Inter-War Test Review

Due February 28, 2013

  1. Explain totalitarianism and give one leader who ran this type of government.
  2. How did women’s roles change during the 1920s?
  3. Explain how Hitler rose to power.
  4. Describe the process in how the stock market crashed in 1929.
  5. Name 3 new technologies that emerged during the 1920s.
  6. Explain Fascism.
  7. Who was Mohandas K. Gandhi and what did he do?
  8. What two countries were formed after World War I and how?
  9. What did writers in the 1920s write about?
  10. How did Britain deal with the depression?
  11. Describe the New Deal program and who created it.
  12. Identify the type of government that Germany had under Hitler.
  13. Identify who came into power in Italy who promised to rescue Italy.
  14. What type of music emerged during the 1920s?
  15. Describe what the non-aggression pact was and who it was between.
  16. Describe appeasement.
  17. What was the Weimar Republic?
  18. How did the Great Depression affect American citizens?
  19. What two political parties were in China when the Civil War broke out?
  20. Identify what resource was in southwest Asia that many businesses wanted
  21. What was one new revolution in science during the 1920s?
  22. How did women’s appearance change during the 1920s?
  23. Why were some banks forced to close before the Great Depression hit?
  24. Describe coalition government.
  25. How did the Great War leave most European country’s economies?
  26. What was a key part of Nazi ideology?
  27. Who were the axis powers?
  28. Explain what Britain and France did to maintain peace
  29. What is Fascism closely related to?
  30. Describe “enemies of the state”
  31. Explain the kind of government that Sun Yixian hoped to establish
  32. Explain the India Act of 1935
  33. Describe the process in how the stock market crashed in America.
  34. How did Hitler defy the Treaty of Versailles?
  35. Describe what is going on in this picture and what kind of message it is sending:

Open Response: Out of the six big changes that took place during the 1920’s, list 5 of them, someone associated with that change, what about it changed, and give an example.