Purpose and Objectives

The purpose of the Occupational Health and Safety Standing Committee, hereinafter called the Committee, is to support the overall goals of Canadian Association of Administrators of Labour Legislation (CAALL) in relation to occupational health and safety issues. It does this by providing a federal/provincial/territorial forum to:

·  discuss and interchange ideas and proposals concerning occupational health and safety;

·  identify and exchange experience in programs, problems and issues of concern in occupational health and safety;

·  consult on developing consistent occupational health and safety requirements to the greatest extent possible, taking into account international practices;

·  review and express the minimum practicable occupational risk;

·  communicate to members of CAALL OSH authoritative information on occupational hazards and means of dealing with them;

·  consider ways in which the Canadian expertise could best contribute to international occupational health and safety standards;

·  undertake projects as required by CAALL.


·  The Committee shall consist of one member from or otherwise representing each provincial, territorial, and federal jurisdiction and one CAALL liaison as selected by CAALL.

·  The Committee will decide on the circumstances in which it may invite to its meetings, or to meetings of its subsidiary bodies, persons representing non-governmental interests or representing governmental interests other than those of Canadian OSH jurisdictions. Such persons or interests may participate to the extent permitted by the Chair, with the consent of the Committee. In no case may such persons or interests participate in the taking of a decision by the Committee.

·  Representation:

o  Each member jurisdiction may be represented at any meeting of the Committee by an alternate representative who is nominated by the member jurisdiction and is permitted to participate on behalf of the member jurisdiction in the work of the Committee.

o  A member or alternate member may be accompanied by other individuals from their jurisdiction.

·  Officers:

o  Officers of CAALL OSH include the Chair, 1st Vice-Chair, 2nd Vice-Chair, 3rd Vice-Chair, Past Chair and Secretariat.

o  The Chair will be appointed by the Committee from among its members and will hold office, at the pleasure of the Committee for a period of one year so long as the Chair remains a member of the Committee.

o  The Committee will appoint a first, second and third Vice-Chair from among its members, who shall hold office, at the pleasure of the Committee for a period of one year so long as they remains members of the Committee.

o  The Executive of the Committee will consist of the Chair, the first, second and third Vice-Chair plus the immediate Past Chair. At the annual meeting each year, each Executive Officer will move up one position and a third Vice-Chair will be appointed.

o  In the absence of the Chair, the first Vice-Chair will take the chair and may immediately nominate an alternate to act in his or her stead.

o  The duties of the first Vice-Chair will include liaison with the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) and chairing the CSA Advisory Council meetings.

o  The duties of the second and third Vice-Chair will include monitoring the status of specified work plan projects as assigned by the executive of the Committee.

o  A Secretary to the Committee will be provided and appointed by Human Resources and Social Development Canada.


·  A quorum will consist of not less than a simple majority of the Committee members.

·  The Committee is an advisory and consultative body to CAALL. In performing its functions, it will consider:

o  technical and policy aspects of occupational health and safety;

o  dangers to the safety and health of workers, for which preventive or remedial measures may be deemed necessary, taking into account the effect upon other persons and the environment.

·  The committee is also a coordinating body in which representatives
of each of the jurisdictions may consult together on matters within their respective jurisdictions, such as:

o  the adoption of regulations, amendments to existing regulations, guidelines for techniques of conduct, codes of practices, manuals of emergency procedures, and general aspects of occupational safety and health regulations;

o  consistent measures and standards within Canada (these may be derived from the analysis of hazards through studies undertaken by members on their own initiative or through research undertaken on formal recommendations of the Committee); and

o  matters related to occupational health and safety at the international level.

·  The Committee carries out other duties and functions as CAALL may designate.

·  The Committee may establish:

o  sub-committees to examine specific aspects of any matter which falls within its objectives. The Committee will decide on the membership (which may include external experts), the terms of reference and the objectives of the subcommittee. Such sub-committees will conduct their business in the manner prescribed by the rules of procedure of the Committee;

o  partnership with other committees and organizations.

·  Reporting:

o  The Chair shall report the Committee’s work plan and activities to CAALL at the CAALL annual meeting. The Committee shall provide additional reports and information as requested by CAALL.

o  The sub-committees shall report their activities regularly as required by the Committee.

·  Meetings:

o  The Committee shall meet ‘face-to-face’ at annual meetings. Location of the meetings will be decided by the Committee. Additional meetings, including teleconferences, will be held at the call of the Chair or at the request of a quorum of the members.


As adopted January 1976;

Revised April, 1976; August 1976; December, 1976; April, 1977;

November, 1979; March, 1992; December 2004;

March 2008.