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Good Posture / Small Group Discussion Guide
Walk In The Spirit – Week 2

Starting Scriptures

Ephesians 2:6-9 “And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, in order that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of his grace, expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus. For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God– not by works, so that no one can boast.”
Ephesians 2:10 “For we are His workmanship,created inChrist Jesus forgood works, which Godprepared beforehand so that we wouldwalk in them.”
Ephesians 6:10 “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes.”
Walking in the Spirit is more than a uniform action of keeping rules and avoiding sin. It is a dynamic, ongoing expression of God’s will at work within us and His power at work through us. And like most other activities, our walk in the Spirit is impacted by our ability – or inability – to recognize and practice a proper “posture”. In Ephesians, we identify three types of “postures” that help us to walk in the Spirit.
Walking in the Spirit first requires us to first SIT. Power does not come from “doing”. It comes from “resting”. When we sit with Christ, we are sitting with credibility, and you take that credibility everywhere you WALK. Sit before you walk. Because if you don't sit and walk well, you're never going to STAND against the enemy.
Discussion Questions
1.  ICEBREAKER: What do you do to find rest? How do you “recharge”? Do you have a place you go, or an activity that relaxes you? (ex. – “I go for a walk”, “I get out of town”, etc.)
2.  What are some ways that we can “sit” and receive from the Lord? What does “sitting” and receiving from the Lord look like for you personally? (i.e. – describe your devotional time, morning or evening prayer habits, bible study practices, etc. Be sure to not put anyone on the spot and be ready to encourage group members that are still developing these habits. All of us who are learning to walk in the Spirit are also continually growing in the Spirit. See “Going Deeper” below for ideas.)
3.  In what ways have you seen your quiet time affect the way you “walk” and the choices you make in your relationships? (Deeper Question: Have you ever received special instruction, an encouragement in scripture, or wisdom to share from your time spent in a quiet time with the Lord? Explain what that looked like.)
4.  What areas of your “walk” might you be struggling in this week? How can you be the light of the world to someone this week? (Leaders: The responses we are looking to generate here specifically involve the way we may be struggling to impact others in our “walk”.)
5.  Where can we (our group) “stand” together with you in prayer this week?
Going Deeper
As we have seen, walking in the Spirit begins with a posture of sitting. If you or a fellow group member have struggled to develop the discipline of a quiet time, or if you are looking for a fresh approach and a new season in your quiet time, we encourage you to explore how our S.O.A.P bible reading plan can help you hear from God, adjust the posture of your walk, and help you stand in prayer on a daily basis.
Below are a few tips we encourage you to use should you choose to grab a hold of this incredible bible study method and quiet time tool:
Know where to find the SOAP plan.
o  You can access the SOAP plan on your Chapelhill app, or pick up a book mark from Guest Services.
Choose a place that is quiet and is “yours”.
o  A place that is “yours” is simply a place where you personally find rest, peace, and focus without the distractions of the outside world.
Read slowly, and ask God to speak to you.
o  The goal of SOAP is not to complete a reading plan. The best part of SOAP is that it is a model that encourages you to seek God, hear from God, and respond to Him.
Write down what you see and share it with someone later.
o  Let your “sitting” with the Lord impact your “walk” with others as you share what He shows you.
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