BAW LC Director/Lecturer in Italian

OFFICE: JRH 316/355 –

PHONE: (818) 677-3452

Messages to Dept. Office @ (818) 677-3467

OFFICE HOURS: Tue. & Wed. 1:00-2:00 and by appoint.

ITALIANO 300– Advanced Italian Conversation - Spring 2008


Da Capo 6th Edition/Da Capo workbook and lab manual - Graziana Lazzarino & Annamaria Moneti; Thomson/Heinle 2007

Don Camillo Guareschi; ER edition

MEDIA MATERIALS:The BAWLC located in JRH 316, will provide you with a number of media materials with which to enhance your Italian language acquisition. I have arranged for the following to be available to you:



Web site of interest and for research: (supports Da Capo text)

(web browser)

(web browser)

(web browser)


Tell Me More [ EuroTalk Interactive DVDRom [I/DVD-1]; Parliamo Italiano; Transparent Language; Lets Talk Italian.

Additional reading and conversation materials/handhouts will be provided to you by faculty. Video assignments, interviews and presentations will also be required.

Italia Contemporanea: Conversations with native speakers. Lucas, Ceil.YaleUniversity Press, 2001


The general characteristics of the course (methodology, origins of the Italian language, importance of studying a foreign language, language lab, attendance, grading, etc.) will be discussed in depth the first day of class. A large portion of class time will be spent using the language interactively, your participation will be essential. This course will provide students with an opportunity to attain greater fluency in speaking. Conversations will be based on readings/video-multimedia segments on diverse topics (every-day life, currents events, regional and linguistic peculiarities, etc.). Students will be offered maximum opportunity to participate in class and small group discussions. Vocabularybuilding, oral reports, use of the language laboratory for access to multimedia materials will be an integral part of the course. A review of specific grammatical points will contribute to students' ability to speak correctly in the target language.By the end of the semester, students should have acquired sufficient proficiency to be able to converse in Italian in a real life situation with a modicum of ease.

This course will incorporate a number of assignments which will address a diverse spectrum of topics relating to the Italian language and current trends in Italian culture. The course will include an Internet/Web/Software element and a number of individual oral and group assignments.


  • to acquire the ability to discuss cultural, social and linguistic topics at ACTFL intermediate-advanced level
  • to encourage critical thinking and promote lifelong learning
  • to increase students’ understanding of the nature of language, its function, structure, and interactional (social) purpose
  • to develop and advance the five ‘Cs’ (Communications, Cultures, Connections, Comparisons, Communities) which are part of the National Standards for Language Education.


Oral participation in class discussions, interviews, and role playing is absolutely essential. Since the primary goal is for students to develop the ability to converse in Italian at an intermediate-advanced level, class attendance and participation are mandatory.


Attendance is mandatory. According to CSUN policy, if students miss more than five classes without proper justification, grades can be lowered one letter grade ("A" will change to "B," etc).


Will not be tolerated. Please see CSUN Catalog for University policy.


Punctual completion of all reading material assigned is mandatory. Students must be ready to present, discuss, and elaborate upon ideas and themes expressed in the text, films and any other material received.


The course will require several written examinations as well as oral presentations on topics covered during the semester. Oral assignments and projects will be evaluated for proficiency, pronunciation, grasp of vocabulary and overall ability to communicate in Italian.


Grading will be both objective (attendance, homework, quizzes, exams, etc.) and subjective (effort, participation, progress, etc.). Plus/minus scale will be used in this course - SEE CSUN CATALOG FOR DETAILED POLICY- grades will be determined based on the following: oral presentations/interviews 20%; in class assignments/quizzes 50%; final exam 20%; attendance, participation, progress, video/media assignments, etc., 10%.


at the conclusion of this course students

  • will have honed their communicative skills (speaking, listening, reading, and writing)
  • will understand and be able to dialogue with native speakers and carry out interviews in the target language
  • will have a solid foundation for continuing on with the 400 level course sequence and the minor in Italian.


PLEASE, PLEASE, PER PIACERE, see me in my office or call me the moment you are aware of any problems in understanding. I will do my best to help.

Prof. Patrizia Miller

ITALIANO 300 – Advanced Italian Conversation - Spring 2008


WEEK 1& 2 –DA CAPO - capitolo 6:

GRAMMATICA - Passato remoto; trapassato prossimo; trapassato remoto; ci/ne; pronomi personali personali (forme combinate).

CONVERSAZIONE - Ma!, insomma!!!, parliamo la stessa lingua?

View video segment from Italia Contemporanea: Differenze Linguistiche pts. 1, 2, & 3. (BAW Language Center JRH 316)

LETTURA -Da Capo – “Il topo dei fumetti” (pg.155)

CULTURA -L'Italia e le sue lingue: i dialetti. Gli italiani ed il premio Nobel

WEEK 2 & 3 –DA CAPO - capitolo 7:

GRAMMATICA - Futuro; condizionale; verbi servili (dovere/potere/volere).

CONVERSAZIONE - Se io potessi.....(cosa vedete nel vostro futuro?), io vorrei......

View video segment from Italia Contemporanea: Il Lavoro, pt. 1 & 2 (BAW Language Center JRH 316)

LETTURA -Da Capo – “Gli extracomunitari” (pg. 178-179)

CULTURA - Problemi nazionali: l'immigrazione.

Primo compito scritto in classe – 14 febbraio, 2008

WEEK 4 & 5 – DA CAPO - capitolo 8:

GRAMMATICA– Congiuntivo presente e passato; espressioni indefinite

CONVERSAZIONE – Dove e con chi abitare?

View video segment from Italia Contemporanea: La Casa, pts. 1 & 2 (BAW Language Center JRH 316)

LETTURA– Da Capo - “Una ragazza normale” (pg. 204-205)

CULTURA–I mammoni