Indian Springs Baptist Church

May 23, 2010

Worship Celebration: 9:45am

A Special Welcome to our Guests . . .

We would like anopportunity to meet you and share about the ministries of our church. Join us at our Guest Reception Area (located in the main lobby) immediately following the morning worship. - - - Dr. Roc Collins

Prelude...... “We’re Marching to Zion”Arr. Kenneth Varner

Welcome and Prayer...... Joel Brister

Worship Through Song...... “Everlasting God”

Sharing Through Song ...... “Something Happens”
Jamie Williams, solo

WorshipThrough Song ...... “He Keeps Me Singing”

Worship in the Word...... Dr. Roc Collins
Series: The Empowered Church
Sermon Title: “A Growing Ministry” Acts 16:1-5

Confession and Repentance ...... “Have Thine Own Way, Lord”

Worship Through Giving ...... “Fairest Lord Jesus”Arr. Hayes and Gaspard


Postlude...... “Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee”Ludwig Beethoven

Indian Springs Baptist Church

May 23, 2010

The Spring: 11:10am

Sermon Notes

Dr. Roc Collins

Series: The Empowered Church

Sermon Title: “A Growing Ministry” Acts 16:1-5

This Week at ISBC

Sunday, May 23

Senior Graduation Recognition

11:10am – The Spring

Puppets – Extended practice after church –Upper CLC

Financial Peace University – 4pm – A217

Christ and Company – 5:15pm – Sanctuary

Evening Service – 6:30pm – Sanctuary – Dr. Roc Collins
Series: The Power of Faith

Sermon: “There is More (continued – Samuel) Hebrews 11:32

Special Called Business Meeting – 7:45 - Sanctuary

Monday, May 24

MAGI Museum Trip– Bus leaves at 8:00am

Wednesday, May 26

Wednesday Supper – 4:30-5:50pm – CLC – Potato Crusted Cod

(reservations/cancellations required by noonTuesdays by contacting the
receptionist at 323-2187 )

Students Meet, Greet, & Eat – 5:30pm – SAC – Taco Salad

RE:generation – 6pm – SAC

Library – CLOSED this week

Preaching – 6pm – Sanctuary

Inreach – 6:30pm - A212

Prayer Covering – 6:30pm – A215

Outreach – 6:30pm – Guest Reception

Choir Practice – 6:30pm – Sanctuary

Orchestra – 6:45pm – Sanctuary

2010 High School and College Graduates

Dobyns Bennett High School:
Amber Dean
Tirsa Elizondo
Alexander Hargrave
Tyler Strasser
Sullivan Central High School:
Keith Alexander Adkins
Dylan Beverly
Samantha J. Bledsoe
Lauren Brooke Blevins
Brice Clark
Briana Cox
Austin Culberson
David Eaton
Alex Light
Shelby Metcalf
Jordan Rhoten
Chris Ryan
Tri- Cities Christian School
Jacob Peterson
South Vigo High School,
Terre Haute, IN:
David Vowell
Duke University:
Rob Dandridge
King College:
Emily Wallace / East Tennessee State University:
Samantha Kay Bumgardner
Kendall Flegel
Amber Preston
Maryville College:
Jessica Greene
Northeast State Technical
Community College:
Charli Caulkins
Danna Hubbard
Tennessee Technological University:
Justin Garrett
Union College:
Rachel O’Dell
University of Southern Mississippi:
Bradley McKenzie
University of Tennessee:
Stephanie Hickam
University of Tennessee
at Chattanooga:
Steven Scott Butler

General News & Announcements

Lucas Ryan Kistner was born Monday, May17th.

He weighed 6lbs, 7 oz and 19.5 inches. The proud parents are Mike and Bonnie Kistner along with big brother Austin.

Welcome New Member

Ethan Thomascame forward on May162010,for membershipby Baptism. He lives at 331Holston Drive, Blountville, TN 37617.


Mature Adults Getting Involved

Creation Museum Trip – May 24-26 – This is a 3-day, 2-night trip and is open to anyone in the church. The cost is approximately $105 plus the cost of 5meals. Contact Doris Pressley or SusanCox to sign up.

Tennessee Theater Trip – June 7 – Knoxville’s Historic Theater and S&W Cafeteria. We will hear an organ concert. Cost of meal. Contact Doris Pressley or

Susan Cox.

Special Called Business Meeting – After this evening’s service

Agenda Items:

  • The Finance Team will be presenting a recommendation to change the ISBC Fiscal Year from January – December to July – June
  • The Nominating Team will present recommendations for two additional persons to serve on the Finance Team
  • The Constitution and Bylaws Team will present changes in the ISBC Bylaws
  • The Deacons will present a list of nominees for ISBC messengers to the SBC convention scheduled for June 2010
  • Trustee Election

Deacon Nominations began Sunday May 16 through June 6

Look for “Nomination Ballots” in the Literature Racks in the lobby. A collection box for your nominations will be available on the Welcome Center Desk. Deacon election is targeted for July18,2010. As you likely know, all previously ordained deacons are automatically nominated. Your nominations will be for those who have not been ordained.

VBS – June 27-July 1

VBS Registration for 2010 is OPEN Online!!

To register your child/children online please follow instructions below:

Step 1:Go to Click on Ministries tab, Click on Preschool
and Children’s tab and Select VBS is coming.... tab.

Step 2:Go to the bottom and click on VBS Registration.
SelectLearner Registration located at left side of page.

Step 3:When the Learner Registration Screen comes up, you’ll have
the option to click here, if you registered last year with us. Then follow
the instructions on screen. If you are a NEW Learner this year, you’ll
need to enter all the information required.

Step 4: When get to bottom SELECT Register Learner.
You’ll receive a confirmation email.

To register as a Volunteer for VBS, follow the same instructions above
and SELECT Volunteer Registration instead of Learner Registration.

Meet, Greet, & Eat – 5:30pm each Wednesday in the SAC

RE:generation – 6:00pm each Wednesday in the SAC

Students (continued)

Mission Trip Dates:

June 11-18 – We will partner with BridgePoint Church, St.Petersburg, FL (

July 3-10 – International Mission Trip for rising 11thgraders through college/adult – Corinto, Nicaragua

Puppet Team

Today – We will stay after the 11:10am morning worship service and have an extended practice in preparation for Mission Trip. Practice in the usual place – Upper CLC

May 30 – Puppet Team will meet at the nursery foyer at 11am for our children’s church performance. We WILL also meet at 4:15pm on that afternoon as well.

June 6 – We will also meet at 4:15pm.

Attention Parents:

Here is some important information you may want to know. If you are not a parent, then please take this opportunity to pray for our students and prayerfully consider donating to the cause to assist some of our students who may not otherwise be able to make some of these trips.

Mission Tour: St. Petersburg
Dates: June 11-18
Cost: $275 per student
Deadlines: Registration and $50 Deposit Deadline has passed, but room still available. Contact Tiger.
Final payment due Sunday, June 6

Mission: Nicaragua (for rising 11th graders through adult)
Dates: July 3-10
Cost: $1000 (maximum)
Deadlines: Registration and $200 Deposit Deadline has passed, but room still available. Contact Tiger
Final payment due Sunday, June 20

Feel free to contact Tiger Brooks at 423-323-2187 ext. 27 for more information or question

Week of May 30 – Preschool Schedules

VIP’s (Volunteers In Preschool) Nursery Rotation forSunday, May 30

9:45am Worship Hour (please be sure to arrive by 9:30am)
Infants:Laura Bowers, Denise Whitfield
Creepers:Donna & Clarissa Whitaker
3-Year Old Helper: Mark Walker

11:10am Worship Hour (please be sure to arrive by 10:55am)
Infants:Kaye Poirier


2-yearolds:Deborah & Erwin Holman


4-yearolds: Laura Richmond, Charlie Garrett

6:30pm Worship Hour

Tricia Clark, Tom Pressley

Week of May 23, 2010– Ministry Schedules

All listings for these ministries will reflect the current week:

Deacons on Call: Keith Cox (229-4724); Ryan McReynolds (246-3628)

Greeter Team:Pam Hood, Susan Cox, Phyllis Neurdenberg, Margaret Cowan, Ron Poirier, Gene & Sandra Longworth, Bill & Alicia Adams, Gary & Cindy Rowland, Youth Representative

Guest Ministry:9:45am Service – Dave & Lisa Baughn
11:10am Service – Charlie & Darlene Garrett

Hostess Team (Month of May): Shirley Harper, Becky Bridges

Parking Lot Greeters:John Williams, Brian Bowers, Rich Decker, GaryHubble, Adam Poff, David Williams

Safety: John Williams, Tim Candler, Robert Wallace, Robert Sterling

Ushers: Ron Cunningham, Allen Brooks, D. Frazier, Rich Decker, RobertWallace, Russell Fox, Bill Cox, Garry Cobb, JoeSandidge, Gary Gibson

Weekly Vital Signs – Attendance – May 16, 2010

Worship Celebration: ...... 329

The Spring: ...... 372

Worship Service TOTAL: ...... 701

8:30am Bible Study: ...... 126

9:45am Bible Study: ...... 206

11:10am Bible Study: ...... 199

Bible Study TOTAL: ...... 531

Evening Worship: ...... 236

Awana (Wednesdays) ...... 259

Baptisms (YTD)...... 13

Weekly Vital Signs – Finances – May 16, 2010

Budget Receipts (to date): $633,551.31

Needed (to date): $567,640.77

Needed Each Week: $28,382.04

Received: $34,327.88

Building Fund: $746.00

Required Monthly Principal Payment: $7,712.00

TOTAL Offering: $35,914.38

Loan Balance: $436,638.22

TBCH (to date): $1,736.00

May Anniversaries

5/24...... Dale & Vivian O’Dell
Clay & Laura Richmond

5/25...... Nate & Dana Moock

5/29...... Larry & Kathy Horne

5/30...... Ron & Gail Cunningham

5/31...... Sarah & Jeremy LaDuke
Adam & Rachel Hall

May Birthdays

5/23...... David Phillips, Jonathan Cooper, Sydney Carrier

5/24...... David Wright, Bruce Moody, Kacie Castle

5/25...... Greg Nelson, Travis Harr, Abby-Rose VanBuren

5/26...... Fred Wagner, Michelle Sanchez, Rob George, Scott Reece

5/27...... Doann Duren, Allen Brooks, Donna Walker, Jeanne Alexander,
Michael Messamore, Beth Dishman, Olivia Nothnagel

5/28...... David Bryant, Gina Ayers, Dallas Bivins,
Bryant Caveness, Caty Scarce

5/29...... Norris Gilliam, Elizabeth Moock

5/30...... Jake Weaver, Alexis Prillhart

Bristol TN Softball Church League 2010 Schedule

May 24 – 6:45pm – Field B – Bluff City United Methodist

May 25 – 8:00pm – Field B – Central Holston Christian

Thank you for being with us
on this day the Lord hath made!

ISBC Worship Services – Sundays 10-11am
WHCB 91.5 FM

ISBC Church Staff

Pastor: Dr. Roc Collins ...... Ext. 21

Minister of Music: Mike Morgan ...... Ext. 25

Minister of Education/Administration: Joel Brister ...... Ext. 26

Minister to Students: Tiger Brooks ...... Ext. 27

Minister of Childhood Education: Jeralyn Collins ...... Ext. 29

Preschool Ministry Assistant: Cyrena Fletcher ...... Ext. 30

Children’s Ministry Assistant: Ursula Ward ...... Ext. 30

Administrative Secretary: Pam Curtis ...... Ext. 21

Financial Administrator: Linda Patterson ...... Ext. 22

Coordinator of Food Services: Wayne Droke ...... Ext. 28 or 246-8055

Minister of Pastoral Care: Dr. David Phillips ...... 245-9029

Minister to Senior Adults: Bill Allen ...... 341-5018

Missions Coordinator: Jim Carson ...... 323-4372

Pianist: Tom Allen ...... 288-4770

Organist: Sandy Allen ...... 288-4770

Church Office: 323-2187 --- Weather Hotline: 212-0705 --- FAX: 323-8335 ---