
Immigration Project – Self Assessment Rubric/Checklist

Please fill in the points you feel you deserve based upon the maximum value possible.

Immigration Themes- Established by answering the questions regarding the chosen immigrant group.

______of 5 – Push factors- The reasons they left their native land

______of 5– Pull Factors – Why did the immigrants choose America?

______of 5 – Voyage across the ocean – conditions of steerage

______of 5– Processing at Ellis Island

______of 10 – Life in America- (living conditions, possible jobs, assimilation into America, where did they settle?)

Total - ______of 30

Part 2 – Choose Option - ______

______- of 20- The themes above are incorporated into the content of the Option

______of 10 - images are included throughout the chosen option

______of 10 – Physical Layout of the Assignment is neat and supports the theme of immigration

Total - ______of 40

Overall Total = ______of 70


Immigration Project – Self Assessment Rubric/Checklist

Please fill in the points you feel you deserve based upon the maximum value possible.

Immigration Themes- Established by answering the questions regarding the chosen immigrant group.

______of 5 – Push factors- The reasons they left their native land

______of 5– Pull Factors – Why did the immigrants choose America?

______of 5 – Voyage across the ocean – conditions of steerage

______of 5– Processing at Ellis Island

______of 10 – Life in America- (living conditions, possible jobs, assimilation into America, where did they settle?)

Total - ______of 30

Part 2 – Choose Option - ______

______- of 20 - The themes above are incorporated into the content of the Option

______of 10 - images are included throughout the chosen option

______of 10 – Physical Layout of the Assignment is neat and supports the theme of immigration

Total - ______of 40

Overall Total = ______of 70

Immigration Research Project

  • Ellis Island – Brief History Questions
  • Island of Hope – Island of Tears
  • Push/Pull Factors Packet
  • Becoming Americans Packet
  • History Alive Textbook – Chapter 26
  • Creating America Textbook – Chapter 21
  • Websites for Ellis Island and Immigration
  • Immigrant Books – various immigrant groups

Excellent work – You incorporate the major themes of immigration in your letters and enhance them with your images and “features” throughout the scrapbook. Your letters seem so natural. This is a model for future classes- Can I keep this? If not, I completely understand. It has been a pleasure all year looking over your work.

This looks like it can be the real thing – Great Job

It is obvious that you have a strong interest in immigrants from the Ukraine. It was a pleasure to read. I learned a lot from your project. You did a nice job incorporating the major aspects of immigration on each page with the images and letters.

It is another example of your hard work and dedication to school- It has been a pleasure.

Nice work- you do a great job capturing the major themes of immigration in both your letters and images. It was great to see how you incorporated the facts of immigration into your letters. The project had a real scrapbook feel to it – a definite talent.

The artwork was excellent – it really did a nice job visually depicting two of the major themes of immigration. It is a talent I wish I had