The Parks & Recreation Board met on Monday, October 11, 2010 at 5:00 p.m. at the CityAdministrationBuilding, 400 N. High St., Cortland, Ohio. In attendance were the following board members: Dave Christner, Frank Daugherty, Mike Norton, John Picuri.Absent were Jim Gibson and Mayor Curt Moll. Also present were Service Director Don Wittman.
Mike Norton made a motion to approve minutes from September‘s meeting, seconded by Dave Christner. MOTION APPROVED.
- Don advised that Super Green will be coming for fall application.
- Fence removed and east wood line cleanout and need to spray for poison ivy.
- Dave to get with John and see if he can start working on NatureWorks Grant to cover the parking lot cost, playground area including drainage and ground cover and maybe even restrooms.
- Boundary Survey – may need to have one done for the NatureWorks Grant.
- Talked about maybe widening the east side for more parking since it’s on city property, and also may need to move the play ground equipment to make room for parking spaces. Also discussed about using asphalt or gravel for the parking lot.
- Don need to put together a plan for the next meeting. And look at spaces available at the former CortlandElementary School.
- Want to have something in place for next July 2011.
- The MetroPark expected to receive the copy of the lease agreement from ODNR with signatures this month.
- Metro Parks will serve as a signatory for the agreement.
- Survey of parcel – need to finalize scope between the City and advanced land.
- Need to get a memorandum of understanding between the City and MetroParks, duties, rights, lost, etc.
- Don discussed surveying proposal.
- Aerial 5,145.00 plus boundary and ground control $8,200.00 total $13,345.00.
- Aerial 5,145.00 only $2,000.00 plus ground control no boundary $7, 145.00.
- Reduce area to be surveyed just 1000’ from rights of way. Would need to get revised cost.
The decision on what surveying option to proceed with, deferred until next meeting. Need to have conservation with the Mayor and wait until a memorandum of understanding.
John Picuri made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Mike Norton. All Ayes.MOTION APPROVED
Dave Christner, ChairmanDate Secretary