St Johns School



Meeting / Date / Time / Location
St Johns School PTA AGM / 11.09.17 / 3pm / Sperring Room
Kelly Martin, Julie Harris,Gemma Gamester, Lisa Maule, Sarah Brown, Cheryl Hansford, Jo McGrath, Stacey Winter, Vicki Denham, Emma Gardiner, Debbie Roberts, Bekka Lowe, Sally Stanford
Apologies / CC
Tessa Harvey, Claire Mirams, Jess Winsor

Agenda Items

  1. Review of PTA Finances and Achievements
  2. Nomination of PTA roles
  3. PTA Fundraising
  4. Forward planning

Item / Discussion Points/ Outcomes & Actions / Actions
1. / JH presented a breakdown of the finances and accounts for 2016/17. A total of £10,103.47 profits has been raised by the PTA in 2016/17. So far this year £4,929.81 has been spent with further funds committed to works for a new playground.
The PTA have funded various items including the reception bibles, various resources for the lunch time zones and for the nursery.
2. / KM, JH, TH, EG, GG and CH all wish to step down from their roles.
Stacey Winter was nominated by JH for the role of PTA Chair, and this was seconded by KM. This nominations was supported unanimously by the PTA committee members.
No further nominations were made for the remaining vacant posts.
SW would seek further volunteers and agreed to hold a further meeting to nominate and confirm the rest of the team.
KM & JH to meet with SW to handover financial records and planning details. / SW
3. / JM outlined to the committee the schools aspirations to develop an additional playground. This is to alleviate overcrowding on the current playgrounds, particuarly in the winter when the field cannot be used.
Some funding has already been raised and allocated towards this project, and JM is planning to commit Tesco funding too. With further funds needed the PTA committee were asked to consider committing to raising further funds towards the new playground in 2017/18. This was agreed.
4. / Future PTA events briefly discussed including: school discos, Christmas Fayre, Mufti Days and Bingo Nights. Some of these dates have already been fixed, with bookings made.
Mrs Mirams would also like the PTA to explore holding a car boot sale during this term.

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