size Me and XBOX games (Kinect Sports, Just Dance 3 and for the schools with older students, Your Shape: Fitness Evolved). You should be receiving both packages this week. PLEASE ADVISE BY EMAIL OR PHONE CALL (604-873-4095) WHEN YOU RECEIVE BOTH PACKAGES. More information about the resources with be sent out next week.

The DVD Super Size Me deals with Morgan Spurlock the film maker and his experiment with eating for one month, only the food items available at McDonalds. The effect of this diet both physically and psychologically is quite striking and devastating. I will follow-up next week with a suggested worksheet when viewing the documentary.

Thinking about this DVD has caused me to focus on a current problem which I need some help in solving.

I am now visiting Xit’olacw School in Mt Currie (Feb. 13, 2013). Dropped into Ms Cooke’s class today and presented them with a problem I would like to pass on to the other schools participating in the Get Healthy Stay Healthy Program. On the way to Xit’olacw I needed to stop and pick up something for lunch as I did not have time to prepare lunch for the trip. In Pemberton there is a McDonalds restaurant, and you all know my weakness for fast food! Here is my question;

Can I get a meal at McDonalds that is healthy or at least is not too unhealthy? If you go to the website of McDonalds Canada, you will find a nutrition calculator. Unlike the menu choices made by Morgan Spurlock, are there any menu items I might choose for breakfast, lunch and dinner that do not contain large amounts of saturated and trans fats (the BAD fats) and low amounts of sugar and salt? For my BMI, I should try to eat no more than 2500 calories a day.

Have your students work out a McDonalds menu for me, scan and email to or fax to FNSA Get Healthy Stay Healthy (604) 925-6097. I will select 10 winners from the entries and post them on the webpage.

Also in Mt Currie, I visited Mr Burley’s, Ms Andrew’s, Ms Hindle’s , Ms Kat’s, Ms Crewe’s, Ms William’s and Mr Nelson’s classes. Here are a few photos from those visits.

Before I close this entry one last important item about the photographs you have been sending me.

"Please note, that since the Get Healthy Stay Healthy Webpage can be accessed by the general public (no password is required to access the FNSA website) we require permission to post the photographs. As the students are minors, release forms must be signed by guardians or parents. Attached is the FNESC/FNSA Photo Release Form. Your students must have signed release forms in order for their photographs to be posted on the Get Healthy Stay Healthy Webpage. Signed release forms are also required from adults in the photographs. You can fax the forms to (604) 925-6097, mail the signed forms to FNESC/FNSA at; #113 - 100 Park Royal South, West Vancouver, BC, V7T 1A2 or scan the forms and email to <>”

Attached is the FNESC/FNSA release form. Apologies for this bit of red tape, Eric

Eric Wong

Coordinator Act Now

Get Healthy Stay Healthy Program