Agencies identified in the CalACT/MBTA Joint Procurement Contract (RFP 15-03) will followthese procedures for vehicle purchases funded under all Caltrans/FTA grant programs administered by the Division of Rail and Mass Transportation (DRMT). All required documents identified in these procedures must be submitted to the respective grant program liaison upon receipt of an executed Standard Agreement. DRMT Grant Program and Procurement staff will evaluate vehicle purchase request and issue a written determination letter upon completion of the review.

I.Vehicle Ordering

1.Complete and submit the Caltrans “Joint Procurement Purchasing Worksheet CalACT/MBTA RFP 15-03” to verify compliance with Pre-Award requirements.Worksheet is available on the DRMT webpage at

2.Provide copy of executed “Assignment Letter” from CalACT/MBTA. The “Assignment Letter” should specify the following information:

A.Name of agency identified in the Joint Procurement Participant List;

B.Vehicle(s) to be assigned including: quantity; type; fuel type; and seating capacity.

3.Complete, sign, date,and submit a Purchase Agreement (PA) or Purchase Order (PO) and floor plan provided from the bus dealer. Pricing for vehicle and optional features must match the published CalACT Price Schedule. The PA/PO must include:

A.Agency Name matching the CalACT Assignment Agreement.

B.Vehicle Type including description, make, model, class, fuel type and seating capacity.

C.Pricing for the base vehicle and any optional features.

D.Non-taxable ADA equipment amount; DMV, procurement, and delivery fees; and sales tax applicable to agency’s location.

Note: To help develop a vehicle build, agencies can use the CalACT Excel spreadsheet, Bus Quote Request Worksheet, to identify the type of vehicle, pricing for the base vehicle, and any optional features.

Vehicles cannot be modified in such a way from the original solicitation that would be considered a cardinal change. Cardinal changes include the modification of specification items, such as the hubometer, or modifications to the design, engine, transmission, etc. Non-cardinal changes are typically seating configurations, paint scheme, etc. (FTA C4220.1F, BPPM Section 9.2).

4.If the requested vehicle type includes multiple manufacturers,the purchasingagency must develop and submit a price comparison of at least three (3) vehicles and calculate the total cost based on each manufacturer’s pricing. If there are fewer than three (3) vehicles listed request agency will submit a price comparison of all available contractor/manufacturer for the requested type of vehicle. The vehicle quotes provided for the price comparison must include the same salient characteristics.

5.The DRMT Procurement Branch will verify the following:

A.The total amount of grant dollars awarded and available to your agency,

B.The local share amounthas been provided by the agency (for 5310 subrecipients only),

C.Verification of grant award and fully executed Standard Agreement,

D.The vehicle is eligible for DRMT administered federal funding support,

E.The floor plan meets ADA requirements; and

F.The price comparison pricing matches the pricing established by the CalACT/MBTA price schedule.

6. Once the finalized PA/PO and floor plan have been reviewed and approved, DRMT will issue an approval letter for the vehicle procurement. It is critical that the PA/POiscompleted correctly, since this could result in payment, delivery, or reimbursementdelays when the bus arrives at the dealer.

II.Vehicle Delivery and Inspections

1.After the bus isbuilt and delivered to thedealer, the purchasing agency must conduct a final inspection completed by a qualified inspector. All vehicles purchased withfederal funds must have a thorough inspection prior to agency acceptance ofthe bus. The post-delivery inspection is required to verify compliance with 49 CFR 663, Post-Delivery Audits including Buy America, Purchaser’s Requirements, and Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard. A sample Caltrans Bus Inspection Report is available for use at, In addition, a list of recommended Vehicle Inspectors is available on the CalACT website.

2.Caltrans must be identified as lienholder on all vehicle procured with funds administered by DRMT, including agency direct purchases(agency pays the vendor directly and request reimbursement from Caltrans).

3.In accordance with the terms of the Standard Agreement, the agency must provide proof of insurance to the dealer prior to the agency receiving the vehicle.

4.The agency should become familiar with the vehicle’s features and equipment including routine maintenance and warranty. The agency should request assistance/training fromthe dealer's staff regarding any bus feature withwhich the agency is unfamiliar. The agency is responsible to checkthe loose items, such as tiedown restraints, spare tire, torso pad, and any additional loose equipment, which was ordered with the bus to ensure all items have been included, received, and working properly.

III.Request for Reimbursement (RFR) from DRMT Grant Program

Submit cover letter to the applicable DRMT Grant Program Liaison requesting reimbursement on Agency’s letterhead. The RFR should include the following:

  1. Copy of Assignment Agreement from CalACT/MBTA.
  2. Copy of Caltrans approved PA/PO.

Note: Verify that the “California Departmentof Transportation” is to be the lien holder. Subrecipient agency is theregistered owner.PA/POshould identify lien holder as:

California Department of Transportation

Division of Rail and Mass Transportation

Office of Federal Transit Grants Programs

ID of FTA Grant (i.e., 5310, 5311, 5339)

P. O. 942874 – MS 39

Sacramento, CA 94274-0001

  1. Post-Delivery Vehicle Certification
  2. Final Bus Inspection Report with signature(s)
  3. Certificate ofAcceptance fromSubrecipient Agency signed by authorizedrepresentative(Certificate should include vehicle Make, Year, Model, and VIN.)
  4. Original Dealer Invoice
  5. Proof of Payment (cancelled check or bank statement)
  6. Proof of Insurance
  7. DBE – Actual Payments Form
