Detailed IAM 5.0 Instructions for SROs including a quick guide for PO.

IAM 5.0 instruction for Reviewers: on CSR Internet (SRO can send this link to reviewers)

Technical problems/questions: CSR IAM Support

  1. Initial connection to the meeting
  2. IAMSUPPORT sends SRO an email within 2 days after meeting is generated (request your ESA to create meeting) notifying you that meeting is in system. Your Chief is also copied.
  3. IAMSUPPORT sends SRO an email 20 days before meeting with IAM meeting URL and logon credential.
  4. IAMSUPPORT sends Reviewers email 10 days before meeting with IAM meeting URL and logon credential.
  5. The SRO is copied on each email in case reviewers misplace the link/password (can get caught by SPAM filter). SAVE THESE EMAILS, to resend to reviewers when needed.
  6. For reviewers, Username is their eCommons user name, the password is in the email.
  7. SRO emails Program Officers two weeks before meeting to ask if they want access to the meeting. Give deadline to respond one week before meeting. Send list to , indicate these are Program Officers who can only observe. Be sure to put name of meeting in email.
  1. Six basic meeting pages involved in IAM 5.0:

1)Meeting Home Page

2)Application Panel

3)Reviewer Panel

4)Application Discussion Page

5)Reports page

6)Final Scoring Panel

  1. Meeting Home Page Functions
  2. Post meeting announcement
  3. Access application, reviewer, reports, and final scoring panels
  4. Set up deadlines
  5. Put meeting on hold
  6. Access application discussion pages
  7. Access instruction materials and email CSR IAM Support
  1. Application panel – Meeting setup
  2. Click ‘Application Panel’ at the upper right hand corner of the meeting home page to trigger the automatic import of application and critique/score information.
  3. At Application Panel, designate not-discussed (ND) applications by checking the box under the ‘Not Discussed’ column, and press ‘Save’.
  4. When needed, press the ‘Refresh Critique Scores’ button to update critiques and scores; ‘Refresh App Review Orders/Clusters’ button to update discussion cluster information; the ‘Refresh Application Info’ button is rarely used.
  1. Reviewer Panel – Meeting setup
  2. Click ‘Reviewer Pane’ at the upper right hand corner of the Application Panel or Meeting Home Page to trigger the automatic import of reviewer and assignment information
  3. Press the ‘View assignment’ button to see application assignments
  4. Press the ‘Refresh assignment’ to update assignment information
  5. Designate the Meeting Chair(s): check the chair box next to the person’s name, and press ‘Save’.
  6. Assign application chair: used when the meeting chair is in conflict or an assigned reviewer. Select the application by using the dropdown box above the reviewer list, check the ‘chair’ box next to the chosen reviewer, and press ‘save’.
  7. You can also make changes in assignment and conflict at the ‘reviewer panel’ when needed. When you make changes at the meeting site, remember to make the same change at IMPAC II.
  8. Send email to reviewers: check the box of a reviewer or reviewers under the ‘Email to’ column, and press the ‘Send Email’ button to open the outlook page to send email to a reviewer or reviewers.
  1. Setting up the meeting deadlines – Meeting Home Page
  1. GO TO “DEADLINES” on “Meeting Home” page. When the meeting is initiated, no times are set.
  2. MEETING STARTS – the time the meeting begins
  3. DISCUSSION STARTS– starting the Discussion Phase. Between Meeting Starts and Discussion Starts is the INTRODUCTION phase. When there are Not-discussed applications, an Introduction phase is needed for reviewers to consider bringing ND application back for discussion
  4. Discussion of multiple clusters – discussion of different clusters can be set to start sequentially or parallel by selecting specific times
  5. FINAL VOTING STARTS– end of discussion, final voting starts
  6. Final voting of multiple clusters – Final voting of clusters can start at different times or together at the same time
  7. MEETING ENDS – end of final voting, meeting over for reviewers
  8. ADMINISTATIVE ENDS – default is 24h after Meeting Ends. Reviewers automatically log off. Program officers can log in to read discussion comments. After administrative ends, meeting info wiped from servers
  9. For application number ≥ 10, two day meeting is best. It gives plenty of discussion time, reviewers do not feel rushed and chairs have plenty of time to prepare summaries.
  10. Applications clustered at IMPAC II depending on the meeting size and SRO’s preference.
  11. Meetings generally run from 10AM to 6PM, but can shift depending on where reviewers are located. On 2nd day, FINAL VOTING generally from 2-5PM. All times are EST (EDT).
  12. Introduction period - used by reviewers to request discussion of ND applications. For Fellowship and SBRI reviews, follow specific guidelines. For Member Conflict SEP, generally discuss all applications. BUT if an application has an especially poor score, can choose to not discuss.
  13. Admin End – Can be extended if needed. More than 2d is not generally acceptable. NOTE – if you change when meeting ends, Admin End will reset to 24h past that.
  2. If SRO is away for a significant amount of time, or for Overnight, put meeting on Hold.
  3. Can be used for pre-meeting posting
  4. Be sure to tell reviewers that they can read all comments while meeting is on hold.
  5. They can also post comments, but comments will not show up till Hold is released.
  6. You must actively release Hold, this is not done automatically.
  2. Only designated chairs and SRO can submit an announcement.
  3. SRO should post announcement mentioning the basics of the review: deadlines, standard review issues mentioned at a face-to-face meeting: Confidentiality, COI, Scientific Misconduct, Chairs responsibilities, Scoring… (sample announcement letters can be found in SRO tool box at CSR IAM SharePoint)
  1. Introduction phase: ‘Rescue’ ND applications
  2. Last for 30 – 60min
  1. Discussion Phase – Application Discussion Page
  1. Requestinginitial posting – Request all assigned reviewers to post the initial comments in 1st hour, starting with Primary reviewer and followed by Secondary and Tertiary. Then applications open to panel discussion. Alternatively, to accommodate different time zones and save time on the meeting day,posting can occur the night beforethe meeting during the meeting-on-HOLD mode.
  2. Posting comments – need subject title for each new comment. Reply vs new comments. Be aware of the 20 min limit during composing.
  3. Requesting Discussion Scores – Used for 1) engaging reviewers; 2) reflecting reviewer’s current enthusiasm; and 4) setting voting range and indicating voting outside of range. You should encourage/request all reviewers to post a discussion score for each application to reflect their current enthusiasm level on the application under discussion. You should encourage them to change the discussion score should their enthusiasm for that application shifts during discussion. You should request the assigned reviewers to finalize their discussion scores prior to final voting to set the voting range. If a reviewer plans to vote outside range, encourage her/him to reflect the intention with discussion score and state why before going to final scoring.
  4. Handling inappropriate comments – funding, personal assertion, etc … SRO should reply that this is not appropriate. Comments can be deleted, but then gets into issue of who saw it, etc. If you edit comment, will still indicate original poster, but color bar changes. So recommend reviewer edit own comment if it is important that it be changed.
  5. Summary of Discussion – done at the end of discussion to provide the basis for final voting. Can be done by the chair or a designated reviewer. If done by an assigned reviewer, you should stress that the summary needs to reflect objectively the panel’s discussion. Other members can comment on the summary
  6. Additional items – You should make sure that ‘Protection of human subjects’, ‘Vertebrate animals’, ‘Biohazards’, ‘Budget’ and other items are addressed before moving to final voting. Your should remind the reviewers that issues with budget will not affect the final score.
  1. Reports Page
  2. User reports shows detailed activity during the meeting
  3. Current scoring page shows the activity of score entering by reviewers.
  4. Final Scoring
  5. All posting will disabled once final scoring begins
  6. Final score panel becomes visible after the meeting ends
  7. SRO can add/change score if reviewer not available during final scoring.
  1. Post-Meeting tasks
  2. IMPORTING FINAL SCORES – IAM does not yet have direct access to eRA, so you need to move scores in Peer Review. There is a cheat sheet on the IAM page, found here:

The basic steps are:

1)Go to ‘Application Panel’ and press ‘Refresh Critique Scores’ to bring all updated criterion scores to the meeting site.

2)Export scores to Excel, to save as backup Just In Case.

3)Press ‘Final Score for Uploading to IMPAC II

4)‘Final Scores File Download’

5)Save as text file with default name.

6)Go to Peer Review for your meeting. Import file.

7)DO THIS IMMEDIATELY. This also brings over the criterion scores, so if reviewer decides to change from the ones they set up initially, they will get overwritten by this file.


1)Go to ‘Reports’

2)Save the user activity page to PDF file and send to your ESA

  1. Post-Meeting discussion archive site
  2. All discussion comments will be deidentfied and moved to the post-meeting archive site after 24hr post-meeting.
  3. Available for 30 days after the meeting

Wei-Qin Zhao
