The ThesisStatement: LAME (Thisacronymisironic!)

NOquestions!Athesisisadeclarativestatement.A thesis makes a claim that can be proven with well-developed, valid evidence / support. Your thesis needs to be LAME.

L–Limited –narrowinscopeandstructure.

Avoid lengthy sentences and be careful using compound sentences which are two sentences joined but a comma and a conjunction. However, this style can still be effective depending on clear your point is and how specific your word choice is.

JamesFranklin isan experienced quarterback,andhewillneed theseskill toovercomeTennessee’sdefense.


BecauseJamesFranklinisan experienced quarterback,hewill find playstoovercometheTennesseedefense. (1 pt thesis)

A– Arguable–A thesistakesastand or makes a claim onthesubject. The evidence / explanation with cited supportproves tothereader the viability of the thesis claim (believability).

M– Meaningful– Worth of choosingand defending.

Macbethchangesduring theplay.–NOT meaningful yet.


Macbeth undergoes a physical as well as mental transformation through....(list three pts)



ShakespearecreatedhorrorinMacbethusingimagery, repetition, and suspense.

Conventions for Writing a Literary Analysis Essay

Ensure that your essay…

  • makes an argument or claim or illustrates an engaging perspective on the work
  • includes a thesis which lists the key points the essay will discuss
  • provides evidence to support your claim
  • refers to the author(s) and the work(s) in the introduction. Use the author’s full name the first time and the author’s last name in all further references in the essay.
  • uses literary present tense to discuss events in the fiction, poetry, or drama.
  • uses strong verbs in the thesis statement and throughout the essay: demonstrates, uses, develops, underscores, accomplishes, strengthens, illustrates, shows, reveals, serves, emphasizes, identifies, suggests, implies, etc.
  • uses formal rather than informal language
  • does more than simply summarize the work

Sample Thesis Statements:

1. In “A Worn Path,” Eudora Welty creates a fictional character in Phoenix Jackson whose determination, faith, and cunningillustrate the indomitable human spirit.

  • Note that the work, author, and character to be analyzed are identified in this thesis statement. As long as the work and author are included in the introduction, they do not need to be repeated for the thesis; however, if you are focusing on a character, then he/she does need to be the main focus in your statement.
  • The thesis relies on a strong verb (creates). It also identifies the element of fiction that the writer will explore (character) and the characteristics the writer will analyze and discuss (determination, faith, cunning).

2. The character of the Nurse in Romeo and Julietserves as a foil to young Juliet, delights the reader with her warmth and earthy wit, and helps the audience realize the tragic catastrophe.

  • This is a decent thesis but it does NOT HAVE A CLAIM only three points. Always make a claim then provide your points. A three point thesis statement has a claim plus three reasons.

Thesis Statements for the literary analysis of Laurie Halse Anderson's Speak

1. The novel’s cover art depicts Melinda’s emotional struggles that lead to her triumph; the lightness and darkness represent how Melinda grows, how she conquers depression, and how she defeats Andy.

2. Just like a tree, Melinda goes through her own seasons of emotional and social change: she suffers in the fall, she dies in the winter, and she is reborn in the spring.

3. Melinda Sordino experienced her own “Scarlet Letter” of pain and tormentknown as scared, shameful, and silent; however, she was no longer afraid, worked through the torture of silence, and became proud of who she is.



