Quarterly Funding Newsletter

Issue 2 – May 2008




Lottery Programmes at a Glance 2

BIG - Family Learning 2

BIG - Community Spaces 3

BIG - Ecominds 4

HLF - Heritage Grants 4

HLF - Parks For People 5

HLF - Young Roots 5

MLA – Learning From Past Conflicts 5

Natural England – Access to Nature 6

RSWT – Local Food 7

Foundations & Trusts

Adobe Discounts for Charities 8

ANOB Sustainable Development Fund 8

Awards For Bridging Cultures 9

Barclays Trading Places Awards 9

Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation 9

Charles Hayward Foundation 11

Community Sustainable Energy Programme 11

Conservation Training Bursary 12

Country Houses Foundation 12

Cricket Trust ‘Go Green’ Fund 13

Donate a PC 13

Elephant Trust 14

International Award to Improve the Living Environment 14

Kings Fund 14

Guardian Charity Awards 15

Princes Trust Community Cash 15

QIA Star Awards 16

Repair Grants for Places of Worship 16

Resource Recycling Awards 17

Trading Places Awards 17

Tubney Charitable Trust 18

Tree Council Grants 18

V-VCashpoint 19

Village Core Programme 19

WRAP Organics Capital Grant Programme 20


Bio-Energy Capital Grants 21

Civil Society Challenge Fund 21

Enterprise Capital Fund 22

Myplace 22

SE Seed Fund 23


European Youth Foundation 25

Entrepreneurship & Innovation Programme 25


Rural Development Programme for England 27

UK-German Connection Challenge Fund 27

Youth in Action 28

Bidding Diary

Lottery 30

Foundations & Trusts 33

Government 46

European 49



BIG Lottery Fund – Programmes at a Glance

Programme / Budget (England wide unless specified) / Open for applications
Advice Plus / Up to £50M / Closed.
Awards forAll / £60M has been agreed for 2007/2008 / Open now.
BASIS (Building and Sustaining Infrastructure Services) / Up to £155M / Should open in Spring 08.
Changing Spaces – Accessto Nature / £25M / Open now.
Changing Spaces – Community Spaces / £50M / Open now.
Changing Spaces – Community Sustainable Energy Programme / £10M / Should open this month.
Changing Spaces – Local Food / £50M / Open.
Family Learning / Up to £40M / Outline Proposal Form 29/8/08
Full application 30/11/08
International programme / Up to £72M (UK-wide) / Closed.
Parks for People / Up to £90M / 30th September 08 (final deadline)
People’s Millions / Up to £50K per project / Should openthis month.
Reaching Communities / 2nd year budget £100M / Open now. Existing forms accepted until 31st October.
Research Programme / Up to £25M / Round 2: 12/9/08
Round 3: 30/3/09
Young People’s Fund / Extension of £100M / Local Grants due to open Spring 2008.

BIG - Family Learning

This is a programme that helps parents to understand more about how their children learn and encourages adults and children to learn as a family.

They want to support families who face barriers to learning or who are not confident helping their children to learn. They are very interested in hearing from projects where learning is not based on getting a qualification and those that will help families who have not been involved in learning together before. They are looking for imaginative projects that meet local needs and remove the practical barriers to learning, for example, by providing travel costs, additional support for disabled participants, or childcare.

You can apply for grants of over £10K-£500K. They will fund projects for up to five years. You can apply on a local or national basis.

You can apply to Family Learning if you are: a registered charity; a voluntary or community group; a statutory body, including schools and children’s centres; a charitable or not-for-profit company; a social enterprise; a private sector organisation.Statutory bodies and private sector organisations applying must involve a voluntary or community sector partner in planning and running the project.

Closes for applications 29 August 2008.

Tel: 0845 410 2030


Community Spaces

Community Spaces is a £50M programme managed by Groundwork UKfor the Big Lottery Fund. The programme helps community groups create or improve green and open spaces.

Community Spaces will provide funding for community groups to create and improve their local environment. Examples of projects are, community gardens parks; informal sports areas multi-use games areas; nature reserves; squares village greens; churchyards; ponds projects which improve community access to green space.

There are four sizes of grant available: Small grants of £10K-£25K andmedium grants of £25K-£49,999. Application packs available via the website or the Advice Line and both grants will be available on a rolling basis for three years.

Community Spaces will also be awarding a limited number of Large and Flagship grants: Large grants of £50K–£100K and flagship grants of £100K–£450K. There will only be one bidding round for large and flagship grants and community groups will be able to apply from summer 08 with 9mths to submit Stage 1 application forms.

All Community Spaces applications will need to go through a two-stage application process: Stage 1 applications will be available via the website or the Advice Line and once submitted will receive a decision within 10 weeks; Stage 2 Application - If groups are successful at Stage 1 they will be allocated a Facilitator who will provide a more detailed Stage 2 application form. Facilitators will be able to provide expert and specialist advice to every project; they will also be able to provide support to applicants to complete the Stage 2 application form. Once complete Stage 2 applications are received they will be assessed and groups will receive a decision within 12 weeks.

Advice Line Tel: 0845 3 671 671



Ecominds BIG Changing Spaces funding

The Big Lottery Fund has awarded Mind £8.8M from its Changing Spaces programme to start up 'Ecominds'to fund projects that will help transform local environments and build the confidence and self-esteem of people with mental health problems.

Ecominds aims to reduce the stigma and social exclusion faced by people with mental health problems by funding environmental projects that bring people together right across the community. Over the next five years Ecominds will award grants up to the value of £250K to 125 environmental projects eg returning habitats to their natural state, starting up recycling initiatives, community agricultural projects.

Schools, community groups and voluntary organisations will be encouraged to apply for funding. They must develop plans that show how they intend to rejuvenate their local environment but most importantly, show how they will involve local people with mental health problems on their eco-project.

Tel: 0845 766 0163

Fax: 020 8522 1725



Heritage Lottery Fund – Heritage Grants

HLFhas now published its third strategic plan and new application materials.

The Heritage Grants programme is the HLF's main channel for awarding grants for projects relating to the national, regional or local heritage. Projects should require over £50K and meet the following objectives:

  • Help people to learn about their own and other people's heritage.
  • Conserve the UK's diverse heritage for present and future generations to experience and enjoy.
  • Help more people, and a wider range of people, to take an active part in and make decisions about heritage.

A more simplified application process, for projects requesting £3K-£50K, is available through the HLF's Your Heritage scheme.

Both reports have been fully updated in line with the new guidance materials. Under the Heritage Grants programme, applications requesting up to £5M may be submitted at any time. Applications requesting over this are subject to an annual application round, the deadline for which is 30 September.

Tel: (020) 7591 6000



Heritage Lottery Fund/BIGLottery Fund– Parks for People

This initiative helps with the restoration and regeneration of public parks and gardens.

The term 'public park' is defined as an existing urban or rural green space, the main purpose of which is for informal recreation and enjoyment. This definition includes parks, gardens, squares, walks and promenades. Parks for People focuseson the regeneration of public parks which will also create new opportunities for communities to learn about and enjoy their local environment.A wide range of capital work is supported through this programme, including:

  • Repairing and restoring landscape of all types;
  • Improving access for all;
  • Park furniture, lighting and signs.

Grants ranging from £250K to £5M are available.The final deadline for stage one applications under the Parks for People initiative in its current format is 30 September 2008.

Tel: (020) 7591 6000



Heritage Lottery Fund – Young Roots

The Young Roots grant programme is designed to help local youth organisations work with young people (aged 13 to 25) to explore the heritage of the UK.

Grants of £3K- £25K are available for activities such as:

  • Researching, recording and making available information on local history or cultural traditions, through making an exhibition or film for the public to view;
  • Photographing and learning about local heritage features and creating community exhibitions or web pages;
  • Learning practical skills for conserving wildlife and developing a nature trail so that others can learn about the countryside.

Youth organisations (e.g. youth clubs, charitable organisations, supplementary schools) will need to work with at least one heritage organisation (e.g. museums, wildlife organisations and organisations which look after historic buildings).

Applications can be submitted at any time, however, following the launch of the Heritage Lottery Fund's third strategic plan and new application guidance materials in April, any applications to be submitted using the old application pack must be done so by 30 June.

Tel: (020) 7591 6000



MLA - Learning from Past Conflicts

The MLA Partnership manages funds and leads on a whole range of programmes and strategic initiatives to promote museums, libraries and archives.

Their Past Your Future 2 is the second phase of the hugely successful Their Past Your Future Programme. This second phase is focused around an annual grant programme open to all museums, libraries and archives in England. The programme offers funding for the sector to use their collections and resources to explore innovative and creative ways of increasing community learning and young people’s knowledge and understanding of the impact and contemporary significance of conflict. This overarching aim encompasses themes of remembrance and commemoration, identity and reconciliation, citizenship, diversity, asylum, conflict resolution and peacekeeping.

The programme, which receives cash from the Big Lottery Fund, is managed and delivered by the MLA Partnership. In this second phase of the programme (2007-2010) grants of between £500 and £10,000 are available through an annual grant programme. Museums, libraries and archives in England may apply for grants focused on one or both of the following areas: work with children and young people; inter-generational learning.

The latest round for applications to the fund is now open. The deadline is 23 May 2008. Successful projects will be announced at the end of June.

MLA Regional Agencies are running seminars for potential applicants to the MLA TPYF2 grant programme. The dates of these seminars are below. To find out more contact your MLA Regional Agency.

Tel: 020 7273 1444

Fax: 020 7273 1404



Natural England - Access to Nature

Access to Nature is a £25M grant scheme to encourage people to understand, access and enjoy our natural environment. Funded by BLF’s Changing Spaces, itwill focus on three themes: Community awareness active participation; Education, learning volunteering; Welcoming, well-managed wildlife-rich places.

Access to Nature will fund projects in urban, rural and coastal communities across England. The priority will be to fund projects that make a lasting change in areas of high social, economic and/or environmental deprivation.

Applications will be accepted from Voluntary Community Sector organisations, which includes Charitable incorporated organisations, Friendly Societies, Industrial Provident Societies, Charitable Trusts the public sector. Eligible applicants must have a governing document, if not a statutory body.

To qualify for funding, organisations must show evidence of partnership working and how they intend to involve the people they are trying to reach in developing, making decisions about and implementing the project.

Access to Nature will make grants of between £50K-£500K. They will also make a small number of larger grants of over £500K for projects which have a national significance.

For projects with a total value of between £55,556 and £100K, applicants can apply for a grant of either up to 90% of the total project cost or a maximum of £100K (whichever is the lesser). Matched funding for the balance is required and can be either cash or in-kind.

For projects with a total value of £125K-£715K, applicants can apply for a grant of either up to 80% of the total project cost or £500K (whichever is the lesser). Matched funding for the balance is required of which at least 10% of the total project cost must be cash.

For projects with a total value of over £715K, applicants can apply for a grant of up to 70% of the total project cost, of which at least 10% of the total project cost must be cash.

Application forms and guidance notes will be available at launch from website below. The format will be a 2 stage process: Stage 1 is an Expression of Interest form which asks for initial details about your project and organisation. This form will enable Natural England to assess your project's eligibility. Stage 2 is a more detailed application form which they will use to assess your project.

Email: or


RSWT - Local Food

Grants of £2K-£500K are available for not-for-profit groups and organisations delivering such projects as growing, processing, marketing and distributing local food; composting and raising awareness of the benefits of such activities.

There are three levels of funding available through Local Food: Small Grants – £2K-£10K; Main Grants - £10K-£300K: Beacon Grants - £300K-£500K.

Local Food employs a two stage application process for all three sizes of grant. The First Stage application process allows you to outline proposals and to ensure eligibility. This is followed by a full Application. If you are not invited to submit a Full Application they will tell you why. Forms can be completed in a word interactive document downloadable from website below and emailed to: r handwritten and posted. To request your hard copy First Stage Application form, please call the Changing Spaces Advice Line Tel: 0845 3 671 671.

For the Small and Main grants there are no deadlines, it is a rolling programme, although all funded projects must be completed by March 2014.

All Beacon Grants will be assessed in a single competitive round. First Stage Applications for Beacon Grants need to be submitted before the end of June 2008 and Full Applications by the end of November 2008. The successful Beacon Grants will be announced in March 2009.

Tel: 0845 3 671 671




Foundations and Trusts

Adobe Discounts for Charities

Adobe has extended its charity offering so charities can buy: Adobe Boxed products at discounts of65%; Adobe licensing under the Education Transactional Licensing programme (TLP)

Boxed products available include: Design Premium CS3 - Deliver innovative ideas in print, web, and mobile design Web; Premium CS3 - Redefine the extraordinary in web design and development; Production Premium CS3 - Put ideas in motion with the total post-production solution; Photoshop Extended CS3 -

Discover new dimensions in digital imaging; Dreamweaver CS3 - Design, develop, and maintain standards-based websites and applications; Master Collection CS3 - Design across media.

TLP is available to charities which operate on a not-for-profit basis and whose aim is one or more of the following: Relief of poverty; Advancement of education; Advancement of social and community welfare; Advancement of culture; Advancement of the natural environment. Contact your preferred Adobe Authorised Reseller for more information:

Jigsaw, tel: 0870 730 6868

Phoenix Software,tel: 0845 265 1265

Micromail, tel: 00 353 (0)21 4515590

Pugh, tel: 01974 200217


Areas of Outstanding Natural beauty (AONBs) Sustainable Development Fund

Minimum grant: £500 Maximum grant: £25,000.

The SDF offers financial support to projects that bring sustainable social, environmental and economic benefits to Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONBs).

The (SDF) is a national grant scheme co-ordinated by Natural England for DEFRA. There are 36 AONBs in England, covering about 15% of country; each of the protected landscapes has its own SDF.

Grants can be given to organisations, businesses, community groups and individuals who wish to explore and develop practical projects that enhance, conserve and improve the environment, economy and way of life across AONBs.

Awards for Bridging Cultures

The Awards for Bridging Cultures recognise and reward grass roots, community and voluntary organisations for local schemes and projects that promote intercultural dialogue,understanding and awareness. The scheme also recognises public and private sector organisations for initiating and supporting such activity.

Award winners receive cash prizes of up to £10,000, a trophy and DVD recorder and editing support. Shortlisted organisations receive cash prizes of up to £5,000, DVD recorder and editing support. Public and private sector organisations receive a trophy to recognise their support of intercultural schemes.

The deadline for applications is 1 October 2008.

Tel: (024) 7679 5768



Barclays Trading Places Awards

Sole traders, partnerships or companies that have successfully changed their life and set up a new business are invited to enter the Trading Places Awards.

The first prize is a Gold Package which consists the following:

  • £10,000 cash for the business.
  • £3,400 worth of computer server and desktop software items, courtesy of Microsoft.

The runner-up prize is the Silver Package which consists of:

  • £5,000 cash for the business.
  • £1,100 worth of computer desktop software items provided by Microsoft.

The remaining eight regional winners will each receive a Bronze Package which consists of:

  • £1,100 worth of computer desktop software courtesy of Microsoft.

Ten regional winners are selected and must attend a judging session on 5 September 2008.