Committee Reports for December 2015 Staff Senate Meeting

Committee Name: Executive Officers Committee Meeting

Report Submitted by: Jen Zellmer-Cuaresma

Presiding Chair: Jen Zellmer-Cuaresma

Date of Meeting: November 19th, 2015

Attendees: Maggie Linder, Shaunagh McGoldrick, Angie Weisenburger, Rochelle Krahn, Judy Wellert, Jen Z-Cuaresma

Tasks Performed: *Agenda items for December Staff Senate meeting *Holiday gathering meeting discussed *Transgender panel event in December to change date? *MUSSA, Maria to travel and also Maggie going to Dillon for Griz Card meetings, so engage in conversation with Chancellor Beth Weatherby regarding Staff Senate on Western's campus, none currently active. Will be trying to reach out to Tech as well, as no Staff Senate representation on MUSSA there either *Staff union representation on Budget Committee, can it be all unions represented, Jen to reach out to Union reps. *Drafting email letter to new hires and new staff *Issue of temporary and contract professional and Staff Senate - issue of having people wanting and willing to serve, but not able to do so. *Rochelle - update that the race details for spring semester are coming together

Summary of Information and Facts: All of the above tasks were discussed as well as the President's Budget meeting on the 17th. How can we support staff and how can we facilitate ideas to help with the change process?

Future Actions planned by Committee or Committee members: *Maria and Jen will meet to review comments and feedback from Staff on budget items and then meet with shared governance and the President's Cabinet. *Jen to Reach out to Kaitlin Freeman, VETS office and being a Senator *Jen reach out to Christine Vance, staff union. *Judy and Jen to initiate email letter to new hires regarding Staff Senate *Rochelle and Judy - permits for the race

Recommendations to Staff Senate: *Encourage dialogue for constructive ideas in regards to budget cuts on campus. *Keep eyes and ears open to assist and represent Staff however we can. *Review policies so committee can report work back

Next meeting date/time/location: January 5th, 12-1, UC 224

Committee Name: Staff Senate Officers Meeting with President's Cabinet

Report Submitted by: Judy Wellert

Presiding Chair: Jennifer Zellmer-Cuaresma

Date of Meeting: November 18, 2015

Attendees: Theresa Branch, Perry Brown, President Engstrom, Lucy France, Bill Johnston, Rochelle Krahn, Peggy Kuhr, Maria Mangold, Shaunagh McGoldrick, Mike Reid, Angela Weisenburger, Judy Wellert, Scott Whittenberg, Jennifer Zellmer-Cuaresma

Tasks Performed: UM Minutes: Mike Reid shared about the success of bomb dogs, Bob and Hooch, and how both were in attendance at the football game. President Engstrom shared UM receiving the Veteran's Flag in recognition of being a Purple Heart Institution Jen indicated the Staff Senate's general support for sustainability. President Engstrom stated he doesn't want an unrealistic goal which currently states that UM will have 0 carbon footprint by 2020. He thinks the goal needs to be changed. The federal government has given Montana, out of all fifty states, the most ambitious goal for lowering emissions. Jen stated that she is writing a suggested policy for the way staff death announcements should be handled. Lucy confirmed that the University Budget Committee has a seat for a faculty union member because it is a clause in the faculty union contract (CBA). No such clause exists for a seat for staff. President Engstrom suggested that it would be appropriate to have a single seat for a staff union member. The staff unions would have to collaborate to select the person to serve. 397 staff members (classified and contract professionals) took the Staff Senate Survey on Professional Development. Staff Senate will report to the Cabinet in January on the findings. Jen reported that SS has begun reviewing the University policies that have been submitted. Neither UM Western (Dillon) nor Montana Tech UM (Butte) have staff senates. President Engstrom offered to help move the process along. The need for increasing quality customer service was discussed. The lack of accountability and the lack of negative repercussions were cited as possible reasons for poor customer service. Secret Shoppers could be an option? Expectations need to be clear, and their needs to be an evaluation of the process. Everyone is concerned that cuts in staffing will result in lower customer service. Possible task force of staff/faculty/students? How can good customer service be recognized? Faculty evaluations may result in merit pay. Their customer service needs to be considered at the time they are hired and at the time of their tenure consideration. Maria urged the cabinet to act swiftly for layoffs to reach staffing goals. She stated that staff members need to become familiar with their CBA and know their rights. Some staff will be paid from other funds other than the general fund. Jen urged supervisors to communicate clearly with their staff on layoffs.

Next meeting date/time/location: December 16, 7:30 a.m.

Committee Name: Outstanding Staff Awards

Report Submitted by: Renee Valley

Presiding Chair: Renee Valley

Date of Meeting: No meeting

Future Actions planned by Committee or Committee members: As the chair is new to this committee, she is waiting to receive information to proceed with the next meeting.

Next meeting date/time/location: TBD

Committee Name: Nominations and Elections Committee

Report Submitted by: Denise May

Presiding Chair: Denise May

Summary of Information and Facts: No meeting needed at this time.

Committee Name: Bylaws & Resolutions Committee

Report Submitted by: Gloria Phillip

Presiding Chair: Gloria Philip

Date of Meeting: 12/1/15

Summary of Information and Facts: The committee did not meet on Tuesday, November 24, as there were no new resolutions to discuss.

Future Actions planned by Committee or Committee members: Next meeting TBD - as December 15 is during Finals Week and it may be difficult for the committee to meet.

Recommendations to Staff Senate: Send new resolutions to Chair Gloria Phillip for numbering and processing through the Bylaws & Resolutions Committee well in advance of the next Staff Senate meeting.

Next meeting date/time/location: TBD - depends on availability of committee members

Committee Name: University Planning Committee

Report Submitted by: Jen Zellmer-Cuaresma

Presiding Chair: Perry Brown, Dawn Ressel Facilitator

Date of Meeting: no meeting held

Next meeting date/time/location: none scheduled at this time.

Committee Name: Drug & Alcohol Advisory Committee

Report Submitted by: Angela Weisenburger

Presiding Chair: Mike Frost

Date of Meeting: Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Attendees: Mike Frost, Angela Weisenburger, Adrianne Donald, Caitlyn Parker, Claudia Eccles, Rhondie Voorhees,

Tasks Performed: -Alcohol policy update Claudia Eccles -Committee charge update Rhondie Voorhees -Committee discussion of the document "What Colleges Need to Know Now: An Update on College Drinking Research" -Top concerns follow-up: last week we identified the following concerns on campus- Marijuana and prescription drugs (namely stimulants), Culture of drinking in college environment and in Montana, Student resilience, Education and Enforcement and accountability

Future Actions planned by Committee or Committee members: -Committee Charge Subcommittee will draft a statement for approval of the full DAAC. This will be presented to President Engstrom for his review and approval. -Committee members will review the current draft of the UM Campus Alcohol Policy and provide Legal Counsel with any edits or suggestions prior to our next meeting.

Recommendations to Staff Senate: Be on the lookout for an updated draft of the campus alcohol policy to approve.

Next meeting date/time/location: December 8, 2015 at 2:10 pm

Committee Name: University Budget Committee

Report Submitted by: Maggie Linder

Presiding Chair: Mike Reid

Date of Meeting: Meeting Cancelled November 2015

Tasks Performed: The meeting for November was cancelled due to the Board of Regents meeting. Two meetings have been scheduled for December; December 3rd from 11am-12pm and December 17th from 1pm-2pm. The meetings are located in UC 330/331. They are open to the public.

Future Actions planned by Committee or Committee members: The next meeting will: Address Questions on Budget for FY 2017 Brief Overview of Budget Process (recap) Review Data for Establishing Targets (OPBA)

Next meeting date/time/location: UC 330/331, December 3rd, 11am