Business Improvement District (BID)

Advisory Committee

Meeting Minutes of Actions Taken

2015 BID Billing Delinquencies

Wednesday May 13, 2015

4pm – 5pm

PDA/PVP Offices


PDA Board Holly Wick, Regina Leoni, JoAnn Pozzi, Marie Schmittroth,

Karla Schikore

Guest Lisa Kreichok

Merchants Nancy Leoni, John Wertz (4th & Sea)

Next Meeting 2nd Wed of every month

·  Wednesday – Jun 10, 2015 – 6:15pm – 7:30pm


1.  Muni Services provided the most current payments made for 2015 BID. The committee reviewed the documentation.

2.  Karla confirmed that in the December 2014 City Council Meeting, the PDA submitted for review & approval to the City Manager & the City Council voted unanimously that BID bills that were not paid on time would be sent a delinquency letter with the following terms:

a.  All delinquent billings will be sent a letter that gives the business a 30 day grace period to pay their bill.

b.  If the bill is not paid within that 30 day window, then an assessment charge of 10% will be levied on that business.

3.  At the December 4, 2014 PDA Board Meeting the Board was notified that the City Council unanimously voted to approve.

4.  Now that the 2015 BID payment deadline has past, the BID Advisory Committee voted unanimously to direct Muni Services to send Delinquency Notices to all businesses that have not paid their 2015 BID billing. Muni is directed to give those businesses a 30 day window to pay without penalty. If those businesses do not pay within that 30 day window, than Muni Services is directed to be assessed a 10% penalty for non-payment.

5.  Karla will notify Marie McCusker, PDA Executive Director to send the letter & this formal notification to Muni Services to implement ASAP.

6.  Meeting Adjourned.

Karla Schikore - Chair of BID Advisory Committee & PDA Board of Director Treasurer for 2015