Date: September 28, 2016

Subject: PSLARA Meeting Minutes

Meeting Called to Order:

President Paul Horner (KK4ISZ) called the meeting to order at 1931 ET.

Pledge to the Flag:

Members and guests recited the Pledge of Allegiance.


Members present were asked to introduce themselves by name and call sign. 21 members were present.

Previous meeting minutes:

Minutes of the July meeting, as posted on our website, were approved by motion of Harold (N3UY, and seconded by Ernie (AJ4BP). Motion carried.

A question was raised by Greg (KB4VVE) as to web privacy of Minutes and was resolved when it was determined that the General Membership meetings are open to public view, Board Minutes to members (all) only.

Treasurer Report:

Jody (W4SLC) reported that we have $117.00 in Petty Cash and a Checking Account balance of $7490.43 including obligated funds from Ft. Pierce hamfest. Motion to approve the Treasurer report was made by Greg (KB4VVE) and seconded by Larry (W4QH). Motion carried.



President Paul (KK4ISZ) announced that the program this evening would on Jody (W4SLD) regarding generator use and safety.


Ernie (AJ4BP) reported that the Repeaters are working fine and that EchoLink is relocated in his shack and working. A Preventative Maintenance is to be scheduled on both repeaters.


Paul (KK4ISZ) reported that the next club breakfast will be on Oct. 1st. The fall club picnic will be on October 15 from 10 to 2PM, the club Christmas party will be 17 December at the Olive Garden in Tradition from 2 to 5PM and a notice was made of our nets and meetings.

Club Relations:

Sherwin (KA9COD) reported our ad ran.


Sherwin (KA9COD). One new member, Scott Duer (no call – yet).


Harold (W8PPI) absent due to illness.

Testing and Education:

Bob (KJ4UXS) reported that no one showed for the 10 Sept. testing, Oct testing will not be held due to Melbourne Hamfest. Next sessions are 12 Nov and 10 Dec.


Watch the weather. W4SLC system may take over the K4PSL 2M by agreement. Check your batteries and other preparations. Be aware of TS Matthew turning north.

Old Business:


New Business:

Info on St. Lucie 800mHz Trunking system upgrades from Craig (KK4CID). New County tower to have 440mHz DMR repeater.


There being no further business to conduct, a motion was made by Greg (KB4VVE) to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 2009 ET.

Respectfully submitted,

Greg Bunting (KB4VVE) Secretary