AP Film Assignment
The Great Debaters

Assessment: / Students should be able to express their analysis of the debate scenes using rhetorical terminology. Students should be able to see the connection to the movie and MLK's letter in connection to rhetorical strategies.


The Great Debaters is an inspiring story of courage, creativity, and resolve. It features stellar performances from Academy Award-winning actors like Denzel Washington and Forest Whitaker and rising talents like Jurnee Smollett. The Great Debaters celebrates the power of truthful words to overcome obstacles and set people free.

Debate begins with a resolution. It starts with a point to prove. It is a form of battle, fought with words. Denzel Washington directs The Great Debaters as a dance between opposing forces. On the affirmative side, stand the twin pillars of justice and righteousness. The opposition is fueled by ignorance and oppression. Who will win? The debate continues. Denzel Washington portrays Melvin B. Tolson, a professor at Wiley College in Texas. In 1935, he leads the Wiley debate team towards an undefeated season and an opportunity to become the first black college to compete against renowned Harvard University. The Great Debaters demonstrates the power of education and the ability of truth to unlock opportunities. It also demonstrates the importance of mentors—teachers and parents who model maturity, confidence, and resolve. The next generation of students desperately needs role models who will nurture and disciple them--people like Professor Melvin Tolson. (Detweiler)

The Great Debaters:Analysis Assignment (50 points)

Due after we finish thewatching movie.

Throughout the movie you will seeFOUR COMPLETEdebates. For the debates, answer the following:

1. Resolution (the point/claim to prove).

2. Any use of pathos (emotional appeal). Remember, the writer’s/speaker’s aim should NOT be to manipulate the reader/audience through emotions but to appeal to needs that all humans have in common.

3.Any use of ethos (appeal to credibility).

4.Any use of logos (logical appeal). Remember, a logical appeal depends on reasoning and evidence, appealing more to the audience’s intellect than their emotions.

5. Counterargument/s – Follows a concession (a respectful acknowledgement of an opposing viewpoint) and strongly counters, or refutes, the opposing viewpoint.

6.What connections do you see between the movie and MLK’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail”? Write at least 3 examples.

Resolution / Pathos / Logos / Ethos / Counterarguments
Debate 1
Debate 2
Debate 3
Debate 4

Scene #1: My Soul is a Witness

1.  Listen to and discuss the opening prayer and speech by Dr. Farmer. What is the significance of the powerful words which are spoken in the background as the viewer watches several different scenes:

a.  Samantha Booke takes the bus to school and is watching her impoverished community in the window as she passes.

b.  Melvin Tolson dressed as a farmer walking into the night

c.  Henry Lowe in a bar about to get in a fight.

2.  What do you think Samantha Booke is thinking as she looks out the window at her impoverished community?

3.  What does Dr. Farmer mean when he says “they must do what they have to do in order to do what they want to do”? How can you apply this to your own life?

4.  What would have happened if Henry Lowe had actually stabbed the woman’s husband in the fight in the bar?


  1. Choose ONE of the following questions and write a 1-2 page essay.

Essay should have an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

  1. After Dr. Farmer hits and kills the hog with his car, he offers his entire monthly salary to the man who owned the hog. This is far more than the hog is worth and yet the Dr. does not argue or complain, he simply signs over the check. He also does not say a word as the men humiliate him by dropping the check and then tell him to help load up the dead hog. Why do you think the Dr. Farmer acts in this way? Why is it the “smart” thing to do?
  2. When Henry challenges Professor Tolson to tell the debaters about himself, the Professor tells the shocking story of Willie Lynch. He explains that slave owners wanted to keep the bodies of slaves strong, but their minds weak. The Professor calls this “diabolical.” Why do you think he says this? Why do you think such methods worked?


  1. Choose ONE of the following questions and write a 1-2 page essay. Essay should have an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
  1. Do you think a teacher’s political beliefs should matter to parents or students? How much about a teacher’s beliefs or actions outside of the classroom do you think parents and students have a right to know, if any? Explain your position.
  2. Should the Wiley College debate team have agreed to debate Oklahoma City College at a location off campus? Why or why not?
