Enrichment at Wellington

Stretch and Grow!

What do you value?

The clubs and societies are what give you the freedom to do what you want to do at Wellington.

No compulsory subjects

No prescribed topics

No obligatory tasks

Just your interests, your dreams, your motivations.

So what do you want to do?

Enrichment at Wellington

Stretch and Grow!

This guide is for everyone at Wellington to introduce the Clubs and Societieson offer.

There really is something for everyone here. Many of these activities are unique passions of the staff running them and may not be readily available to pupils again. Don’t leave Wellington regretting not taking an opportunity!

The details included outline the activity, who it is open to and when it takes place. We encourage all members of the College community to stretch their interests into something new, and to grow their skills in existing areas!

If you have any questions about the information below please contact the named staff in charge or contact Mr Kirkham on . Similarly, if you wish to adapt or create a club yourself email or chat to Mr Kirkham. We warmly welcome pupil led activities and will support you in any way we can.

What will you stretch or grow?

1. / Your mind – mental challenge, interest and intrigue / Page 3
2. / Your expression and communication - drama, dance and media / Page 9
3. / Your spirit of adventure – looking for a challenge? / Page 14
4. / Your body – sports / Page 16
5. / Your soul – spiritual and religious activities / Page 22
6. / Your humanity – helping others / Page 24
7. / Your gourmet credentials / Page 25
8. / Your musicality – Musical ensembles and groups / Page 26
9. / Overview and timetable
10. / Index

1.Your mind – mental challenge, interest and intrigue


Amnesty International is a global organisation that works to combat human rights abuses around the world. It operates by bringing awareness to issues which are often neglected, and putting pressure on the perpetrator by organising petitions. Amnesty at Wellington College is a society which collaborates with the branch of Amnesty for the UK based in London. All are welcome! We meet every other Friday at 4.45pm in the Moral Room of the Library. Most of what we accomplish at school is getting the student body, faculty, staff, and administration to sign our petitions which we then send along to the 'home base' in London. We also host a range of speakers who are presenting on human rights and often their own experiences.

Who is it open to?All pupils

Where?Moral Room, Library

When?Alternate Fridays

Who to contact? Ariadne Lemieux-Cumberlege or Cecilia Bell

Book Chat

Friendly, informal group which meets every Wednesday breakin the Library from 10.45 – 11.15am to chat about books.

You can get first pick of the new books, talk about what you like to read or maybe choose to read the same book as the rest of the group. Open to all year groups and we always have great refreshments!

In the summer term you can become a “Carnegie Critic” and read and judge books on the “Carnegie Book Prize” shortlist.

Book Chat FAQs

Do I have to come every week? No, we know that sometimes other commitments mean that you can’t come every week. Please come along when you can, we’d love to see you!

What year group is it for? Everyone! If you like reading then this is the group for you – it doesn’t matter what year you’re in.

Do we all have to read the same book? No, but if you all decide at some point that you’d like to read the same book then we can get copies for you.

Will there be snacks? Yes! And fruit juice!

Can I bring a friend? Yes, of course, the more the merrier.

Who is it open to? All years

When does it happen? Wednesday break 10.45-11.15am

Who is in charge? Mrs Atherton

Classics Society

Classics Society aims to put on about 5 events a term, a mixture of trips to plays, debates, and talks by visiting experts, staff and pupils. Events are advertised to classes within department and to the school as a whole – all are welcome to come to any event. Listen out for announcements and contact Dr Cromarty

Who is it open to? All years

When does it happen? Look out for the emails

Who is in charge? Dr Cromarty

Classical Hebrew

Classical Hebrew is available on request from Dr Williams and open to all students and all staff. It runs in PR4, in the Philosophy and Religion Department. Sessions are available on request; if there is enough interest, we’ll set up scheduled classes. Former club members have gone on to read Theology at Oxford; learning Classical Hebrew is excellent preparation for reading Theology, languages or Classics at university

Who is it open to? All years

When does it happen? Wednesdays, 5pm - 5.30pm

Who is in charge? Dr Williams


Debating is available to all pupils. There are training sessions most weeks and lots of competitions, often at places like the Oxford and Cambridge Unions; contact Dr Gardner (VEMG) to be put on the mailing list and to find out more information.

Who is it open to? All years

When does it happen? Tuesday, 4.45pm - 6.30pm in the library

Who is in charge? Dr Gardner

English Society

The English Society is open to all pupils and meets every Tuesday at 6.05pm. It is a pupil-led exploration of English literature. Pupils prepare and lead seminars on topics of their own choosing which may be connected with areas of study or current personal interest. In addition, there is programme of speakers and workshops throughout the year

Who is it open to? All pupils

When does it happen? Tuesday at 6:05pm in the English Department

Who is in charge? Dr Lexton

Economic Affairs society

A discussion group based around current affairs with a bit of Economics thrown in. No experience necessary!Thursdays at 5pm in the Economics department.

Who is it open to? All years

When does it happen? Thursdayat 5pm

Who is in charge? Mr Clarke


GeoVenture is the College’s Geographical Society. It promises to take you places on Earth that you have never been before and allows you to discover the wonders of the planet that you did not even know existed. The society meets on Wednesday evenings (as published in the weekly calendar) and at other times as advertised. The society hosts a variety of guest speakers ranging from intrepid explorers to ground breaking documentary makers and prominent academic figures.

Other opportunities available through the society include:

  • Being involved in Geographical expeditions to exotic places like Namibia, Belize, Morocco and “Tweebuffelsmeteenskootmorsdoodgeskietfontein”
  • Attending lectures at the Royal Geographical Society. (An evening in London with dinner included is lots of fun!)
  • Being offered positions of leadership and the chance for academic endeavour. (The energy for the society are the students! And you are renewable!

Who is it open to? All years

When does it happen? Wednesday 6.05 - 7.00PM

Who is in charge? Mr

Life Drawing

Life drawing runs every Tuesday during first prep from 5.30-6.30pm. It is open to all pupils and strongly advised to Art Students. Pupils will practice figure drawing from a live model and study the human form in various positions, experimenting with a range of different art media. Drawing exercises will be taught to aid your techniques and build confidence.

Who is it open to? 4th, 5th & Sixth form

When does it happen? Tuesday's 5.30- 6.30pm

Who is in charge? Ms Wilson


MedSoc is the Wellington College medical society and is run by students and is open to 5th form upwards, most or all potential medicine applicants should look to be a part of the society. The group meets in the Library on a Monday 6.00 – 7.00pm where there are weekly discussions and occasional outside speakers based around medical issues. This is a real chance to explore the world of medicine with likeminded students.

Who is it open to? 5th and 6th Form

When does it happen? Monday 6.00 – 7.00pm

Who is in charge? Dr Wright

Model United Nations

Model United Nations is a direct simulation of the debates that occur in the real United Nations, with students representing countries from across the world. Delegates draft resolutions aimed at solving the world’s most pressing issues, from tackling violent extremist groups like ISIL to human rights in the Middle East.

The Society will attend the UK's largest MUN Conference at Haileybury College in March 2016. Before this, there's the opportunity to learn the ropes here at Wellington and at special one day taster sessions at the London School of Economics.

Who is it open to? All years.

When does it happen? Runs Wednesdays fortnightly at 6.00pm.

Who is in charge? Mr Murphy

The Observatory

The Observatory is open to all who are interested. It takes place in the Observatory, when it is dark, clear and there’s something to see. It involves looking at wonderful things in the sky; the gas giant planets are particularly good. The moon is also spectacular through the telescope. Email Mr Quintavalle with interest and a list shall be compiled that will be emailed when the group can get out to see stuff, however, events will most likely run after 2nd prep. Mr Quintavalle will email when all the above conditions align with a target for the evening and open the doors.

Who is it open to? All years

When does it happen? 9.00 -9.45pm

Who is in charge? Mr Quintavalle


Philosophy and English society - otherwise known as Pheng - is a student-led weekly meeting where we discuss all things philosophical. It's a chance to present to likeminded students interested in potentially studying Philosophy and/or English. The talk can be about any topic of your choice whether that be Aristotle or Winnie the Pooh. We also often have people present their coursework or IOPs (IB English presentation that is 20% of your final grade) which are always fascinating. However, the society isn't just about the speaker - the discussion after the presentation is always fascinating and encapsulates the diversity not just in culture but in perspective that Wellington has. Pheng meets every Tuesday in the Moral Room (Library) from 4.30 - 5.30pm. All are welcome (and cake will be provided).

Open to: All year groups

When does it happen? Tuesdays, 4.30 to 5.30pm

Where? Moral Room, Library

Who to contact? Sam Cotterill (Hl)

Phil-Thy Society

Phil-Thy Society is an academic society, mostly hosting visiting speakers and leading academics, open to all students. It takes place on a number of scheduled Thursdays at 5.00pm in the Library. Members have enjoyed some day trips to universities and lectures. Many former members have studied philosophy/theology/both at Oxbridge and other institutions. Tea and cake are provided. Website:

Who is it open to? All year groups

When does it happen? Scheduled Thursdays at 5.00pm

Who is in charge? Mr Kirby

Politics Society

Are you interested in the rise of ISIS, what the future holds for the Eurozone or why people actually like Nigel Farage? If so Politics society is for you, this year the club hosts an array of speakers from MPs to human rights workers with talks aimed at everyone, including a series of ‘Introduction to…’ lectures for those new to the subject. We will be aiming to hold talks every few weeks, including Politics and pizza nights every half term.

Who is it open to? All years!

When does it happen? No set time - sign up for our mailing list to keep

updated about upcoming events

Who is in charge?Georgia Hockenhull (U6th), supervised by Mr Bickford Smith

When does it happen? Monday 4.45–5.30pm in H1 or H2


The psychology society is a student-led organisation for anyone interested in psychology. For further details contact Natasha Fulton (W).

Science Society

The Science society looks to expand the understanding of biology and chemistry beyond the syllabus. It is mainly aimed at fifth form and above however, all students are always welcome to join in. The society meet in the Biology department on a Wednesday 4.30 - 5.30pm and will discuss science in the news or carry out some extra-curricular practical work. Students will lead discussions based on presentations they have given or research papers they have read. Practical work will go beyond the normal syllabus and at times will include dissection of specimens. All potential biologists or chemists or those interested in related university related courses should be looking to be involved in this society.

Who is it open to? All Years, mostly 5th & 6th Form.

When does it happen? Wednesday 4.30-5.30pm

Who is in charge? Dr Wright

Russian for beginners

Russian is an increasingly important language on the global stage, and studying it is hugely rewarding. Whether you are an avid linguist, intrigued by foreign cultures and politics, or would just like to understand the alphabet better, learning Russian will give you something different. For further details, contact Mr. Young on

Who is it open to? Everyone

When does it happen? Mondays 4.45 – 5.40pm

Who is in charge? Mr Young

Tricky Physics

Tricky Physics is run for 6th Formphysicists where problems are explored beyond the normal syllabus but draws on the underlying knowledge gained through 6th Formphysics and applying these to different situations. Ideas are investigated through the past Physics Olympiad and PAT papers. The sessions are run on a Wednesday evening in the Physics department (P1).

Who is it open to? 6th Form

When does it happen? Wednesday 6.00 – 7.00pm

Who is in charge? Mr Quintavalle

World History Society

Open to anyone interested in History in any year group. The aim is to learn something entirely new so no prior knowledge or level of ability is required. Regular meetings take place on Monday from 5.00 – 6.00pm in the History department, but there are plenty of other events throughout term time – lectures, trips, cultural events and more that you will be informed about as and when they occur. Pupils also deliver lectures on a wide range of events – from the Byzantine Empire to Yugoslavia in the 1990s.

Who is it open to? All years

When does it happen? Monday 5.00 – 6.00pm

Who is in charge? Georgie Walton, Simon Soros and Ella Wheeler

2.Your expression and communication - drama, dance and media

Creative Writing

“After nourishment, shelter and companionship, stories are the thing we need most in the world.”

Philip Pullman

The Wellington Creative Writing Society runs on Thursday afternoons at 6.00pm in The Library (and around the school - we write in some amazing places you might never have come across!). It is open to all year groups and to both new and experienced writers. The atmosphere is informal and supportive - it's a place where everyone finds the courage to express themselves and to explore their creativity. The sessions comprise writing workshops (prose fiction, poetry, script writing and much more) led by teachers and published writers. We also hope to hold a 24h charity writeathon for Save The Children. There will be two writing competitions this year: First Page Novel Writing Competition in the Michaelmas term and The Gavin Ewart Poetry Competition in the Lent term.

On the last Thursday of each term we have a celebratory session with drinks, nibbles and the chance to read the writing you've produced that term.

At the end of the academic year, we publish an anthology of our writing calledSouth Front. Throughout the year we seek out opportunities to publish student writing both on and off-line and encourage our members to enter writing competitions.

During the first week of the Easter holidays we are going on a writing retreat to Lumb Bank in Yorkshire run by The Arvon Foundation: 5 wonderful dates tutored by published writers.

Who is it open to? All year groups

When does it happen? Thursdays 6.00 – 7.00pm

Who is in charge?Mrs

Comedy Society - known as 'Continental Breakfast'

The society is open to all years, and we meet every Thursday from 5.00 – 7.00pm in the Green Room. We offer the chance to write and perform comedy (sketches and stand up) with tuition from leading comedian group WitTank. They have a series on E4 and have had their shows aired on BBC Three before. They visit every other week. We usually have three one hour shows per year but have hopes to increase the regularity of our shows. If anyone would like to join they can contact myself at or Ms Morse

Who is it open to? All years

When does it happen? Thursday 5.00 – 7.00pm

Who is in Charge? Rajan Mendis and Ms Morse

Photography Club

A drop-in club is held in the downstairs part of the Art School on Monday afternoons from 4.35 to 5.35pm. It is a popular society which offers varied and fun photography skills in composition, technique and processing. There is also a chance to explore the excitement and skills set that is Darkroom printing. The club is open to all photographers from all years regardless of experience. It is a great way to make the most of capturing the world around you.

Who is it open to? All years

When does it happen? Monday 4.35-5.35pm

Who is in charge? Mr Twohig

Wellington Short Film Society

Wellington Short Films was formed two years ago as a group aimingto create short films on a regular basis.The groupconsisted mainlyof WTV members whowanted to produce a fewcreative shortfilms alongsideWTV's more journalistic content, in order to gain more experience.Starting with only a few members, who worked for several months to produce a 12 minute film, “A Capsule In Time,” they quickly expanded and now have 20 members. The group is formed of many people with a range of different interests who all contribute differently to the making of the films. Some are interested in acting, others in writing, filming, editing and effects, art and music, etc. and everyone plays a different role in the filmmaking process. Hopefully the group will carry on evolving and improving over the next couple of years and will start creating increasingly bigger and better films.

Who is it open to? It's open to anyone from any year group, as long as they have a

genuine interest in film and would be willing to spend time on it