You are a consultant for a local marketing agency. You’ve been hired by the NationalCareerCenter to create informational marketing tools regarding a career of your choice. Your office has no desktop publishing software. You will need to use the intermediate features of Microsoft Word for your desktop publishing needs. When finished go back to the intermediate standards webpage and compare to the checklist. (You check everything off first)
Task #1
Read about the do’s and don’ts of newsletter publishing by reading Newsletter do’s and don’ts(Pages 1-6 only).
Using Microsoft Word, create a tablesummarizing (no copy/paste) the Do’s and Don’ts from the margin. The table should be formatted as follows:
This Title is Merged and ShadedMake outside borderlines thicker than inside lines / Merge and shade The title row. (look how this table is done. To shade…Hint: Select the cell, Design Tab, Borders and Shading)
Use Bold to highlight the main concept of good design. / Use a different column width for each column.
A watermark behind the text and table (Hint: Insert Picture, then Format Picture; Image Control; Color) / Center the table on the page
To place the watermark behind the table select the Insert tab, Picture or Clip Art, Adjust Group, Washout. You can now move your watermark. Arrange Group, Text Wrapping, Behind Text.
How to Use the Drawing Tools for Desktop Publishing in Word
The Illustrations Group
To access the drawing Ribbon in Word;
Click on the Insert Tab
Use the Illustrations Group
Most of the tools you will use are contained in this group
Task #2 - Click on the link Learn About the Drawing Tools. Use the tools in the next assignment to enhance your communication and create interest.
Task #3-INFORMATIONAL Newsletter.
Using Word and the following website, create a career interest newsletter for a career of choice.
Career Website to be used for this standardDecide what type of information would be most useful on a ONE PAGEnewsletter about this career (Use a standard 8 ½ x 11 paper). Include at least four sections of information from the website on your newsletter.
Nature of the Work
Working Conditions
Training, Other Qualifications, and Advancement
Job Outlook
Related Occupations
Sources of Additional Information).
You are trying to encourage someone to investigate this career just from your newsletter. Make it readable, professional, and informational. Remember the Do’s and Don’ts for desktop publishing. Your newsletter should include the following drawing tools in Word.
Before you begin this assignment, Search for NEWSLETTERS. Read the help information provided by the online office assistant. You may choose to format your newsletter in any of the styles you read about. When you’re finished with the assistant, continue on to the next bullet to complete your assignment.
Newsletters come in all different layouts and styles. Below are some samples of things you can do with newsletters.
Be sure to create a title and your name in the document.
You may not use any wizards. This needs to be an original design!!! (so start from scratch.)
You may copy and paste some portions of the text from the website to your document. But, if you try and copy it all, you’re newsletter will be too long.
Assignment requirements
Your Newsletter must have the following components as well as any items on the checklist.
Style requirements
Task #4-Mail Merge List and Letter
The Word 2007 Mail Merge feature allows you to easily and quickly print mailing labels, envelopes, form letters and other catalogs that relate to mail. With Mail Merge you can create your own data source or use data from multiple applications like an Access table or query, an Excel database, or even your Exchange or Outlook address book.
For this task you be creating two starting (master) documents:
- Cover Letter or Letter of Introduction to a prospective employer, and
- Spreadsheet with information about 5 companies related to the Career of Interest you selected for the Newsletter, and that you would like to work for.
First, you will be creating a Mail Merge Form Letter to send to 5 prospective Employers who are currently looking for people to hire in your Career of Choice. Use the Internet to find the names and addresses of 5 companies from your career of interest. Find, or make up, the name of one person in each company. Create the cover letter but do not fill in the personal parts yet. Leave room for them, they will be placed by the computer as we merge it with the address spreadsheet. You only need ONE master cover letter, not five.
Second, create an Excel Spreadsheet and name it MMlist. Your column headings for the spreadsheet should be:
- Employer (Company name)
- Address
- CityStateZip
- ContactFirstName
- ContactLastName
- ContactTitle (Mr., Mrs., Ms., Dr.)
- ContactJobTitle (Manager, Director, CEO)
Don’t put any title on the top of this spreadsheet. Just the column headings and the data.
To perform a mail merge in Word, while in your “master” cover letter, go to Mailings->Start Mail Merge>Step by Step Mail Merge Wizard... A Mail Merge Wizard appears in the Task Pane. Perform each of the steps in order.
Step 1: Select “Document Type” and then choose the type of mail merge you would like to create. For this assignment choose“Letters”,
Step 2: Select “Starting Document’. You will be prompted by Word to choose whether you would like to create this document in the active window, start from a template or start from an existing document. For this assignment select “Use Current Document” since you’ve already created the master letter.
Step 3: Select “Recipients”(choose all 5 of your prospective employers) and then choose the source of the data to be used in your document. For this assignment, select MMlist.xls, which you created earlier in the assignment.
Step 4: In order to perform a mail merge you will need to add the mail merge fields (use “More items”…) to the master letter before you will be able to complete the merge. Select: “Write Your Letter”. In the address area of the master letter that we left blank, place your curser and insert the appropriate fields using the More items icon in the task pane as shown in the example. **Repeat this step until all fields are in the master letter. All the information should now be entered into your data source (excel spreadsheet) and your main document (master letter) is complete, you can merge your data and main document to create a third document that consists of 5 pages with the 5 mail recipients in the Address Block.
Step 5: Preview Your Letter
Step 6: Complete the Merge
Step 7: Save the Merge as “mailmerge_name of profession.docx” (Use the name of the profession you chose to research)
For more detailed instruction open this resource document: Creating a Mail Merge 2007