Gwinnett Extended Care Center

The following orders will be implemented. Orders with a “q” are choices and are NOT implemented unless checked.

Initial all handwritten order modifications. Complete signature section at bottom.

1. Initial Negative Pressure Therapy applied to:

Location: ______

Date: ______By: ______

2. Wound Care Nurse to change wound vacuum dressing changes q ______

3. Settings: q Continuous therapy q Intermittent therapy

q 100 mg Hg q 125 mm Hg q 150 mm Hg q 175 mg Hg q Other: ______

4. Change wound vacuum canisters when full and dispose in Biohazard bag

5. Monitor color of drainage every shift.

6. Troubleshooting air leaks/device has no suction:

·  Check on/off button and device settings

·  Check all tubing to ensure clamps are open and tubing is not clamped off

·  Auscultate the wound dressing with a stethoscope to help identify area of leak

·  Place clear plastic drape over existing dressing and seal off area of leak

·  Check device settings to see if negative pressure has been resumed

7. If Wound Vacuum fails to maintain seal and suction for more than two hours:

·  Remove dressing and sponges from wound bed

·  Clean wound with normal saline

·  Apply saline soaked gauze to wound bed

·  Cover with dry 4 x 4s and/or abdominal pads

·  Secure with paper tape or gauze wrap

·  Change wet/dry saline dressing every day and as needed

·  Notify Wound Care Nurse that wound vacuum needs to be reapplied

8. Further instructions for applying sponge to wound bed: ______


9. Do not allow dressing area to get wet. Showering allowed only on scheduled dressing change day, no more than 2 hours prior.

10. Do not turn off wound vacuum for any reason except # 7 or # 9 above.


Date Time Physician Signature PID Number

*1-43225* FORM 1-43225 INITIATED 09/2017 Page 1 of 1