Turpin Band Boosters Mtg.- November 3, 2014

Meeting called to order by Booster President - Kim Mauer

SECRETARY’S REPORT: Tina Arvizu: October 2014 Minutes were approved

TREASURER’S REPORT: Steve Fiora: Nothing to report at this time

BAND DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Joe Wesche & Shaun Day

Shaun Day: Jazz Band Starts next week with tryouts on Wednesday November 5, 2014. There will be two groups. The first group will meet twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays and the second group will most likely meet once a week either Mondays or Wednesday. Plans in the works for both Jazz Band groups to attend the Jazz Festival in Lebanon on

March 21st.

Joe Wesche: Jazz Night may have some changes to encourage groups to stay longer. One suggestion is a combined number at the end to encourage parents to stay for entire performance. Also being considered is the possibility of hosting a Jazz Festival in the local area. This will not be for this year but is something to work on for future.

Marching Band wrapped up with an amazing year. Joe stated that he was even stopped by a judge who commented on the great show the band put on this year. This could be our 20th year in row for State finals, Joe is verifying. It was noted that the key to a great production is design, confidence, and staff. We had all three components this year.

Winter Concert is scheduled for December 7, 2014. Schedule for Pep Bands will be posted on the Calendar. Honor Band tryouts are on December 1, 2014 at Anderson High School. Students should be encouraged to try out for this terrific opportunity. Joe is waiting to hear from Anderson whether they would like to combine Winter Guard with us as they did for Indoor Percussion last year. We have had 13-14 girls sign up so far, which is great, but we would like to see 20 if possible. Nagel is starting a Color Guard/Dance team this year which should help for future turnouts. The girls have more confidence with not picking up a flag for the first time freshman year.

STANDING NOTES: Kim Mauer- If anyone wants to make a DVD of the Marching Band Amy Ball has lots of footage and pictures to be used. Please contact Kim Mauer () if you would be willing to take this on.

After prom: Diana Reynolds and Kathy Hengehold-No report.

FHIMA- Great weather for Band Expo. Everyone had a great time and it again Turpin was complimented by several attendees on their fabulous show.

Fundraising: Shana Zink – Remember Kroger Cards and Amazon Smiles while holiday shopping! Market Day coming along and flyers were sent to the Elementary Schools and Nagel. Pie and Coffee still going on but only a few orders have been received to date. However, most will come in as the time gets closer end and holiday. Yankee Candles are on line only at this time.

Popcorn: Jim and Jo Kain were disappointed in sales this year due to weather and other circumstances. As a result, however, they have indicated that there is no need to purchase supplies for next year as we have plenty in stock.

Scallywag Tag- Date December 21st may be changed as so many kids out of town for holiday. We should consider doing a Sunday before President’s Day or Martin Luther King holidays. Shana Zink will investigate this further.

Hospitality: Karen Schofield- Karen noted that for future reference, there should be at least three bands between us and awards in order to hand out snacks and make sure that the trash is collected. Just not enough time and kids taking food on bus which is not allowed by the district.

Membership: No report.

Pit Crew: Note for next year it would be appreciated if the props are not on the scaffolding. This makes assembly and maneuvering very difficult. Also need volunteers for clean-up of props. All lights need to be removed and everything broken own.

Publicity: PF Wilson There will be a press release later in the week. Will have to Kim by Thursday for review.

Senior Night: Diana Reynolds commented that she liked the sandwiches that Alycia Champion ordered this year better than pizza that we have had in years’ past. Joe mentioned that he had a new idea for senior pictures. One of our staff members is a photographer and may be able to provide pictures.

Trunk-or-Treat: PF Wilson reported that there were more kids this year. The event went very well this year. The back lot seems to be the ideal place for the Trunk-or-Treat. It is quiet and a little darker than the main lot, which is good for some of the props the parents set up.

Winter Concert: We will again have the Non-Perishable food drive for the Winter Concert. Nicole & Ed Schindler have agreed to handle this.

Next Meeting: Monday December 1, 2014 @ 7:00 pm

PLEASE CHECK www.turpinband.org for Calendar Updates

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