PLANT: 1224 HWY. 478, P O BOX 988, ANTHONY, NEW MEXICO 88021

PHONE” 575-882-7451 FAX: 575-589-3431

Material Safety Data Sheet

Revised 10-30-08

1. Product. Identification

Trade Name- VALCO BLAST Generic Name: Amorphous Silicate

Chemical Name: Sodium Potassium Aluminum Silicate CAS#- 93763-70-31

Manufacturer: K T Minerals, Inc.

Address: 1224 Highway 478, P. O. Box 988, Anthony, New Mexico 88021

Telephone: 575-882-7451

11. Product Ingredients

Ingredient Name CAS # % Permissible Exposure

Amorphous Silicate 93763-70-31 100 5mg/m3 TWA Respirable dust

May contain crystalline

silica quartz-<O.lO % 14808-60-7

111. Physical Data

Appearance & Odor- Off White, Odorless Evaporation Rate- N/A

Boiling Point~ N/A Specific Gravity- 2.30 - 2.35

Vapor Pressure~ N/A Melting Point- 1850 degrees F.

Water Solubility (%)- Slight % Volatile- N/A

Vapor Density~(Air=l) N/A

IV. Fire & Explosion Data

Flash Point- N/A NFPAA Flammable/ Combustible

Flammable Limits- N/A Liquid Classification- N/A

Extinguishing Media- N/A Auto Ignition Temperature- N/A

Unusual Fire or Explosion Hazards- None % Volatile- N/A

Special Fire Fighting Procedures- N/A

V. Health Hazards

A. Summary Risks

This product may contain crystalline silica ( < 0.1 %) , considered a nuisance dust. Inhalation over long periods of high amounts of any nuisance dust may overload lungs making the lungs more vulnerable to respiratory disease.

Medical Conditions Which May Be Aggravated: Pre-existing upper respiratory and lung disease.

Target Organ(s): Lungs

Primary Entry Route(s): Inhalation

Acute Health Effect: Transitory upper respiratory irritant.

Chronic Health Effects: See Summary.

B. Health Hazards Signs/Symptoms of Overexposure

Inhalation: Coughing, irritation of nose and throat; Congestion may occur upon over exposure.

Skin Contact: N/A Skin Absorption: N/A

Ingestion: Not Hazardous Eyes: Temporary irritation

C. Health Hazards First Aid Emergency Procedures

Inhalation: Remove from dusty work area; drink water to clear throat; blow nose to evacuate dust.

Skin Contact: N/A Eyes: Flush eyes with water.

Skin Absorption: N/A Ingestion: N/A

VI. Reactivity Data

Stability: Material is stable. Hazardous polymerization will not occur.

Chemical Incompatibilities: Hydrofluoric Acid

Conditions To Avoid: Avoid contact with Hydrofluoric Acid

Hazardous Decomposition Products: Reacts with Hydrofluoric Acid forming toxic Silicon Tetrafluoride gas.

VII. Spill or Leak Procedures

Procedures for spill/leak: Vacuum clean or sweep; avoid dusting.

Waste Management: Not considered a hazardous waste by RCRA (40 CFR Part 261)

VIII. Special Protection Information

Goggles: Normally required. May use safety eye wear to protect from dust. Gloves: As Above

Respirator: Even though this product is considered a nuisance dust, we recommend NIOSH approved respirators.

Ventilation: Use adequate exhaust ventilation and/or dust collection to keep dust levels below PEL

IX. Special Precautions

Storage Segregation Hazard Classes: N/A

Special Handling/storage: Avoid creating dust, maintain good housekeeping practices.

Special Workplace Engineering Controls: Adequate ventilation where needed to keep dust level below PEL.

Other: Comply with all Federal, State, and Local regulations.

Prepared by Lloyd W. Krumrey, Jr. Title: President