Valencia High School

Course Syllabus

HTML – Web Page Design (Introduction & Advanced)

Fall 2008- Two Semester Class


Period #______Room #1104


OFFICE PHONE: (714) 996-4970 ext. 1104


OFFICE HOURS: M thru F 7:00a.m.-7:45 a.m.

(Additional time available by appointment.)


1.  HTML Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques, third edition. Shelly, Cashman, Woods, Dorin, Thomson Publishing, Course Technology, 2005.

2.  Front Page 2003, Complete Concepts and Techniques. Shelly, Cashman, Quasney, Thomson Publishing, Course Technology, 2004.

3.  ********.

4.  ***********(Check on new books) Adobe Photoshop 6.0, Classroom in a book. Published by Adobe, 2000.


Introduction to Web Page Design is a class to help you learn how to develop web pages for the Internet. The emphasis will be on planning, building and publishing a total “Web Site” which includes a “Home Page” and additional pages for your own web site. We will explore design and publishing issues and techniques. We will focus on HTML “code” and also learn how to use other tools including; but not limited to, Front Page, and Photoshop.

This 10-credit course is designed for your personal, technical and professional development/enhancement. It is intended to expose you to the basics of web page design.


None. (However, knowing how to save, retrieve, and manipulate files and knowing how to use a mouse would be beneficial.)


To expose students to the various means and methods of creating web site pages.

After completing the course, students will be able to create their own “Home Page”, create additional web pages for their site; add links, lists, tables, forms and graphics to their web pages; use the basics of HTML, use Front Page and the basics of Photoshop and other tools to create web pages.


Students will have the use of the classroom and Instructors time during class and during office hours. Some information will be posted on Ms. Sawyer’s website periodically.


üAssignments _____ pts/ea. A 90-100%

üQuizzes _____ pts/ea. B 80-89%

üMid-Term _____ pts C 70-79%

üFinal Exam _____ pts D 60-69%

F 59% & below

Your final grade will be determined by the total number of points received compared to the total number of points available. This course is graded on a straight 90%, 80% etc… scale. If you receive an 89.9 you will get a B+, NOT an A-!! Please check your grade repeatedly during the semester!!!!

*** Please note that the syllabus is only a guideline. The dates of quizzes and tests may change.

NO HOMEWORK MAY BE TURNED IN LATE unless prior arrangements have been made with the instructor, or you have an EXSCUSED absence. LATE IS IF YOU ENTER THE CLASSROOM AFTER THE SCHEDULED START OF CLASS. YOU MUST ARRIVE TO THE CLASS ON TIME IN ORDER TO TURN IN ASSIGNED HOMEWORK. (THAT MEANS IN CLASS, AND IN YOUR SEAT WHEN THE BELL RINGS!!!!) It is the student’s responsibility to find out what the homework assignment was during the class that was missed. The student is still responsible for turning in that assignment!!!!

Students are required to TURN OFF (not just put on silent mode) all cell phones, IPODS, pagers, CD players, and any other electronic devices during the scheduled period of instruction. This is a District Policy! Students are expected and required to maintain an adult and professional demeanor at all times!



I.  What is the Internet, How it started, Browsers, What is HTML, The look and feel of your Home Page, Style Guide of your web site.

II.  The stages of web site development, The Critical questions to ask when designing a web site, Planning your site, Web Site Mapping (Storyboarding your Site).

III.  HTML Basics, Tags and Attributes, The INDEX page, adding background colors, and working with graphics.

IV.  Other tools & products to speed up web page creation/design. Including; but not limited to, Photoshop and Front Page.

V.  Links (internal and external), Graphics, and E-Mail capabilities.

VI.  Tables, Forms, Checkboxes, and Radio Buttons.

VII.  Web Site Navigation, FTP, Style Sheets.

Lecture/Lab Schedule

Note: This tentative schedule may vary, as circumstances require.


Week 1: HTML (Project #1-Introduction to HTML)

Course Introduction, Adds/Drops, Syllabus, “Comfort Level Assessment”, What is the Internet, What is the World Wide Web (WWW), Browsers, Web Site Development Life Cycle, HTML, DHTML, XML, Coding Practices, HTML Elements, Web Site Structures (Linear, Hierarchical, & Webbed), Planning & Storyboarding a web site.

Assignment:(1) Internet Form Signed by Parent/Guardian

(2) ID Cards

(3) Comfort Level Assessment

(4) Apply Your Knowledge (AYK) #1

(5) In the Lab (ITL) #1, #2, #3


Week 2: HTML (Project #1-Introduction to HTML)

What is the Internet, What is the World Wide Web (WWW), Browsers, Web Site Development Life Cycle, HTML, DHTML, XML, Coding Practices, HTML Elements, Web Site Structures (Linear, Hierarchical, & Webbed), Planning/Storyboarding.

Assignment:(1) Cases & Places- #1, #2, #3, #4, #5.

(2) Study for Project #1 test


Week 3: HTML(Project #2-Creating & Editing Web Pages)

HTML Basic Elements (Window, Text, Image, Hyperlink), Tags & Attributes, the Index Page, White Space, Notepad, Word Wrap, Page Skeleton, Browser View vs. Code View.

Assignment:(1) AYK

(2) ITL

(3) Cases & Places


Week 4: HTML (Project #2-Creating & Editing Web Pages)

HTML Basic Elements (Window, Text, Image, Hyperlink), Tags & Attributes, the Index Page, White Space, Notepad, Word Wrap, Page Skeleton, Browser View vs. Code View.

Assignment:(1) Finish Lab Work

(2) Study for Project #2 Test


Week 5: HTML (Project #3-Links, Images, Formatting)

Using Links on a web page (text link, e-mail link, image link), Links from one page to a different page, adding links to someplace on the same page, Creating a Home Page.

Assignment: (1) AYK

(2) ITL

(3) Cases & Places


Week 6: HTML (Project #3-Links, Images, Formatting)

Using Links on a web page (text link, e-mail link, image link), Links from one page to a different page, adding links to someplace on the same page, Creating a Home Page.

Assignment:(1) Finish Labs


Week 7: HTML (Project #3-Links, Images, Formatting)

Using Links on a web page (text link, e-mail link, image link), Links from one page to a different page, adding links to someplace on the same page, Creating a Home Page.

Assignment:(1) Study for Project #3 test


Week 8: HTML (Mid-Term)

Review for Mid-Term and MID-TERM Exam. (Practical & Written)

Assignment:(1) Mid-Term Exam


Week 9: HTML (Project #4-Tables)

Creating Web Pages with TABLES, Planning a Table, Coding a Table, Using Images within tables, Horizontal Menu Bars with Text Links, Cellspacing, Cellpadding, Caption, Spanning Rows, Spanning Columns.

Assignment:(1) AYK

(2) ITL

(3) Cases & Places


Week 10: HTML (Project #4-Tables)

Creating Web Pages with TABLES, Planning a Table, Coding a Table, Using Images within tables, Horizontal Menu Bars with Text Links, Cellspacing, Cellpadding, Caption, Spanning Rows, Spanning Columns.

Assignment:(1) AYK

(2) ITL

(3) Cases & Places


Week 11: HTML (Project #4-Tables)

Creating Web Pages with TABLES, Planning a Table, Coding a Table, Using Images within tables, Horizontal Menu Bars with Text Links, Cellspacing, Cellpadding, Caption, Spanning Rows, Spanning Columns.

Assignment:(1) Finish Labs

(2) Study for Project #4 test


Week 12: HTML(Project #5-Image Maps)

Creating an Image Map, Using Paint to Locate the X and Y Coordinates, Using many different types of tags in one web page/site.

Assignment:(1) AYK

(2) ITL

(3) Cases & Places


Week 13: HTML (Project #5-Image Maps)

Creating an Image Map, Using Paint to Locate the X and Y Coordinates, Using many different types of tags in one web page/site.

Assignment:(1) AYK

(2) ITL

(3) Cases & Places


Week 14: HTML (Project #5-Image Maps)

Creating an Image Map, Using Paint to Locate the X and Y Coordinates, Using many different types of tags in one web page/site.

Assignment:(1) Finish Labs

(2) Study for Project #5 test


Week 15: HTML (Project #6-Frames)

Using Frames in a Web Site, Planning & Laying out Frames, Creating Frames, The “Frame Definition File”, The Header Page, The Menu Page, The Home/Main Page.

Assignment:(1) AYK

(2) ITL

(3) Cases & Places


Week 16: HTML (Project #6-Frames)

Using Frames in a Web Site, Planning & Laying out Frames, Creating Frames, The “Frame Definition File”, The Header Page, The Menu Page, The Home/Main Page.

Assignment:(1) AYK

(2) ITL

(3) Cases & Places


Week 17: HTML (Project #6-Frames)

Using Frames in a Web Site, Planning & Laying out Frames, Creating Frames, The “Frame Definition File”, The Header Page, The Menu Page, The Home/Main Page.

Assignment:(1) Finish Labs

(2) Study for Project #6 Test


Week 18: HTML (Final Exam Projects)

Work on Final Projects, Study for Final Exam.




Week 19: HTML(Finals Week)

Final Exam and Final Projects due.






Week 1: HTML (Project #7-Forms)

Creating a Web Page Form, Input Controls (Check Boxes, Option Buttons, Text Boxes, Selection Menus, Advanced Selection Menus), Reset Buttons & Submit Buttons, Fieldset Controls to form Groupings.

Assignment:(1) AYK

(2)  ITL

(3)  Cases & Places


Week 2: HTML (Project #7-Forms)

Creating a Web Page Form, Input Controls (Check Boxes, Option Buttons, Text Boxes, Selection Menus, Advanced Selection Menus), Reset Buttons & Submit Buttons, Fieldset Controls to form Groupings.

Assignment:(1) AYK

(2) ITL

(3) Cases & Places


Week 3: HTML (Project #7-Forms)

Creating a Web Page Form, Input Controls (Check Boxes, Option Buttons, Text Boxes, Selection Menus, Advanced Selection Menus), Reset Buttons & Submit Buttons, and Fieldset Controls to form Groupings.

Assignment:(1) Finish Labs

(2) Study for Project #7 Test


Week 4: HTML (Project #8-Style Sheets)

Creating Style Sheets, Style Sheet Precedence, Style Statement Format. Adding and Linking to Inline Style Sheets, Embedded Style Sheets, & External Style Sheets.

Assignment:(1) AYK

(2) ITL

(3) Cases & Places


Week 5: HTML (Project #8-Style Sheets)

Creating Style Sheets, Style Sheet Precedence, Style Statement Format. Adding and Linking to Inline Style Sheets, Embedded Style Sheets, & External Style Sheets.

Assignment:(1) AYK

(2) ITL

(3) Cases & Places


Week 6: HTML (Project #8-Style Sheets)

Creating Style Sheets, Style Sheet Precedence, Style Statement Format. Adding and Linking to Inline Style Sheets, Embedded Style Sheets, & External Style Sheets.

Assignment:(1) Finish Labs

(2) Study for Project #8 Test


Week 7: HTML (Mid-Term)

Mid-Term exam, hand written code from browser view, AND hand written browser view from code.




Week 8: Project 10 – Creating Pop Up Windows, Adding Scrolling Messages, and Validating Forms

Four Basic components of a scrolling message, Write a JavaScript user-defined function to display a scrolling message in a form text box, Describe IF statements, Define conditionals and discuss the conditional operands, Write the JavaScript code to create a user defined function to calculate monthly car loan payments, Validate using nested if statements, describe the parselnt(), ParseFloat(), and the isNaN() built-in funtions.

Week 9: Final Project

Students work on their final web project. Each student will present to the entire class and administration their final website

Week 10: Final Project

Students work on their final web project. Each student will present to the entire class and administration their final website.

Week 11: Final Project

Students work on their final web project. Each student will present to the entire class and administration their final website.

Week 12: Final Project

Students work on their final web project. Each student will present to the entire class and administration their final website.

Week 13: Front Final Project

Students work on their final web project. Each student will present to the entire class and administration their final website.

Week 14: Final Project

Students work on their final web project. Each student will present to the entire class and administration their final website.

Week 15: Final Project

Students work on their final web project. Each student will present to the entire class and administration their final website.

Week 16: Final Project

Students work on their final web project. Each student will present to the entire class and administration their final website.

Week 17: Final Project

Students work on their final web project. Each student will present to the entire class and administration their final website.

Week 18: Review for CUMULATIVE Final Exam

Work on Final Projects, Review for cumulative final exam.

Week 19: Finals Week (CUMULATIVE FINAL EXAM)

Cumulative Final Exam LAB, Hands On PC.