Area of Learning: Knowledge & Understanding of the World
Role Play Area: Home Corner
Teaching/Learning ObjectiveEarly Learning Goals / Activity
Differentiation/Adult Support / Resources
Key Vocabulary/Key Questions
To encourage children to:
Remember and talk about significant things that have happened to them in a church
Show interest in the lives of people familiar to them
Find out about past and present events in their own lives, and in those of their families and other people they know
Show an interest in the world in which they live
Notice differences between features of the local environment /church/chapel
Observe, find out about and identify features in the place they live and their chapel
Express feelings about a significant personal event in the church
Describe significant events for family or friends at the church
Gain an awareness of the cultures and beliefs of others
Begin to know about their own cultures and beliefs and those of their people /
- Discuss different events at the church/chapel –, and special occasions for them, their family and friends
- Look at different features of churches, e.g. different rooms – what we use them for, what is in them
- Look at different features of churches/chapels in a local street
- Have a christening/wedding in the home corner
- Have multicultural food and utensils in the home corner
- Cook and eat multicultural food, use appropriate utensils e.g. wok, chop sticks, steamer, chappati pan etc. Talk about different customs and celebrations. Re-enact in home corner
Key questions
Observe, playing alongside and talking with the children.
Can children talk about their experiences?
Can they name different features/locations? in how much detail?
Do they appreciate different jobs carried out by different people? Can they describe a special event in their lives?
Are they aware of different foods/utensils/customs?