Dana A. Satir, Ph.D. 6



100 Arapahoe, Suite 12, Boulder, CO 80302

1780 South Bellaire, Suite 485, Denver, CO 80222

Phone: 720.921.7934



2014-present Licensed Clinical Psychologist

Private Practice, Denver and Boulder, CO

2014-present Adjunct Instructor, Department of School and Counseling Psychology,

Morgridge College of Education, University of Denver, Denver, CO

2014 Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of School and Counseling Psychology,

Morgridge College of Education, University of Denver, Denver, CO

2012-2013 Primary Individual and Family Therapist, Inpatient/Residential Unit,

Eating Recovery Center, Denver, CO


2013-present Licensed Psychologist, State of Colorado (CO 0003931)

2011-2012 Post Doctoral Fellow

Eating Disorders Unit, Children’s Hospital Colorado, Aurora, CO

2004-2011 Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology

Boston University, Boston, MA

2010-2011 Pre-doctoral Internship in Clinical Psychology

Cambridge Health Alliance, Harvard Medical School, Cambridge, MA

2001 A.B. in Psychology and Spanish Language and Literature, cum laude

Princeton University, Princeton, NJ


2013-2014 American Psychoanalytic Association Fellowship

2008-2012 Delegate, Research-Practice Committee

Academy for Eating Disorders, Deerfield, IL

2012 Developmental Psychobiological Endowment Fund Grant

Children’s Hospital Colorado, Aurora, CO

2008-2010 Fund for Psychoanalytic Research Award

American Psychoanalytic Association, New York, NY

2007 Psychoanalytic Research Training Program Fellow, Anna Freud Centre Program

Yale University, Child Study Center, New Haven, CT


2014- present Adjunct Instructor, Department of School and Counseling Psychology,

Morgridge College of Education, University of Denver, Denver, CO

2014 Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of School and Counseling Psychology

Morgridge College of Education, University of Denver, Denver, CO

2004-2007 Graduate Teaching Fellow, Introduction to Psychology & Statistics

Psychology Department, Boston University, Boston, MA


2011-2012 Principal Investigator (Total Direct Costs = $4000)

Cognitive Remediation Therapy for Adolescents with Anorexia: A Pilot Study

Developmental Psychobiological Endowment Fund Grant

Children’s Hospital Colorado, Aurora, CO

·  Designed and administered a four-week, eight session Cognitive Remediation Therapy intervention for N = 10 adolescents with anorexia nervosa. Conducted neuropsychological testing and assessment of eating disorder and related psychopathology pre- and post-treatment.

2008-2010 Principal Investigator (Total Direct Costs = $60,000)

Alliance-Focused Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa

Fund for Psychoanalytic Research, American Psychoanalytic

Association, New York, NY

·  Evaluated a novel relational treatment (Alliance-Focused Treatment, AFT) for N=6 adult women with anorexia nervosa using a replicated single-case design comparing AFT to Behavior Therapy on the following variables: kilocalories, quality of life, mood, cognitive and behavioral symptoms of anorexia, and quality of the therapeutic alliance.


2011-2012 Post Doctoral Fellow in Eating Disorders, Children’s Hospital Colorado,

Aurora, CO

·  Clinical-research fellow on a pediatric eating disorders unit.

·  Practiced Maudsley Family Therapy, CBT and psychodynamic psychotherapy with adolescent patients with eating disorders.

·  Program development: co-facilitating intensive outpatient program three days per week; and designing curriculum of weekly Multi-Family groups.

2010-2011 Intern, Cambridge Health Alliance, Harvard Medical School, Cambridge, MA

·  Conducted inpatient, including psychiatric emergency room, and outpatient therapy with severely mentally ill patients in a community setting.

·  Inpatient duties included individual and group therapy, psychological testing (i.e., cognitive and personality, authoring integrated reports).

·  Outpatient duties included individual therapy, DBT skills training, treatment in the Psychological Research Center (twice weekly psychodynamic therapy), and intakes.

2004-2010  Extern, Eating Disorders Program, Boston University, Boston, MA

·  Received formal training in integrative treatments for anorexia and bulimia.

·  Protocol therapist on NIMH-funded bulimia nervosa and borderline personality disorder trial comparing two versions of CBT.

2005-2009 Extern, Adult Anxiety Program, Center for Anxiety and Related Disorders Boston University, Boston, MA

·  Received formal training in the administration of manual-based CBT for mood and anxiety disorders. Provided individual CBT to adult clients with a range of anxiety, depressive, sexual and personality disorders.

2008-2009 Extern, MIT Mental Health Service, Cambridge, MA

·  Provided long-term psychodynamically-oriented and integrative psychotherapy for adolescents in a college mental health setting.

2007-2008 Extern, Freedom Trail Clinic, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA

·  Trained in CBT for schizophrenia and psychotic disorders for individuals with chronic and first-episode psychosis.

2006-2007 Extern, Adult Partial Hospital, Mclean Hospital, Belmont, MA

·  Trained in CBT for individual consultation and short-term psychotherapy for individuals with severe mood, psychotic and personality disorders.

2005-2006 Extern, The Danielsen Institute, Boston University, Boston, MA

·  Provided long-term therapy based on a reflective-practitioner model, with an emphasis on the interface of psychology and spiritual perspectives.


2014-2015 Small Group Supervisor, Graduate School of Professional Psychology, University of Denver, Denver, CO

2014 Graduate Practicum Supervisor, Department of School and Counseling Psychology, Morgridge College of Education, University of Denver, Denver, CO

2007-2010 Graduate Student Supervisor, Eating Disorders Program, Psychological Services

Center, Boston University, Boston, MA

2007-2008 Graduate Student Supervisor, Center for Anxiety and Related Disorders,

Psychological Services Center, Boston University, Boston, MA



2016-present Co-chair Psychodynamic and Integrative Psychotherapies Special Interest Group

Academy for Eating Disorders


2003-present Academy for Eating Disorders

2001-present American Psychological Association (Division 39)


2012-present Psychotherapy Research

2012-present Psychotherapy


Thompson-Brenner, Ph.D., Shingleton, R.M., Satir, D.A., & Pratt, E.P. (2015). Cognitive Behavioral

Therapy for Bulimia Nervosa and Borderline Personality. In H. Thompson-Brenner (Ed.). Casebook of Evidence-Based Approaches to Eating Disorders. New York: Guilford.

Satir, D.A., Harney, P., & Leary, K. (2014). Fear of Abandonment. In R. Summers & J. Barber (Eds.).

Psychodynamic Psychotherapy: A Pragmatic Casebook. New York: Guilford.

Satir, D.A. (2013). The role and meaning of eating disorder therapist experience level. Psychotherapy,

50, 570-572.

Satir, D.A. (2013). Alliance ruptures and repairs in the treatment of patients with eating disorders. In

D. Bunnell (Ed.). Perspectives. Philadelphia, PA: Renfrew Center.

Thompson-Brenner, H., Satir, D.A., Franko, D., & Herzog, D. (2012). Clinician reactions to patients with

eating disorders: A review. Psychiatric Services, 63, 73-78.

Satir, D.A., Goodman, D., Gorman, B., Shingleton, R., Porcerelli, J., Pratt, L., Barlow, D.H. &

Thompson-Brenner, H. (2011). Alliance-Focused Therapy for anorexia nervosa. Psychotherapy, 48, 401-410.

Thompson-Brenner, H., Boisseau, C., Satir, D.A., Weingeroff, J., & Westen, D. (2010). Treatment of

adolescents with eating disorders: Significance of personality subtypes. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 66, 277-301.

Satir, D.A., Thompson-Brenner, H., Boisseau, C. L., & Crisafulli, M. (2009). Countertransference

reactions to adolescent eating disorder patients: Relationships to symptoms and personality. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 42, 511-521.

Boisseau, C. L., Thompson-Brenner, H., Eddy, K. T., & Satir, D. A. (2009). Impulsivity and personality

variables in adolescents with eating disorders. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 197, 251-259.

Thompson-Brenner, H., Eddy, K.T., Satir, D.A., Boisseau, C.L., & Westen, D. (2008). Personality subtypes in

adolescent eating disorders: A replication study. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 49, 170-80.

Walsh, B.T., & Satir, D.A. (2005). Diagnostic issues. In J. Mitchell & C. Peterson (Eds.), Assessment of

Eating Disorders (pp. 1-16). New York: Guilford.

Walsh, B.T., & Satir, D.A. (2004). Classification of eating disorders 2002-2003. In S. Wonderlich, J.

Mitchell, M. De Zwann, & H. Steiger (Eds.), Eating Disorders Review Part I (pp. 155-163). Seattle: Radcliffe Medical.


Satir, D.A. (2016, May). Reflective functioning and Mentalization Based Treatment of eating disorders.

Clinical workshop presented at the International Conference on Eating Disorders 2016, San

Francisco, CA.

Satir, D.A. (2014, January). Working with deception in a psychodynamic treatment. Clinical conference

presented at American Psychoanalytic Association Annual Conference, New York, NY.

Thompson-Brenner, H., Pratt, E.M., Satir, D.A., Thompson, D. Shingleton, R., & Richards, L. (2013,

September). Focused vs. broad enhanced cognitive behavioral therapy for bulimia nervosa and

borderline personality disorder: A randomized controlled trial with moderator analyses. Poster

presented at the Annual Meeting of Eating Disorder Research Society, Bethesda, MD.

Satir, D.A. Applications of cognitive remediation therapy across levels of care. (2013, August).

Workshop conducted at the Fourth Annual Rocky Mountain Eating Disorders Conference, Denver, CO.

Satir, D.A. (2012, May). The use of Experimental Single-case Design to study Relational Psychotherapy

and the Therapeutic Alliance in the Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa. In L. Weisberg (Chair), Psychodynamic Special Interest Group (SIG). Symposium conducted at the International Conference on Eating Disorders 2012, Austin, TX.

Solomon, M., Satir, D.A., Bhatnagar, K., & Hagman, J. (2012, May). To tell or not to tell: The effect of

weight exposure in adolescents with eating disorders in an acute setting. Poster presented at the International Conference on Eating Disorders, Austin, TX.

Shingleton, R., Weingeroff, J., Eddy, K., Satir, D.A., Pratt, E., & Thompson-Brenner, H. (2011, May).

Integrative cognitive behavioral therapy for adolescents with bulimia-spectrum disorders. Poster presented at the International Conference on Eating Disorders, Miami, FL.

Satir, D.A., Thompson-Brenner, H., & Weingeroff, J. (2010, June). I feel, therefore I am: Identity and

affect in adolescents with eating disorders. Poster presented at the Academy for Eating Disorders

International Conference, Salzburg, Austria.

Thompson-Brenner, H, Boisseau, C.L., & Satir, D.A. (2009, January). Adolescent eating disorders:

Treatment response in a naturalistic study. Poster presented at the Conference of the American Psychoanalytic Association, New York, NY.

Satir, D.A., & Thompson-Brenner, H. (2008, June). In P. Hogland (Chair), Integrative Treatments.

Symposium conducted at the meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, Barcelona, Spain.

Satir, D.A., & Thompson-Brenner, H., & Boisseau, C.L. (2007, May). Countertransference reactions to

adolescent eating disorder patients: Relationships to symptoms and personality. Paper presented at the

International Conference for the Academy of Eating Disorders, Baltimore, MD.

Thompson-Brenner, H., Boisseau, C.L., Satir, D.A., Eddy, K.T., Weingeroff, J, & Westen, D. (2007,

May). Treatment approach and outcome for adolescent eating disorders. Poster presented at the

International Conference for the Academy of Eating Disorders, Baltimore, MD.

Boisseau, C. L., Thompson-Brenner, H., Satir, D.A., Eddy, K. T., Weingeroff, J., & Westen, D. (2007,

May). Sexual characteristics in adolescent eating disorders: Psychopathology and psychotherapy. Poster presented at the International Conference for the Academy of Eating Disorders, Baltimore, MD.

Thompson-Brenner, H., Satir, D.A., Eddy, K.T., Boisseau, C.L., & Westen, D. (2005, April). Personality

subtypes in adolescents with eating disorders. Paper presented at the Academy for Eating Disorders

International Conference on Eating Disorders, Montreal.

Satir, D.A., & Devlin, M.J. (2004, May). Anxiety, stages of treatment, and anorexia nervosa. Paper

presented at the Academy for Eating Disorders International Conference on Eating Disorders, Orlando, FL.

Walsh, B.T., & Satir, D.A. (2003, May). Eating disorders in DSM-V? Paper presented at the Academy

for Eating Disorders International Conference on Eating Disorders, Denver, CO.

Kaplan, A.S., Walsh, B.T., Devlin, M.J., Olmsted, M., Carter, J., Attia, E.A., Woodside, B., Rockert, W.,

Escott, L., Satir, D.A., & Pike, K. (2002, November). Recruitment and retention in controlled clinical trials for anorexia nervosa. Poster presented at the Eating Disorders Research Society Conference, Charleston, SC.