Richard T. Fields Bar Association

Scholarship Application


We are accepting scholarship applications from high school seniors entering college in Fall 2016, undergraduate seniors entering law school in Fall 2016, and current law school studentsof colorwho attendschool in the Inland Empire who would like to pursuecareers in the legal profession and promote justice for communities of color in the IE. Three scholars will be selected; one high school student; one undergraduate student; and one law school student. The scholarship is $1,000.00 to each recipient.

Deadline Date to Submit: June 10, 2016

Students who have been selected as a RT Fields Bar Association Scholar will be notified by a member ofthe RT Fields Bar Association Board on or before July 1, 2016. The award ceremony will be held on July 23, 2016 at the annual association dinner. Scholarship recipients must be present at this dinner.

Please Submit ScholarsApplication to:

Richard T. Fields Bar Association
P.O. Box 1275
Riverside, CA 92502

Email us at:

The Richard T. Fields Bar Association (RTFBA) was founded in 2010. The mission of RTFBA is to represent the interest of African American Attorneys in the Inland Empire (IE).

Before you submit your application, be sure to include:

___ Completed typewritten application.

___ Essay of no more than 350 words on either topic:

1.)“How I will Promote Justice for People of Color as a Legal Professional”; or

2.)“An Attorney Who is Currently Promoting Justice for People of Color”

2016Richard T. Fields Bar Association Scholarship Application

Applicants Name______School______

Home Address______City______State____Zip______

Home Phone(_____)______Cell (______)______

Email address______Grade/Level ______

Current School ______

School You Plan to Attend Next Year ______


NameOffice Held



Community Activities


Provide two examples of how you have promoted justice in your school and community.





Attach: A 350 word Essay “How I will promote justice for people of color as a legal Professional” or “An Attorney Who is Currently Promoting Justice for People of Color”