/ Babington Community College
Scheme of Learning
Introduction to Shakespeare /
Blooms Taxonomy and iPad Use in the Scheme of Learning / Overview of Learning Activity / Impact of using iPad Technology
Stage 1, lessons 1-5:

  1. To explore the life and times of William
  1. To understand the different ways texts can reflect the social, cultural and historical contexts in which they were written.
/ Students had better engagement with the tasks and were able to use peer feedback to support reciprocity and imitation.
Much better perseverance and absorption in the tasks.
Students found their research skills improved greatly over the course of a few lessons. Students were sharing research tips for ease of locating information.
Students had a much higher level of motivation, especially when it came to the Assessment task, to create an illustrated eBook using ‘BookCreator’
Stage 2, lessons 6-10:

  1. To explore a main character in a Shakespearean play
  1. To understand the character’s actions, thoughts and feelings
  1. To extract the main points and relevant information from a text or source using a range of strategies such as skimming and scanning.
  1. To use inference and deduction to recognise implicit meanings at sentence and text level.
  1. To make a personal response to a text and provide some textual reference in support.
/ The use of ‘Dropbox’ allowed students to view their peers’ pieces of work, establishing a high level of absorption, motivation and perseverance. The students enjoyed the collaboration available through reciprocity and the use of ‘Dropbox’ to share work and ideas.
Students enjoyed the use of ‘Simple Mind+’ to create simple mind maps, they seemed impressed and were motivated to create a visually impressive mind map that they could later refer back to.
Stage 3, lessons 11-15:

  1. To understand the historical and social context of the play.
  2. To understand the different ways texts can reflect the social, cultural and historical contexts in which they were written
/ The students were very motivated to use the ‘PuppetPals’ App to create their Shakespearean puppet shows. There was a very high engagement and all students showed superb resilience in the task.
The use of ‘DropBox’, again allowed students to independently and through group work, analyse and discuss work. Much better support or peer feedback and use of constructive criticism.
Stage 4, lessons 16-20:

  1. To know and understand the storyline of a Shakespearean play.
  2. To develop their own viewpoint, drawing on evidence, opinions and the particular purpose of the task.
/ Students were able to plan their work to a high standard before progressing into creating their own comic strip using ‘Comic Life’.
Students had built confidence in internet research and had visibly increased I.C.T levels.
Absorption in all tasks remained high throughout and enjoyment of tasks was apparent.
Again, using ‘Dropbox’, student shared work and demonstrated a high level of peer feedback.

Developing the Use of iPads to Support the Learning Process: English SoL

BabingtonCommunity College Scheme of Learning

Long Term Planning

Subject: English – Introduction to ShakespeareYear Group: 7

Term 1
Term 2
Term 1
Term 2
Term 1
Term 2
Low ability Shakespeare SOL.
The SOL incorporates the use of I Pads and certain apps. These are all free applications which can be downloaded from ITunes.
Focusing on Romeo and Juliet. This SOL works towards two assessment tasks:
Reading- Create an EBook on the life and times of Shakespeare
Written Essay- Who was to blame for the death of Romeo and Juliet?
It also provides opportunities for speaking and listening- hot seating.

Developing the Use of iPads to Support the Learning Process: English SoL

BabingtonCommunity College Scheme of Learning

Medium Term Plans

Subject: English – Introduction to Shakespeare Year group: 7


Students will be introduced to Shakespeare and his works. This will involve students learning about the sort of life that existed at the time, including some social context.

Mainly students will learn the basic techniques behind analysing characters and themes in his play.

Framework Objectives:

Reading 5 – Reading for meaning: understanding and responding to print, electronic and multi-modal texts

5.1 Developing and adapting active reading skills and strategies.

5.2 Understanding and responding to ideas, viewpoints themes and purposes in texts.

6 – Understanding the Author’s craft.

6.1 Relating texts to the social, historical and cultural contexts in which they were written.

Writing 8 – Composition: shaping and constructing language for expression and effect.

8.1 Develop their own viewpoint, drawing on evidence, opinions and the particular purpose of the task.

Prior Learning Needed for this Unit

Pupils will need some understanding of reading strategies covered and practised throughout the year. They need to be able to make basic notes by gathering information from a text. They will also need an understanding of the process of peer assessment and the ability to set targets.

Differentiated Learning Outcomes for LA, MA and HA within this Unit

Must have a basic factual understanding of Shakespeare’s life and times. Be able to explore the actions, thoughts and feelings of at least one example of a main play character and have a basic understanding of a selected play in its entirety.

Should be able to demonstrate their understanding of a main character and the main events of a play using a range of written or dramatic techniques.

Could begin to gather an understanding of the range of Shakespeare’s works (sonnets and plays) and link them to his context.

Assessment For Learning (AfL)
What are the AFL activities? / When will they be used in the scheme?
Students practice extracting and note-taking. AfL
Use newly obtained factual knowledge to create an acrostic for display. AfL
Draw and label a diagram of the Globe theatre. AfL
Task: Create an illustrated EBook that shows your understanding of Shakespeare and the time in which he lived. AfL
Draw a version of the character – annotate with ideas and quotations where appropriate. AfL
Hot seating Exercise – how would you respond to…if you were the character? What would the character think if…? AfL
Pupils to respond the task question in pairs/small groups initially for the first paragraph. Teacher to work with a targeted group if required. AfL
Pupils to move to working independently on second paragraph using scaffolding provided by teacher. AfL
Pupils continue to work independently with scaffolding removed.AfL
Demonstrate understanding of the play’s main events through a range of activities: Comic strips, timelines AfL
Devise a poster for a section of the play- Banishment of Romeo. AfL
Task: TASK: Create a puppet pals play based on the masked ball scene.
TASK: Create a comic strip of the play (or section of the play) that you have studied? AfL / Stage 1
Stage 1
Stage 1
Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 2
Stage 2
Stage 2
Stage 2
Stage 2
Stage 3
Stage 3
Stage 3
Stage 4
Building Learning Power (BLP)
What are the BLP activities? / When will they be used in the scheme?
Resilience / Stage 1, 2, 3
Stage 2, 3
Stage 1, 2, 3, 4
Stage 1, 2
Stage 2, 3, 4

Developing the Use of iPads to Support the Learning Process: English SoL

BabingtonCommunity College Scheme of Learning

Short Term Learning Plan

Learning Stage / Learning
Objectives / Differentiated Learning Outcomes
(Linked to AFs
and Assessment Criteria) / Teaching and Learning Activities
(cross-referenced to AfL, BLP, LfL and NfL) / Blooms / Apps / Differentiated Process for LA and HA
(cross-referenced in lesson planning)
Stage 1
Lesson 1-5 / To explore the life and times of William
Shakespeare-are / 6.1 Understand the different ways texts can reflect the social, cultural and historical contexts in which they were written.
R/AF7 / S: Introduce I Pads to students. Get all students to log on to dropbox and load the PP for the lesson.
Rally Robin- What do we already know about Shakespeare?
M: students to visit For less able students direct them to
And create a list of facts about Shakespeare.
Teacher to model the process of extracting information from texts covering relevant/appropriate reading strategies. (LFL)
Students practice extracting and note-taking. (AfL, BLP, LfL)Reciprocity / Imitation
P: Students to save finished list of facts to dropbox.
S: Get all students to log on to dropbox and load the PP for the lesson.
Students to complete the people hunt for Shakespeare.
M: Use newly obtained factual knowledge to create an acrostic for display. (AfL BLP) –
This can either be paper based or on key note.
Resourcefulness / Capitalisation
P: Students to save finished acrostic to dropbox
S: Get all students to log on to dropbox and load the PP for the lesson.
Numbered heads- facts about Shakespeare
M: load saved picture of the globe theatre and using the extra resource sheet label the Globe theatre
Discussion- why was the globe theatre important? What do we learn about the life of Shakespeare? What do we learn about the 1500’s? AfL
P: Student to save finished work to dropbox. Share examples with the class.
Assessment Task: Create an illustrated eBook that shows your understanding of Shakespeare and the time in which he lived. AfLLfLBLP – Resourcefulness / Reflectiveness
Citizenship opportunities
3i: Understand the changing nature of UK society, including the diversity of ideas, beliefs, cultures, identities, traditions, perspectives and values that are shared
S: Create a list of 5 facts you know about Shakespeare.
Share your list with a friend- how many new facts can you add.
M: Using all the ideas from this week students are to create an illustrated EBook that shows your understanding of Shakespeare. This must be produced using students own knowledge, can use research skills ( to help, but students must be encouraged to transfer the information.
P: Student to save finished work to dropbox. Share examples with the class. / REMEMB-ERING



Book creator / HA- Differentiation by outcome / alternative task
LA- Peer support – paired work
LA- Use of a range of pictures, visuals, artefacts to support learning
Stage 2
Lesson 6-10 / To explore a main character in a Shakespearean play
To understand the character’s actions, thoughts and feelings / 5.1 Extract the main points and relevant information from a text or source using a range of strategies such as skimming and scanning.
Use inference and deduction to recognise implicit meanings at sentence and text level.
5.2 Make a personal response to a text and provide some textual reference in support.
S: What do you already know about Romeo and Juliet- mind map
M: Read abridged version of act 1 the play- Match and discuss traditional/ modern language.
P: Predictions- what do I think will happen next?
S: Read through the short synopsis of the play. Choose a character
M: Create a character description of the character – annotate with ideas and quotations where appropriate. AfLBLP – Resourcefulness / Reflectiveness
P: How is your character important to the play?
S: Get all students to log on to dropbox and load the PP for the lesson.
Snowball- statements about Romeo and Juliet
M: Read Act 1 scene 2. How do Romeo/ Juliet feel during this scene? BLP – Reciprocity / Respect.
Create a mind map to show how the character was feeling during the extracts. This can either be paper based or created on simple minds+
P: Hot seating Exercise – how would you respond to…if you were the character? What would the character think if…? AfLBLP – Reciprocity / Respect
Citizenship Opportunities
2.1a Engage with and reflect on different ideas, opinions, beliefs and values when exploring topical and controversial issues and problems
Writing Assessment Task: DIARY WRITING_ ROMEO OR JULIET Act 1, Scene 5 AfLLfLBLP – Resilience / Resourcefulness
S: Share an example diary text, which demonstrates using information from the character display in a correct style using embedded quotations. This can be handwritten or typed using Plain Text APP.
M: Pupils to respond the task question in pairs/small groups initially for the first paragraph. Teacher to work with a targeted group if required. AfLLfLBLP
Pupils to move to working independently on second paragraph using scaffolding provided by teacher. AfLLfLBLP
Pupils continue to work independently with scaffolding removed.AfLLfLBLP – Resilience
P: Students to save their work to dropbox. Share examples with the class. / UNDERSTANDING

Simple mind+

Plain Text / MA- Engagement with the full text for challenge.
LA- Use modern-translations of the text.
LA- Think/Pair/Share – peer support.
Stage 3
Lesson 11-15 / To understand the historical and social context of the play. / 6.1 Understand the different ways texts can reflect the social, cultural and historical contexts in which they were written.
R/AF7 / S: Shakespeare language cut and stick- quotes from act 1 scene 5.
Get all students to log on to dropbox and load the PP for the lesson.
M: Students to design an invitation to the masked ball using Shakespearian language. This can either be done on paper or using keynote
P: Students to save their work to dropbox. Share examples with the class.
S: Memory game- venetian masks
M: Re-read scene 5 extract- arriving to the masked ball. Students to create a mask based on those used in Verona at the time the play was set.
P: Cloze passage on masked balls.
S: Get all students to log on to dropbox and load the PP for the lesson.
People hunt- The masked ball
M: TASK: Create a puppet pals play based on the masked ball scene. (AfL)(BLP)- Reciprocity
P: Share example of the plays with the group. / APPLYING


Puppet Pals / MA- Can they translate the language to modern text?
MA- Students to be given homework on Masquerade balls. Why did people wear masks?
LA- Work in pairs (Peer support) when creating their play.
Stage 4
Lesson 16-20 / To know and understand the storyline of a Shakespearean play. / 8.1 Develop their own viewpoint, drawing on evidence, opinions and the particular purpose of the task.
W/AF3 / S: Recap on the main characters. Last man standing- words to describe… (character)
Get all students to log on to dropbox and load the PP for the lesson.
M: Read the ‘death of Mercutio’ scene. Create a short comic strip on how Mercutio was killed. Using their viewpoint put which character was to blame at the end of your character. “He wouldn’t have died if it wasn’t for…” (AFL) (BLP- Reflectiveness)
P: Discuss who they thought was to blame and why.
S: Read ‘banishment’ scene.
M: Create a poster for the town square to show Romeo’s punishment. This can either be done on paper or on keynote.
P: Students to save their work to dropbox. Share examples with the class.


Comic Life / MA- Use challenging text
LA- Provide modern translation
MA- Include description on their poster
MA- Comic strip of the whole play
LA- Comic strip of a section of the play
Stage 5
Lesson21-25 / To understand who was to blame for the death of Romeo and Juliet / 8.1 Develop their own viewpoint, drawing on evidence, opinions and the particular purpose of the task.
W/AF3 / S: Jigsaw activity- Events in Romeo and Juliet. (AFL)
M: Discuss the plotline with students. Explain how the events happened over a very short space of time. Students to create a timeline for the story. (BLP- Resilience)
P: Timeline quiz.
Assessment TASK: Written Assessment- who was to blame for the death of Romeo and Juliet? AfLLfL
S: Look at examples of the opening paragraph. What features do they all have? Make a class list of features.
M: Pupils to respond the task question in pairs/small groups initially for the first paragraph. Teacher to work with a targeted group if required. AfLLfLBLP
Pupils to move to working independently on second paragraph using scaffolding provided by teacher. AfLLfLBLP
Pupils continue to work independently with scaffolding removed. AfLLfLBLP – Resilience
P: Work in pairs or small groups using WOW/HOW/NOW peer assess draft comic strips. AfLLfLBLP – Resilience / Reflectiveness / ANALYSING
EVALUATING / MA- Use challenging text
LA- Provide modern translation
MA- Include quotes on their comic strip
MA- Comic strip of the whole play
LA- Comic strip of a section of the play

Developing the Use of iPads to Support the Learning Process: English SoL

BabingtonCommunity College

Other Cross Curricular Links


Use interactive websites and resources to enliven the research process.


2.1a Engage with and reflect on different ideas, opinions, beliefs and values when exploring topical and controversial issues and problems

2.1b Research, plan and undertake enquiries into issues and problems using a range of information sources

3i Understand the changing nature of UK society, including the diversity of ideas, beliefs, cultures, identities, traditions, perspectives and values that are shared

Developing the Use of iPads to Support the Learning Process: EnglishSoL by Babington Community College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.

Developing the Use of iPads to Support the Learning Process: English SoL