God‘s Spirit: In the Ordinary Time of Our Lives

The Spirit of God has a real challenge in being able to fashion environments in which our faith and our life within a community of faith becomes the model. The difficulty is in allowing the Spirit of God to awaken the power to imagine within us. The process is reminiscent of the prophet Isaiah, speaking of God as the potter and we as the clay.

Allowing ourselves to be molded, shaped and transformed by the Spirit of God takes patience. It is a process that is slow and steady.

Over and above so much depends on God’s timing and our cooperation. The shaping of this interdependence and community life can be disrupted by our need, as a contemporary society, to seek immediate answers to ultimate questions. On all three levels, the personal, social and spiritual, it becomes easier to seek answers outside of ourselves, rather than search the centered inner self in which we encounter God’s Spirit within us.

The ability to become self-reflective individuals, motivated from within, takes time.

The grace of God awakened in us can do the unimaginable, so long as we as God’s people don’t undermine or distort God’s self-image within.

Being products of a consumer society, not only are our movies “on demand,” but we also seek immediate answers to our problems, “on demand.” We want it all without any delay; instant gratification.

God’s Spirit enables us not only to see through the lens of faith, but empowers us to use all our senses in experiencing the presence of God in and through the world and each other. God has an amazing ability to take the ordinary of our lives and create an extraordinary way of life.

But we have to trust in God’s timing, and as people of faith; not knowing how far God will take us. LGaetano