Name of the author(s) (Times New Roman 12, bold, left-aligned)

University (Times New Roman 8, left-aligned)

Department, School, Country


TITLE OF THE PAPER (Times New Roman 13, bold, uppercase, center)

JEL classification: (Times New Roman 10, left-aligned)

Abstract (Times New Roman 11, bold, italic, left-aligned)

Abstract (max 15 lines, Times New Roman 11, italic, justify, single line spacing, spacing 6 pt after paragraph) Abstract (max 15 lines, Times New Roman 11, italic, justify, single line spacing, spacing 6 pt after paragraph) Abstract (max 15 lines, Times New Roman 11, italic, justify, single line spacing, spacing 6 pt after paragraph) Abstract (max 15 lines, Times New Roman 11, italic, justify, single line spacing, spacing 6 pt after paragraph) Abstract (max 15 lines, Times New Roman 11, italic, justify, single line spacing, spacing 6 pt after paragraph) Abstract (max 15 lines, Times New Roman 11, italic, justify, single line spacing, spacing 6 pt after paragraph) Abstract (max 15 lines, Times New Roman 11, italic, justify, single line spacing, spacing 6 pt after paragraph) Abstract (max 15 lines, Times New Roman 11, italic, justify, single line spacing, spacing 6 pt after paragraph) Abstract (max 15 lines, Times New Roman 11, italic, justify, single line spacing, spacing 6 pt after paragraph) Abstract (max 15 lines, Times New Roman 11, italic, justify, single line spacing, spacing 6 pt after paragraph).

Keywords: three, keywords, maximum (Times New Roman 11, bold, italic, justify)

1. INTRODUCTION (Times New Roman 12, bold, uppercase, hanging 1,27)

Normal text of the paper (Times New Roman 10, justify, first line in the paragraph has 1,27 cm indent, single line spacing, spacing 6 pt after paragraph), Normal text of the paper (Times New Roman 10, justify, first line in the paragraph has 1,27 cm indent, single line spacing, spacing 6 pt after paragraph), Normal text of the paper (Times New Roman 10, justify, first line in the paragraph has 1,27 cm indent, single line spacing, spacing 6 pt after paragraph), Normal text of the paper (Times New Roman 10, justify, first line in the paragraph has 1,27 cm indent, single line spacing, spacing 6 pt after paragraph), Normal text of the paper (Times New Roman 10, justify, first line in the paragraph has 1,27 cm indent, single line spacing, spacing 6 pt after paragraph),

1.1. Model and Data (Times New Roman 11, bold, hanging 1,27)

Normal text of the paper (Times New Roman 10, justify, first line in the paragraph has 1,27 cm indent, single line spacing, spacing 6 pt after paragraph), Normal text of the paper (Times New Roman 10, justify, first line in the paragraph has 1,27 cm indent, single line spacing, spacing 6 pt after paragraph), Normal text of the paper (Times New Roman 10, justify, first line in the paragraph has 1,27 cm indent, single line spacing, spacing 6 pt after paragraph),

Normal text of the paper (Times New Roman 10, justify, first line in the paragraph has 1,27 cm indent, single line spacing, spacing 6 pt after paragraph), Normal text of the paper (Times New Roman 10, justify, first line in the paragraph has 1,27 cm indent, single line spacing, spacing 6 pt after paragraph), Normal text of the paper (Times New Roman 10, justify, first line in the paragraph has 1,27 cm indent, single line spacing, spacing 6 pt after paragraph),

1.1.1. Model and Data (Times New Roman 10, bold, hanging 1,27)

Normal text of the paper (Times New Roman 10, justify, first line in the paragraph has 1,27 cm indent, single line spacing, spacing 6 pt after paragraph), Normal text of the paper (Times New Roman 10, justify, first line in the paragraph has 1,27 cm indent, single line spacing, spacing 6 pt after paragraph), Normal text of the paper (Times New Roman 10, justify, first line in the paragraph has 1,27 cm indent, single line spacing, spacing 6 pt after paragraph),

Normal text of the paper (Times New Roman 10, justify, first line in the paragraph has 1,27 cm indent, single line spacing, spacing 6 pt after paragraph), Normal text of the paper (Times New Roman 10, justify, first line in the paragraph has 1,27 cm indent, single line spacing, spacing 6 pt after paragraph), Normal text of the paper (Times New Roman 10, justify, first line in the paragraph has 1,27 cm indent, single line spacing, spacing 6 pt after paragraph),


Tables and figures should be numbered and references to them must be in the text. Acceptable labeling for a table is Table 1 and Figure 1 for a figure. The title of the table is placed above and the source below the table. The title and source of the figure or picture is placed below the figure. The text should be composed in such a manner that there are not a greater number figures or tables on a single page. Tables and figures in landscape format are not acceptable.

Table 1

Title of the Table (Times New Roman, 10, center)

1998 / 1999 / 2000 / 2001 / 2002

Notes: normal text of notes

Source: please provide a source website, paper, author’s calculations, etc. (Times New Roman 10, italic)

Normal text of the paper (Times New Roman 10, justify, first line in the paragraph has 1,27 cm indent, single line spacing, spacing 6 pt after paragraph), Normal text of the paper (Times New Roman 10, justify, first line in the paragraph has 1,27 cm indent, single line spacing, spacing 6 pt after paragraph), Normal text of the paper (Times New Roman 10, justify, first line in the paragraph has 1,27 cm indent, single line spacing, spacing 6 pt after paragraph).

Figure 1 Title of the Figure (Times New Roman, 10, center)

Notes: normal text of notes

Source: please provide a source website, paper, author’s own. (Times New Roman 10, italic)

Equations and formulas are denoted by numbers in round parentheses and it is recommended to be produced by Editor of equations or inserted by the jpg format.





j  j = 1,2,…,n (5)

Picture 1 Title of the Picture (Times New Roman, 10, center)

Notes: normal text of notes

Source: please provide a source website, paper, author’s own. (Times New Roman 10, italic)

Please use Harvard style references for in-text citation, e.g. “An effective structure is important” (Galetić, 2006, p.22)

Normal text of the paper (Times New Roman 10, justify, first line in the paragraph has 1,27 cm indent, single line spacing, spacing 6 pt after paragraph), Normal text of the paper (Times New Roman 10, justify, first line in the paragraph has 1,27 cm indent, single line spacing, spacing 6 pt after paragraph), Normal text of the paper (Times New Roman 10, justify, first line in the paragraph has 1,27 cm indent, single line spacing, spacing 6 pt after paragraph).

3. CONCLUSIONS (Times New Roman 12, bold, uppercase, hanging 1,27)

Normal text of the paper (Times New Roman 10, justify, first line in the paragraph has 1,27 cm indent, single line spacing, spacing 6 pt after paragraph), Normal text of the paper (Times New Roman 10, justify, first line in the paragraph has 1,27 cm indent, single line spacing, spacing 6 pt after paragraph), Normal text of the paper (Times New Roman 10, justify, first line in the paragraph has 1,27 cm indent, single line spacing, spacing 6 pt after paragraph).

REFERENCES (Times New Roman 12, bold, uppercase, first line 1,27)

Make the list of references in alphabetical order. The list of references must contain only items cited in the text.

Book with an author

Tyler, T. R. (1990). Why People Obey the Law. New Haven: Yale University Press.

Book with an editor

Mawson, S. (ed.) (2001). Easy asignment writing. Doubleday Books, Sydney.

Chaper in an edit book

McCarty, T., Yaisawarng, S. (1993). Technical Efficiency in New Jersey School Districts. In Fried, H.O. et al. (eds.) The Measurement of Productive Efficiency: Techniques and Applications. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 98–120.

Journal paper

Carter, M. (1984). Issues in the Hidden Economy. Economic Record, 60, pp. 209-2011.

Paper published in conference proceedings

Stavárek, D. (2004). An Empirical Investigation of the Relations Between Stock Prices and Exchange Rates. In Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Business Administration. Gelibolu, Çanakale: Çanakale Onsekiz Mart University, pp. 793–811.

Internet resource

World Bank. (2005). Private Participation in Infrastructure Project Database,, [accessed 7.12.2002].