Compiled by Dr. Owen Davis (University of Arizona)
Organized by discipline
Bell M. and Walker, M.J.C. 1992. Late Quaternary Environmental Change. Physical and Human Perspectives. Longmans, London.
Berger, W.H., Imbrie, J., Hays, J., Kukla, G., and Saltzman, B. 1982. Milankovitch and Climate Understanding the Response to Astronomical Forcing. NATO ASI Series C: Mathemat. and Physical Sci. Vol. 126. 2 vols.
Berger, W.H. and Labeyrie, L.D. (Eds.) 1987. Abrupt Climatic Change. NATO ASI Series C: Mathematics and Physical Science Vol. 216.
Berglund, B.E. 1986. Handbook of Holocene Palaeoecology and Palaeohydrology. John Wiley, New York, 869 p.
Berglund, B.E., Birks, H.J.B., Ralska-Jasiewiczowa, M. & Wright, H.E. (Eds.) 1996. Palaeoecological Events during the last 15000 years. Regional Syntheses of Palaeoecological Studies of Lakes and Mires in Europe. J. Wiley & Sons, Chichester. 764 pp.
Betancourt, JL., Van Devender, T.R., and Martin, P.S. 1990. Packrat Middens The Last 40,000 years of Biotic Change. Univ. Arizona Press, Tucson, 467 p.
Birks, H.J.B. and Birks, H.H. 1980. Quaternary Palaeoecology. Univ. Park Press, Baltimore,. 289 p.
Bradley, R.S. and Jones, P.D. 1992. Climate Since A.D. 1500. Routledge, New York, 679 p.
Broecker, W.S. 1995. The Glacial World According to Wally. Eldigio Press, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University , Palisades, New York, 312 p. plus appendices.
Bryant, V.M., Jr. and Holloway, R.G. 1985. Pollen Records of Late-Quaternary North American Sediments. American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists Foundation, Dallas Texas, 423 p.
Bull W.B. 1991.Geomorphic Responses to Climatic Change, Oxford University Press. New York, 326 p.
Cronin, T.M. 1999. Principles of Paleoclimatology: Perspectives in Paleobiology and Earth History. New York: Columbia University Press. Viewed online 7/04 at www.earthscape.org/r3/cronin/. Last updated 10/99.
Delcourt, H.R. and Delcourt, P.A. 1991. Quaternary Ecology: A Paleoecological Perspective. Chapman Hall, New York, 242 p.
Diaz, H.F. and Markgraf, V. 1992. El Niño Historical and Paleoclimatic Aspects of the Southern Oscillation. Cambridge Univ. Press, New York, 476 p.
Easterbrook, D.J. Dating Quaternary Sediments. Gelogical Society of America Special Paper 227.
Eighmy, J.L. and Sternberg, R.S. 1990. Archaeomagnetic Dating. University of Arizona Press, Tucson, 446 p.
Faegri, K. and J. Iversen. 1975. Textbook of pollen analysis. Hafner Press, New York, 295 p.
Flint, R.F. 1971. Glacial and Quaternary Geology. John Wiley and Sons, New York, 892 p.
Grayson, D.G. The Desert's Past, A Natural Prehistory of the Great Basin. Smithsonian Press, Washington D.C., 356 p.
Grove, J.M. 1988. The Little Ice Age. Methuen, London, 498 p.
Haworth, E.Y. and Lund, J.W.G. 1984. Lake sediments and environmental history Studies in Palaeolimnology and Palaeoecology in honour of Winifred Tutin. Univ. Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, 411 p.
Horowitz, A. 1992. Palynology of Arid Lands. Elseiver, Amsterdam, 546 p.
Hecht, A.D. (ed.). 1985. Paleoclimate analysis and modeling. John Wiley and Sons, New York. 445 p.
Imbrie, J. and K.P. Imbrie. Ice Ages: solving the mystery. Enslow Publ., Hillside, New Jersey, 224 p.
Kurten, B. and E. Anderson. 1980. Pleistocene Mammals of North America. Columbia Univ. Press, New.York, 442 p.
Lamb, H. H. 1977. Climate History and the Future. Princeton Univ. Press, New Jersey, 834 p.
Mannion, A.M. 1991. Global Environmental Change a Natural an Cultural Environmental History. Longman Scientific and Technical, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 404 p.
Martin, P.S. and Klein, R.G. 1984. Quaternary Extinctions A Prehistoric Revolution. Univ. Arizona Press, Tucson, 892 p.
Matsch, C.L. 1976. North America and the Great Ice Age. McGraw-Hill, N.Y. 131 p.
Moore, P.D. & Webb, J.A. 1978. An illustrated guide to pollen analysis. Hodder & Stoughton, London, 133 p.
Morrison, R.B. Quaternary Nonglacial Geology: Conterminous U.S. Geological Soc. Amer, Geology of North America (DNAG) V. K-2.
Pielou, E.C. 1991. After The Ice Age: The Return of Life to Glaciated North America. University of Chicago Press. Univ. Chicago Press, Chicago, Illinois, 366 p.
Rampino, M.R., Sanders, J.E., Newman, W.S., and Konigsson, L.K. (Eds.) 1987. Climate History, Periodicity, and Predictability. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York. 588 p.
Ruddiman, W.F. and Wright, H.E., Jr. (eds.) 1987. North America and adjacent oceans during the last deglaciation. Geol. Soc. Amer. Geol. North Amer. (DNAG) Vol. K-3.
Rutter, N.W. 1985. Dating Methods of Pleistocene Deposits and Their Problems. Geol. Assoc. Canada Reprint Ser. 2
Waters, M.R. 1992. Principles of Geoarcheology. Univ. Arizona Press, Tucson, 398 p.
West, R.G. 1968. Pleistocene Geology and Biology with Especial Reference to the British Isles. Longmans, Green & Co Ltd. 377 p.
Williams, M., Dunkerley, D., De Decker, P., Kershaw, A. and Stokes.T.1993 Quaternary Environments. Edward Arnold Publishers, N.Y. 329 p.
Axelrod, D.I. 1980. Contributions to the Neogene Paleobotany of central California. The Turlock Lake flora from Stanislaus County. Univ. Calif. Publ. Geol. Sci. 121:13-60.
Crompton, J.S. 2001. Holocene sea-level fluctuations inferred from the evolution of depositional environments of the southern Langebaan Lagoon salt marsh, South Africa. The Holocene 11: 395-405.
Curray, J.R. 1965. Late Quaternary history, continental shelves of the United States. In: The Quaternary of the United States. H.E. Wright, Jr., and D.G. Frey, (Eds.), pp. 723-735. Princeton University Press.
Evenson, E.B., Farrand, W.B., Eschman, D.F., Mickelson, D.M. and Maher, L.J. 1976. Greatlakean substage: a replacement for Valderan substage in the Lake Michigan Basin. Quaternary Research 6: 411 - 424.
Fillmore, L.R., McKay, E.D., and Lineback. J.A., 1979. Wisconsinan, Sangamonian and Illinoian stratigraphy in central Illinois. Midwest Friends of the Pleistocene 26th Field Conference. May 4-6, 1979.
Knutti, R., Flückiger, J., Stocker, T.F. and Timmermann, A. 2004. Strong hemispheric coupling of glacial climate through freshwater discharge and ocean circulation. Nature 430: 851-856.
Frye, J.C. and Willman, H.B. 1960. Classification of the Wisconsinan Stage in the Lake Michigan glacial lobe. Illinois State Geological Survey Circular 285. 16 p.
Gardner, J.V. et al. 1988. Clear Lake record s. the adjacent marine record: a correlation of their past 20,000 years of paleoclimatic and paleooceanographic responses. GSA Spec. Paper 214 171-182.
Jelgersma, S. 1966. Sea-level changes during the last 10,000 years. In: Proceedings, International symposium on World Climates from 8000 B.S. to 0 B.C. pp. 54-71. London: Royal Meteorological Society.
Luternaur, J.L. Clague, J.J., Conway, K.W., Barie, J.V., Blaise, B., and Mathewes, R.W. 1989. Late Pleistocene terrestrial deposits on the continental shelf of western Canada: Evidence for rapid sea-level change at the end of the last glaciation. Geology 17: 357-360.
Miller K.G., Fairbanks, R.G., and Mountain, G.S. 1987. Tertiary oxygen isotope synthesis, sea level height and continental margine erosion. Paleoceanography 2:1-20.
Pierce, K.L, Obradovich, J.D., and Friedman, I. 1976. Obsidian hydration dating and correlation of Bull Lake and Pinedale Glaciations near West Yellowstone, Montana. Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull. 87:703-710.
Ruddiman, W.F. and J.-C. Duplessy. 1985. Conference on the last deglaciation: timing and mechanism. Quat. Res. 23:1-18.
Wolf, J.A. 1993. Tertiary climatic changes at middle latitudes of western North America. Palaeo Palaeo Palaeo 108:195-205.
Zachos, J., Pagani, M., Sloan, L., Thomas, E., Billups, K. 2004. Trends, rhythms, and aberrations in global climate 65 ma to present Science 292: 686-693.
Antevs, E. 1931. Late-Glacial Correlations and Ice Recession in Manitoba. Geological Survey of Canada Memoir 168.
Antevs, E. 1938. Postpluvial climatic variations in the southwest. Bulletin American Meteorological Society 19: 30-33.
Antevs, E. 1948. The Great Basin, with emphasis on glacial and postglacial times. III Climatic changes and pre-white man. University of Utah Bulletin 38(20): 168-191.
Antevs, E. 1952. Cenozoic climates of the Great Basin. Sonderdruck aus der Geologischen Rundschau Bd. 40, Heft 1. Pp. 94-108.
Antevs, E. 1955. Geologic-climatic dating in the west. American Antiquity 20: 317-355.
Antevs, E. 1959. Geological age of the Lehner Mammoth site. American Antiquity 24:31-34.
Berry. W.B.N. 1968. Growth of a prehistoric time scale based on organic evolution. W.H. Freeman Co., San Francisco. 158 p.
Blytt, A. 1876. Essay on immigration of the Norwegian flora during alternating rainy and dry periods. (proposed: Arctic Subarctic Boreal Atlantic Subboreal Subatlantic)
Booth, D.B. 1987. Timing and process of deglaciation along the southern margin of the Cordilleran ice shee. pp. 71-909 in Ruddiman and Wright (DNAG).
Broecker, W.S., Kennett, J.P., Flower, B.P., Teller, J.T., Trumbore, S., Bonani, G., and Wolfli, W. 1989. Nature 341:318-321.
Bryan, F. 1986. Interocean exchange of thermocline water and its influence on thermohaline circulation. Nature 323: 301-304.
Cwynar, L.C. and W.A. Watts. 1989. Accelerator-Mass Spectrometer Ages for Late-Glacial events at Ballybetaugh, Ireland. Quat. Res. 31:377-381.
Davis, O.K. 1989. The regionalization of climatic change in western North America. p. 617-636 In: M. Leinen (Editor) "Paleoclimatology and Paleometeorology: modern and past patterns of global atmospheric transport." NATO ASI Series D. Reidel Publ.
Davis, O.K. and Sellers, W.D. 1994. Orbital History and seasonality of regional precipitation. In: J.D. Gunn (Editor), Global Climate - Human Life: Physical Contents of Historic Landscapes. Human Ecology 22:97-113.
Davis, O.K., Cutler, A.H., Meldah., K.H., Palacios-Fest, M.R. Schreiber, J.F., Jr., Lock, B.E., Williams, L.J., Lancaster, N., Shaw, C.A., and Sinitiere, S.M. Quaternary Geology of Bahai Adair and the Gran Desierto. Fieldtrip Guide for Fourth Workshop, IGCP 252, March 6-9, 1990, Tucson, AZ. 32 p.
Deevey, E.S. and Flint, R.F. 1957. Postglacial Hypsithermal interval. Science 125:182-184.
Denton, G.H. and W. Karlen. 1973. Holocene climatic variations -- their pattern and possible cause. Quat. Res. 3:155-205.
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Gray, A. 1859. The flora of Japan. Scientific papers 1: 123-141. (thermal maximum [Tertiary] warmth)
Haynes, C.V., Jr. 1968. Preliminary report on the late Quaternary geology of the San Pedro Valley, Arizona. Southern Arizona Guidebook, Arizona Geological Society 3:79-96.
Harvey, L.D.D. 1989. Modelling the Younger Dryas. Quat Sci Rev 3:137-149
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Jones, P.D., Osborn, T.J., Briffa, K.R. 2001. The evolution of climate over the last millennium. Science 292: 662-667.
Kaiser, K.F. 1994. Two Creeks interstade dated through dendrochronology and AMS. Quaternary Research 42:288-298.
Keigwin, L.D. and Jones, G.A. 1990. Deglacial climatic oscillations in the Gulf of California. Paleoceanography 5(6):1009-1023.
Kerner, A. 1870-1. Der Enfluss der Winde auf die Verbreitung der Samen in Hochgebirge. Zeits. Deut. Alpenver 2: 1-171. (postglacial xerothermic, plant migration northward)
Komarov, V.L. (D.Love Transl., 1988). Vegetation of the Soviet Polar Deserts. Cambridge Univ. Press, N.Y.
Kraft, J.C., Belknap, D.F., and Demarest,J.M. (1987). Prediction of the effects of sea-level change from paralic and inner shelf stratigraphic sequences. In Climate History, Periodicity and Predictability. (M.R. Rampino, J.E. Sanders, W.S. Newman, and L.K. Konigsson, Eds.), pp. 166-192. Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York.
Lamb, H. H. 1977. Climate History and the Future. Princeton University Press.
Levesque, A.L., Cwynar, L.C. and Walker, I.R. 1994. A multiproxy investigation of late-glacial climate and vegetation chanage at Pine Ridge Pond, southwest New Brunswick, Canada. Quaternary Research 43:316-327.
Mann, M.E., Bradley, R.S., and Hughes, M.K. 1999. Northern hemisphere temperatures during the past millennium: Inferences, uncertainties, and limitations. American Geophysical Union Geophysical Research Letters 26: 759.
Mayewski, P.A., Meeker, L.D., Whitlow, S., Twickler, M.S., Morrison, M.C., Alley, R.B., Bloomfield, P., and Taylor, K. 1993. The atmosphere during the Younger Dryas. Science 261:195-197.
McAndrews, J.H. 1967. Pollen analysis and vegetational history of the Itasca Region, Minnesota. p. 2198–236 in E. Cushing and H. Wright, editors. Quaternary paleoecology. Yale University Press, New Haven, Connecticut.
Motyka, R.A. 2003. Little Ice Age subsidence and post Little Ice Age uplift at Juneau, Alaska, inferred from dendrochronology and geomorphology. Quaternary Research 59: 300-309.
Pons, A., de Beaulieu, J.-L., Guiot, J., and Reille, M. 1987. The Younger Dryas as a model of abrupt climate change. pp. 214-217 In: Berger, W.H. and Labeyrie, L.D., (Eds.) Abrupt climate change. Reidel, Dordecht.
Rind, D., Peteet, D.M., Broecker, W., McIntyre, A., Ruddiman, W. 1986. The impact of cold North Atlantic sea surface temperatures on climate: implications for the Younger Dryas Cooling (11-10K). Climatic Dynamics 1:3-33.
Rind, D., Peteet, D., Broecker, W.S., McIntyre, A., and Ruddiman, W. (1986). The impact of cold north Atlantic sea surface temperatures on climate: implications for the Younger Dryas cooling (11-10k). Climatic Dynamics 1: 3-33.
Rooth, C. 1982. Hydrology and ocean circulation. Progr. Oceanogr. 11:131-149.
Ruddiman, W.F. and J.-C. Duplessy. 1985. Conference on the last deglaciation: timing and mechanism. Quat. Res. 23:1-18.
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Sernander, R. 1910. Discussion. Int. Geol. Congr. 11 Compte Rendu 1: 404-409. (Subboreal = The Xerothermic Period, student of Blytt.)
Shane, L.C. 1987. Late-glacial vegetational and climatic history of the Allegheny Plateau and the Till Plains of Ohio and Indiana, U.S.A. Boreas 16: 1-20.
Walker, I.R., Mott, R.J. and Smol, J.P. 1991. Allerod-Younger Dryas lake temperatures from midge fossils in Atlantic Canada. Science 253:1010-1012.
R.A. Watson, H.E. Wright, Jr. 1980. The end of the Pleistocene. Boreas 9:153-163.
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H.E. Wright 1982. Holocene Chronostratigraphy for United States and southern Canada. Striae 16:53-55.
Adams, K.D., Wesnousky, S.G., and Bills, B.G., 1999. Isostatic rebound, active faulting, and potential geomorphic effects in the Lake Lahontan basin, Nevada and California. Geological Society of America Bulletin 111(12) :1739-1756.
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