Vice President for Technology &
Co-Director of Distance Learning Services
The Vice President for Technology (VPTSS) reports to the President and manages the overall planning, financial management, delivery of the campus computing, distance learning and communications services. The VPTSS provides leadership in identifying important information-technology trends for campus consideration and developing appropriate policies. The VPTSS will focus on strategic issues and delegate day-to-day issues to TSS managers, secretarial support and staff. The VPTSS assures that academic and administrative operations are supported by high quality cost-effective information technology. This position is delegated decision-making authority that provides for financially viable, integrated computing and communications services. The VPTSS exercises these responsibilities within the broad guidelines established by the President of Shoreline Community College.
Primary Duties and Responsibilities Include:
Campus Information Technology Environment
- Provide leadership to move the campus information technology to the forefront among institutions in higher education.
- Extend computing and communication activities in departments and other units, encourage varied productivity-enhancing approaches as appropriate for different campus constituencies. Promote mutually beneficial technology transfers.
- Formulate procedures, policy and plans to expand distance learning (technology, course development, support services) using existing funding or grants.
- Develop and maintain policies, procedures and standards required to provide flexible and cost-effective computing and communications services essential to quality instruction, research, public service and administrative processes.
- Develop in conjunction with the Technology Committee and maintain a concise, multi-year information-technology plan that anticipates challenges and opportunities and determines future directions consistent with the campus academic plan. Specify implementation strategies and monitor the accomplishment of measurable goals.
- Allocate information technology resources in accordance with campus goals and Budget Priority List for delivery and further development of computing and communications systems. Coordinate and participate in periodic reviews of the various funding mechanisms and allocation processes.
Information Technology Organization
- Develop, maintain, and support computing and communication facilities and infrastructure that are reliable and cost effective.
- Plan and develop the campus network and infrastructure to accommodate instructional bandwidth needs.
- Provide the support and training services necessary for faculty, students and staff to use and apply information technology efficiently and effectively. Provide ongoing training opportunities for promising new technologies with an emphasis on distance learning.
- Assist campus units in the selection and acquisition of information-technology products as well as services such as maintenance, support and database accesses.
- Provide appropriate budget and personnel administration including supporting and extending Affirmative Action within the Information Technology organization.
- Develop and administer a comprehensive security program to protect information integrity and implement a security awareness program to assure campus security standards are known and implemented.
Distance Learning
- As co-director of Distance Learning Services, work with the Vice President for Academic Affairs (VPAA) to develop distance learning through the use of distance learning plans and procedures using available funding, self-support funds and grants.
- Work with the Curriculum Committee to ensure that Distance Learning courses are reviewed for quality and effectiveness.
- Manage with the VPAA’s office the Washington Online Distance Learning courses to ensure effective communication with WAOL and state distance learning processes
- Work with VP for Student Services to ensure the development and support of online, touch-tone and other effective IT methods for providing services to students.
Internal and External Campus Representation
- On behalf of the campus administration, consult with various campus constituencies and committees such as the Technology Committee, the Senate Council and the Curriculum Committee.
- Maintain a close working relationship with units, such as the Library and Instructional Services Council, which make extensive use of information technology.
- Participate for SCC’s benefit in the state Information Technology Commission. Participate in other organizations based on the President’s recommendation.
- Serve as the campus representative on government, professional and higher education organizations dealing with information technology. Provide campus access to useful external resources and coordinate campus plans and developments with those of other leading organizations.
Perform additional duties as designated by the President.