Thursday, January 19, 20179:00 a.m.

3rdFloor Conference Room, Administrative Building

211 W. Main Street, Stanton, MI 4888

Members Present:Betty Kellenberger

Sally Thomsen

Sandy Raines

Dale Linton

Mike Scott

Tom Porter

Members Absent:Mike Adams

Al Hackbardt

Ron Braman

Bruce Noll

Staff Present:Bob Clingenpeel

Michelle Becker

Scott Wright

Others Present:John Kroneck

Duane Carr

Ron Baker

Bob Clingenpeelcalled the meeting to order at 9:30a.m.

Roll Call was taken and a quorum was present.

Being the first meeting of the new year, the commission needs to elect officers. The Bob Clingenpeel stated that he would accept nominations for the position of president. Tom Porter placed Betty Kellenberger’s name into the running with support by Sandy Raines.

Moved by Sally Thomsen, supported by Tom Porter, to close nominations for President and cast a unanimous ballot for Betty Kellenberger as president. Motion carried.

The meeting was turned over to President Kellenberger.

President Kellenberger stated that she would take nominations for the position of Vice-President. Mike Scott placed Sally Thomsen’s name into the running, supported by Sandy Raines.

Moved by Tom Porter, supported by Sandy Raines, to close nominations for Vice-President and cast a unanimous ballot for Sally Thomsen as Vice-President. Motion carried.

President Kellenberger stated that she would take nominations for the position of Secretary. Sally Thomsen placed Sandy Raines name into the running.

Moved by Mike Scott, supported by Tom Porter, to close nominations for Secretary and cast a unanimous ballot for Sandy Raines as Secretary. Motion carried.

Moved byMike Scott, supported bySally Thomsen,to accept the minutes of December 6, 2016 as presented. Motion carried.

Moved byMike Scott, supported byTom Porter,to accept theagenda as presented. Motion carried.

President’s Report

There was a brief update on the Millage Committee meeting and an update on the next meeting taking place on February 2, 2017 at 4:30 p.m. at the Conservation District Office.

The committee discussed the parks closure and the Adopt a Park applications received for all the Parks except Krampe Park and Schmeid Park. The committee discussed the repairs needed at each park and will pursue estimating the cost involvedfor each park for groups and individuals interested in donating funds to specific parks.

The committee reviewed the park rules and rental procedures for Ford Lincoln Park and approved the suggested changes.

The committee discussed the vacancy in the Parks and Recreations Committee. Commissioner Kellenberger indicated Bruce Tasker from Carson City was interested in filling the position.

The committee recommends to the full board to appoint Bruce Tasker to the Parks and Recreation Commission for a 3-year term.

The committee discussed meeting with the Adopt a Park applicants to discuss the guidelines and answer any question groups or individual may have.

The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 7, 2017, at 10:00 a.m.

Public comments were offered. None were given.

Moved by Betty Kellenberger, supported by Tom Porter, to adjourn at 11:05 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Betty Kellenberger
