Fifth Grade Memory Books

Tuesday, June 4th is the class of 2013 Fifth Grade Appreciation celebration! During this celebration, students will all receive a memory book complete with pictures of all the fifth grade students, teachers and staff. They will have time to exchange autographs and have fun looking at pictures of all their friends. The memory books are free of charge to all fifth graders. However, in order to offset printing costs, we are offering a chance to purchase a student tribute. Parents, grandparents, or other family members can enjoy including a personal message to their student, along with a cherished photo if desired. Tributes can be business card sized ($10), or ¼ page sized ($20). Please return the form below with payment to your child’s teacher by Monday, April 22. Checks may be made payable to Krahn PTO. Once your payment is received, you may submit your message to Andra Miller at .

Please put “Memory Book Tribute” in the subject line of the email, and attach a copy of your tribute in .pdf or .doc format. Please include any specific formatting you would like for your tribute, (special font, clip art, etc.) exactly as you would like it to be printed. You may attach a scanned or digital copy of a photo as well in .jpg format if possible.

Thank you for helping us make this a special celebration for our fifth graders! Please contact me if you have any questions or would like to volunteer to help.

Andra Miller

PTO Secretary

Fifth Grade Memory Book Volunteer


Memory Book Message Payment

(Please submit form and money to student’s teacher by Monday, April 22)

Size (check one): Business Card $10 ¼ page $20

Cash: Check: Check #______(please make checks out to Krahn PTO)

Student Name/Homeroom Teacher:______

Name (please print):______
