Vanderbilt Community Association, Inc.
Board of Directors Organizational Meeting Minutes
Monday, January 8, 2007, 9:00 a.m.
Call To Order: A meeting of the Vanderbilt Community Association, Inc. Board of Directors convened in the Property Management Office Conference Room at 8258 Danbury Blvd, Naples, FL, on Monday, January 08, 2007, at 9:00a.m. Notice of the meeting was announced at the December 14, 2006 Board meeting, and on the Vanderbilt Country Club website.
Establish Quorum: A quorum was established, as all five board members were present: Denis Davidson, Dan Gritti, Joan Cappiello, Kevin Gorham and Kent Friedman.
I. Election of VCA Officers for 2007: The new board members elected the 2007 Board Officers by use of secret ballot as follows: Denis Davidson, President; Kevin Gorham, Exec. Vice President and Treasurer; Kent Friedman, Secretary; Dan Gritti, Vice-President; Joan Cappiello, Vice-President.
II. 2007 Standing Committees:
a.) Assignments were agreed upon for Board Liaison positions for each Standing Committee. Assignments are as follows:
- Access & Safety: Kent Friedman
- Activities: Dan Gritti
- Architectural Review: Denis Davidson
- Audit: Dan Gritti
- Budget/Finance/Insurance: Kevin Gorham
- Common Grounds & Facilities: Joan Cappiello
- County & Local Development: Denis Davidson
- Food & Beverage: Dan Gritti
- Golf: Joan Cappiello
- Greens: Kevin Gorham
- Legal: Kent Friedman
- Long Range Planning: Kevin Gorham
- Public Relations: Joan Cappiello
- Tennis: Denis Davidson
b.) Project Assignments: Denis Davidson requested that each board member develops a project to outline for their respective committee. Some important issues that should be suggested are security issues either by additional fencing, landscaping, or walls. This has been an ongoing issue that is of utmost importance to have in a 1, 3 or 5-year plan. Denis Davidson suggested that this assignment be given to the Common Grounds Committee.
Denis Davidson suggested resurrecting the Clubhouse expansion project through the efforts of the Long Range Planning Committee.
Denis Davidson mentioned that we have $44,000 left over from hurricane insurance money and assessment collections not yet spent. That money could be used to landscape the berm area where there are open areas. We have to spend the $44,000 in landscaping. There are holes along Massey Road that could use additional landscaping for additional privacy.
Kevin Gorham questioned the funds for new gates at the 951-entrance. Denis Davidson informed that there are currently five mega arms and two swing gates. The swing gates were to be upgraded to a decorative, bi-parting gate. The mega arms continually fail and need to be updated. This was approved by the 2006 board and will be funded from the reserves.
The beautification issue/entryway enhancement project has $44K left from hurricane insurance money and it was approved for new capital in the amount of $51K in 2007, which brings the total up to $95K for that entire project. Although the dollar amount was approved, the specifics are still being worked on by a sub-committee of the 2006 Common Grounds Committee that has visited nine (9) other country clubs and taken photographs and is in the process of reviewing landscape architect designs.
III. 2006 Rollover Subjects
a.) Discussion: Kevin Gorham questioned the status of the piano that was approved in the 2006 budget. John Laliberte will be asked the status of this purchase.
2006 Bonus objectives – Denis Davidson suggested that Bob Bush and Charlie Long be present for those discussions; all agreed. Denis Davidson will ask John Laliberte to get the written responses from the Management staff members pertaining to their 2006 objectives. Denis Davidson scheduled a meeting for Monday, Jan. 29, 2007, 4pm for the board to meet to further discuss this matter. At the January 20th meeting, objectives for 2007 will also be discussed and by the end of February, Denis will request to have a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 6 objectives, one being meeting the overall budget, for all department managers from John Laliberte.
b.) Road Mapping and assignments: Sponsoring an Open House for Realtors is one assignment that the Public Relations Committee will be assigned for 2007. It is suggested that this be done in the month of February in efforts to encourage home sales in this community. Joan Cappiello will coordinate this effort with resident realtors.
The County and Local Development group will work on the trimming of the palmettos in the preserve areas to determine what the next steps should be, as the community was recently denied from the County.
Kent Friedman will ask the Safety & Access Committee to recommend an approach to inspect all VCA buildings to establish a base line of condition in possible event of damage from activities such as rock blasting on adjacent properties.
Denis Davidson will circulate to the board members the recommendations made for hurricane preparedness following the Wilma storm.
In response to a question from Dan Gritti, Denis Davidson clarified that the prohibition against gambling, except as approved by the General Manager or the Board of Directors is in effect; however, as pertains to sports squares on placards maintained in the club for such events as the Super Bowl or World Series, such activity is permitted when approved by the General Manager.
Responding to a question by Kevin Gorham, Denis Davidson reiterated the Board’s previous resolution to prohibit use of the Association’s member e-mail lists for commercial purposes.
IV. Miscellaneous
A general discussion was held regarding board member responsibility and accountability, the fact that action may only be taken as a governing body and not as individual board members and the importance of board communication well as the importance of continuing communication with the entire membership of the Association.
With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 11:00 a.m. The next board meeting is scheduled for Thursday, January 18, 2007, at 5:00 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kent Friedman, Secretary
1/22/2007 Final Draft 1