Council on Correction Meeting Minutes

March 25, 2014

I Call to Order:

Chair Roger Levy

II Attendance:

Members in Attendance: DOC in Attendance:

Roger Levy Commissioner Coupe

Rev. Ty Johnson Gail Stallings-Minor

Jane Hovington

Rich Senato

Members of the Public:

Ken Abraham

Lynn Sadowsky

Tim Collins

Lori Alberts

Dennis Hess

Sharon Hess

Nancy Weiss

III Commissioner’s Remarks:

·  Commissioner Coupe presented his February 11th JFC Presentation to the group.

IV Old Business:

·  Boot Camp – Commissioner stated that the Boot Camp building will be refitted for new programs.

V New Business:

·  TB- Two offenders released from HRYCI were discovered to have Active TB. The department is working with Public Health to resolve.

·  Service Dogs (Article Attached)

·  Going Crazy in Solitary (Article Attached)

·  KIOSK Machines – Rev. Ty Johnson brought up concerns with the KIOSK Machines not accepting money orders.

VI Public Comments/Questions:

·  Roger Levy requested to review the new programs that the Commissioner has introduced in six months. Commissioner approved this request.

·  Committee welcomed Jane Hovington to the Council board.

·  Council approved Lydia Prigg to attend the next meeting in May to discuss By-Laws.

·  Ken Abraham expressed his concerns regarding Admin SEG, Commissary, Program Assessments, and the orientation program.

·  Nancy Weiss complimented Chelsea Hicks, Family Service Coordinator, for her efforts. She also expressed her concerns regarding the way visitors are treated and suggested that we consider bringing in the Faithful Friends program.

·  Timothy Collins expressed his concerns regarding the charges for phone calls, surcharge pricing, grievance process, commissary KIOSK, and extensive waiting time for visitation. He also mentioned that the BWCI staff was unprofessional and how the sex offender housing and treatment programs are handled.

·  Sharon Hess expressed her concerns regarding commissary, Swanson orders, and how diabetic offenders are medicated. She also had concerns with several programs that Connections oversees.

·  Lori Alberts expressed her concerns with I-ADAPT, Pre-Release program, Culinary program, Vocational programs, SHU concerns, food tray conditions, grievance process, and concerns with the Catholic community.

VII Adjournment:

Meeting adjourned at 6:22 pm

**Next COC meeting will be held on May 27, 2014, 4:00 pm at the DOC Admin Building – Conference Room 300.