1. Present: Cllrs Melanie Phillips-Rees (Chairman), Elfyn Williams, Mair Stephens, Shan Rees, Eifion Jones, Rheinallt Jones, Ronald Thomas and Arfon Davies (Clerk).

Apologies: Cllrs Mike Phillips, Hugh Anderson, Neil Confrey and Janet Knott.

2. Minutes of the Meeting of Council held on the 5th December were confirmed and signed.

Cllr Ronald Thomas was congratulated on his recent birthday.

3. Matters Arising

1. Speed Limit reduction on the B4309 in Bancycapel – Consultation was received on the proposed speed limit reduction for the B4309. There was to be a 50mph limit from the junction with the A484 in Cwmffrwd for 3.26 kilometres with a short stretch of 40mph limit thereafter. Following discussion it was agreed to request that the 40mph limit be extended to the junction of the B4309 with the B4306 near the Orllwyn Bungalows.

2. Tir Gof, Llandyfaelog – The Clerk confirmed that the Land Registry had completed the registration of the lease and that ‘good leasehold’ had been awarded. The Clerk also confirmed that he had provided a draft planning application for change of use of the land to the Planning Authority for comment. It was agreed that should there be additional documentation required, the services of a Planning Consultant would be employed.

3. Vehicles for sale in layby opposite Pengwyn Court, Cwmffrwd – An email was received confirming that the Rural Order for the double yellow lines at this location was being processed by the Carmarthenshire County Council legal section and that the Community Council would be informed when this had been published for public consultation. Noted.

4. Experimental Order for Double Yellow Lines at Llandyfaelog – Council received confirmation that the decision on whether the double yellow lines at Llandyfaelog would be made permanent was to be made in the Executive Board Member decision meeting on the 20th December, information on this decision had not yet been received. Noted.

5. Telephone Kiosk, Constant Farm, Upland Arms – The Clerk confirmed that he continued to chase completion of the repair works. Noted.

6. Traffic and highway concerns in Croesyceiliog – An email was received from the Carmarthenshire County Council Traffic Manager offering to meet at Croesyceiliog to discuss these matters and possible solutions further. It was agreed that a site visit should be arranged.

7. Meeting of the County Liaison Forum – The Clerk gave a report of the meeting. Noted.

8. Donations to Talking Books Wales, Bobath, Carmarthen and District Youth Opera, Carmarthenshire Federation of YFC’s, Llandyfaelog Community Hall Committee and Carmarthenshire Toy Box Scheme – Thank you letters were received for the Council’s donations. Noted.

4. Correspondence

1. Welsh Government – Confirmation of the appropriate sum under section 137 (4) (a) of the Local Government Act 1972 as £7.20 for the 2014-15 Financial Year. Noted.

2. Carmarthenshire County Council – Consultation on the Council Tax Reduction scheme from April 2014. Noted.

3. Carmarthenshire Environmental Partnership – Information on a further free Sustainability Seminar to be held in March. Noted.

4. WLGA / One Voice Wales – Copy of the Memorandum of Understanding agreed between the Welsh Local Government Association and One Voice Wales. Noted.

5. One Voice Wales – Invitation to nominate the Chairman for the draw to attend a Buckingham Palace Garden Party. It was agreed to put the Chairman’s name forward for the draw.

6. Carmarthenshire County Council – Information on the Carmarthenshire Ambassador Scheme. Noted.

7. Barclays Bank PLC – Statements. Noted.

8. One Voice Wales – Information on the 2014 Councillor Training Programme. Noted.

9. Western Power Distribution – Invitation to attend Stakeholder Workshops in February. Noted.

10. Carmarthenshire County Council – Confirmation of payment of 1/3rd of the 2013-14 Precept in the sum of £6,375. Noted.

11. Carmarthenshire County Council – Update on the Review of Polling districts and polling places in Carmarthenshire. Noted.

5. Idole Play and Amenity Area

a)An invoice from Atech Signs was received in the sum of £62.50 plus VATfor the field signs. It was agreed to raise the payment.

b)It was agreed that the Clerk should request tenders for grass cutting at the Play and Amenity Area and Glanmorlais as per the 2013 specification.

c)Installation of the BBQ by Derek Evans was being arranged.

d)The Clerk to provide prices for the 2014 Annual Inspection.

6. 2013-14 Budget Report

The Clerk presented the quarter 3 report. The report was accepted.

7. 2014-15 Priorities and Precept Report

a) The Clerk presented the 2014-15 Priorities and Precept report and provided information on the likely financial position to the end of the 2013-14 Financial Year.

The Clerk confirmed that it was good practice for Council to hold around one year’s precept in general reserves and that any further funds held should be held in specific reserves. This meant that with likely reserves being held by Council of around £31,500 that around £12,000 should be allocated to specific reserves.

b) Following discussion Council agreed to prioritise and to put specific reserves in place for the following projects:

Improvements to area rear of Llandyfaelog Bus Shelter (Tir Gof)£5,000

Amenity improvements£2,000

Idole Play and Amenity Area£5,000

c) Council discussed the 2014-15 Precept requirements and agreed to request a precept of £19,420. Which would lead to no increase in Council Tax costs from the Community Council. The Chairman and Clerk were authorised to complete the necessary paperwork.

8. 2014-15 Investment Strategy

The Clerk presented the draft strategy. The Strategy was agreed as Council policy for the 2014-15 Financial Year.

9. 2014 Garden Competition

Members discussed possible arrangements for the 2014 competition. It was agreed that there should be categories for best vegetable and best flower gardens. Competition timetable and judges along with trophy arrangements to be discussed at the next meeting.

10. 100th Anniversary of the start of the First World War

The Clerk provided members with an information sheet from the War Memorials Trust. The matter will be considered further at the next meeting of Council.

11. Planning

a)Full Planning Application

  1. W/29369 – Proposed attached garage and extension to dwelling, Star Forge, Upland Arms, Mr and Mrs Jones. No objections.
  2. W/29279 – Alterations to existing outhouse / utility area, Llwyn yr Eos, Cwmffrwd, Mr W James. No objections.

b)Full Planning Permission

  1. W/29074 – Construction of house, plot 3, Pantglas, Croesyceiliog, Mr Iwan Davies. Noted.
  2. W/28096 – Erection of wind turbine, Plasgwyn Farm, Croesyceiliog, Mr Phil Davies. Noted.
  3. W/29157 – Cattle building portal extension, Iscoed Uchaf, Ferryside, Mr John Jones. Noted.

12. Accounts

Accounts Payable

1) Vision ICT£90.00Welsh Version of the new website

£75.00 plus £15.00 VAT

2) Atech Graphics £75.00Idole Field signs (see item 5.a)

£62.50 plus £12.50 VAT

3) Peter Buckley£144.60December payment

4) / Description / Salary / Expenses / Total Gross / Tax Deducted / NI Deducted / Net Pay
Arfon Davies / December salary and expenses / £573.63 / £12.00
£43.45 / £634.93 / £114.60 / £0.00 / £520.33

5) Post Office Ltd (HMRC) £343.80October – December payroll


13. Any Other Business

1. The Clerk to request an update from the County Council on the proposed footpath from Pibwrlwyd to Idole.

2. The Clerk to report fly tipping at the former Pibwrlwyd filling station and along Cwmale to the County Council.

3. The Clerk to request an update from the County Council on the planning enforcement issue at the property next to Parc y Drysi, Bolahaul Road, Cwmffrwd.

4. The Clerk to report malfunctioning public lighting columns at Maesdolau, Idole, Rose and Crown and the Hall in Llandyfaelog to the County Council.

5. The Clerk to report that the road cats eyes between Llandyfaelog and Croesyceiliog Junction of the A484 were not working to the County Council.

The next meeting of Council will be held on 6th February 2014