Technology-Connected Lesson Plan

Title: /

It Looked Like Spilt Milk

Grade Levels: / K – 4
Curriculum Areas: / :  Reading, Science, Art
Lesson Objectives/ LA
Content Standards: / :  ELA-1-E6 interpreting texts to generate connections to real-life situations;
:  ELA-1-E4 identifying story elements (e.g., setting, plot, character, theme) and literary devices (e.g., figurative language, dialogue) within a selection;
:  ESS-E-A3 investigating, observing, and describing how water changes from one form to another and interacts with the atmosphere;
:  CE-1VA-E2 exploring techniques and technologies for visual expression and communication;
Technology Connection: / :  Kid Pix Studio Deluxe
Assessment: / :  Students create a class book, modeled with pattern writing after It Looked Like Spilt Milk by Charles Shaw.
Procedures: / :  This lesson should be used in connection with Science Unit on Weather.
:  Read book to the entire class. Take students outdoors to observe clouds and talk with each other about what things they “see” in the clouds.
:  Students will use Kid Pix Studio Deluxe to create a page for the class book. All pictures should be done on blue background with Wacky Pencil or Wacky Paintbrush in white, or using the Eraser tool with circle and square options. Students should draw one thing they “see” in the sky.
:  Students next use the Typewriter tool and white color and create a text box. Type in the name of what they “see” in the sky. Move the text box up to the top of the drawing. Create a second text box at the bottom with the same word following the pattern of the book.
:  Students should create a third text box for their name and they may use any colors. Save with their name into the class file for this book and print a copy to bind.
:  Students should record themselves reading the text for their page and a Slide Show created with all the pages for a multimedia presentation of the class book.
:  Don’t forget to have some students create a title screen/cover and ending picture for the book and slide show.
:  See sample of completed page.
Materials: / :  Kid Pix Studio Deluxe
Teacher’s Name: / :  Vicki Blackwell, Technology Resource Teacher
School: / :  Tangipahoa Parish School System