2015-2016 Western Elite Circuit

Western Elite Circuit #1 (Oktoberfest) 20%

Calgary, AB, October 16-17-18, 2015

Entry deadline: September 24th 2015

Western Elite Circuit #2 (Richmond Championship) 40%

Richmond, BC, December 4-5-6, 2015

Entry deadline: November 12th 2015

Western Elite Circuit #3 (Winterfest) 40%

Calgary, AB, February 18-19-20-21, 2016

Entry deadline: January 28th 2016

Program Proposal: Western Elite #1

Sunday, / Coaches meeting
500m #1 & 1500m PreLim and Quarter
500m #1 & 1500m Semi and Final
500m #2 + 3000m

*Program subject to change depending on the size of the entry, and preferences of the organizer

Program Proposal: Western Elite #2

Sunday, / Coaches meeting
1000m #1 & 500m PreLim and Quarter
1000m #1 & 500m Semi and Final
1000m #2 + 3000m points

*Program subject to change depending on the size of the entry, and preferences of the organizer

Program Proposal: Western Elite #3

Sunday, / Coaches meeting + 1500m & 500m Prelim
1000m Prelim, 500m, 1000m, 1500m Qt
1500m & 500m Semi and Final
1000m Semi, Final + Relay

*Program subject to change depending on the size of the entry, and preferences of the organizer


The Western Elite Circuit has a primary goal of providing quality racing opportunities for the developing Junior and Neo-Senior Short Track athlete. To be eligible participants have to be Junior C or up (born before July 1st 2002, Junior ISU).

This competition series has room for 60 male and 60 female skaters in every event, when the maximum is reached skaters will be ranked and selected for the competition based on the combination of their 500m & 1500m seed times.

For the 2nd and 3rd Elite Circuit the following is in effect: Priority will be given to the 45 top skaters from the ranking from the previous competition(s). The last 15 spots are open, if a maximum is reached those 15 skaters will be selected based on their combined 500m/1500m seed time.

The competition will run as one category for each gender. At the end of the competition, the ranking will be split in 2 different age categories:

-  U17

-  Open: 17 year old and up men / ladies (Junior A- Senior)

After each competition there will be a winner in the 2 categories for both female and male skaters.

Entry Fees

Western Elite Circuit Entry Fee: $80 (CDN) per competition (includes GST)

Late Fee: Double entry fee after entry deadline

Prize proposal: TBC

-  For each single WEC competition; 1St ___$ – 2nd ___$ – 3rd ___$ (Men/ladies – U17 / Open)

-  Overall Price for the season (Men/ladies – U17 / Open):

o  1St Overall; Depends on the budget/sponsor

Format Proposal:

Program Proposal: Western Elite Circuit #1


Qualifier / Quarter / Semi / Final
60 athletes
5 groups of 12
15 races / 16
(4 races) / Top 8 / A Final
B Final
Bottom 8 / C Final
D Final
(4 races) / Top 8 / E Final
F Final
Bottom 8 / G Final
H Final
(4 races) / Top 8 / I Final
J Final
Bottom 8 / K Final
L Final
(4 races) / Top 8 / M Final
N Final
Bottom 4


Qualifier / Semi / Final
60 athletes
5 groups of 12
10 races / Top 18
(3 races) / A Final
B Final
C Final
Sub 18
(3 races) / D Final
E Final
F Final
Bottom 18
(3 races) / G Final
H Final
I Final

Program Proposal: Western Elite Circuit #2

500m & 1000mX2

Qualifier / Quarter / Semi / Final
60 athletes
5 groups of 12
15 races / 16
(4 races) / Top 8 / A Final
B Final
Bottom 8 / C Final
D Final
(4 races) / Top 8 / E Final
F Final
Bottom 8 / G Final
H Final
(4 races) / Top 8 / I Final
J Final
Bottom 8 / K Final
L Final
(4 races) / Top 8 / M Final
N Final
Bottom 4

Program Proposal: Western Elite Circuit #3


Heats / Quarter / Semi / Final
60 athletes
10 races / Top 36
(5 races) / Top 18 / Final A
Final B
Final C
Final D
Final E
Final F
Bottom 18
Bottom 24
(5 races) / Top 12 / Final G
Final H
Final I
Final J
Bottom 12


Heats / Quarter / Semi / Final
60 athletes
15 races / Top 32
(8 races) / Top 16 / Final A
Final B
Final C
Final D
Final E
Final F
Final G
Final H
Bottom 16
Bottom 28
(7 races) / Top 16 / Final I
Final J
Final K
Final L
Final M
Final N
Final O
Bottom 12

Fourth Distance Proposal: TBD among the number of entry and time remaining on Sunday.

Western Elite Circuit #1:

3000m: Does not count for the overall ranking. The number of athletes on each Super Final will depend on the number of entries. There will be bonus points after 9 laps: 4096 points (5th place from ranking points)

Western Elite Circuit #2:

3000m points: Does not count for the overall ranking. Will be based on the same rules as used during the Canada Winter Games 2015.

Western Elite Circuit #3:

Relay: Team will be done by, Top 16 together, 17 – 32, 33 – 49, etc.

Ranking Points Proposal:

1 / 10000 / 11 / 1935 / 21 / 675 / 31 / 235 / 41 / 82 / 51 / 29
2 / 8000 / 12 / 1741 / 22 / 607 / 32 / 212 / 42 / 74 / 52 / 26
3 / 6400 / 13 / 1567 / 23 / 546 / 33 / 191 / 43 / 66 / 53 / 23
4 / 5120 / 14 / 1411 / 24 / 492 / 34 / 171 / 44 / 60 / 54 / 21
5 / 4096 / 15 / 1269 / 25 / 443 / 35 / 154 / 45 / 54 / 55 / 19
6 / 3277 / 16 / 1143 / 26 / 398 / 36 / 139 / 46 / 48 / 56 / 17
7 / 2949 / 17 / 1028 / 27 / 359 / 37 / 125 / 47 / 44 / 57 / 15
8 / 2654 / 18 / 925 / 28 / 323 / 38 / 113 / 48 / 39 / 58 / 14
9 / 2389 / 19 / 833 / 29 / 290 / 39 / 101 / 49 / 35 / 59 / 12
10 / 2150 / 20 / 750 / 30 / 261 / 40 / 91 / 50 / 32 / 60 / 11