AHIA Strategic Initiatives
APPROVED 9-23-2015
- Enhance education, resources and networking opportunities to membership
- Implement AHIA University eLearning program
- Launch at least five modules in 2016
- Develop and implement an eLearning strategy, communications and marketing plan
b.Link Committee initiatives to Evolving Competencies
- Ensure AHIA committees develop at least one benefit (as applicable to the committee – i.e., resource template, solicitation of audit library submissions, SML identification, educational sessions, articles) in each of the following evolving competency areas Clinical Quality, Information Technology Security, General Audit Management, Compliance, Revenue Cycle and Health Plan Knowledge
- Clear directive from the Board to committee leadership to communicate appropriate linkage to the evolving competencies
- Board oversight, reaffirmation of competencies, ongoing communication and continual review of committee progress
c. Use technology to promote communities of practice
- Facilitate the continued development of the interactive, online collaboration platform, Connected Community, to promote AHIA subject matter leadership, AHIA resources and online collaborative networking
- Develop and implement Connected Community metrics reporting
- Establish Board/committee collaborations workspaces
- Develop volunteer recognition tracking mechanism for the Connected Community tracking
d. Expand General Audit management competency with emphasis highly effective audit
- Provide topical structure to CAE/Audit Roundtable
- Develop CAE/Audit Roundtable Subcommittee
- Develop overarching strategy and infrastructure around content resources for education and publication purposes
- Give consideration to creating an Education Director, subcontractor position from within the industry
- Grow membership/market share in the current market
- Enhancement of a recruitment/retention strategy to increase membership to include corporate members, new affiliation agreements, professional service organizations
- Consider professional service firms and large IA departments as potential targets with structured member categories
- Identify new member opportunities
- Evaluate dues structure
- Conductmembership needs assessment survey to be completed in advance of annual Board strategy meeting
- Investigate other markets for expansion – inclusive of health plans, retail market, etc.
- Establish Health Plan Strategy Taskforce
- Conduct research and development of market space
- Enhance communication between the Board and Committee leaders
- Develop mechanism to facilitate meaningful communication and appropriate initiative linkage between committees
- Implement online site for committee leaders to share information
- Communicate the strategic plan to the Committee Chairs for 2016 budgeting/planning purposes
- Rotate committee leadership to attend a portion of a Board meeting to report on activities
- Develop marketing strategy
- Leverage internal and external resources in establishing a marketing strategy, inclusive of social media under the direction of the Vice Chair
- Pursue affiliations
a.Facilitate collaboration with other professional organizations
- Past Chair to lead interactions with IIA North America
b.Continued development of affiliation with Kennesaw State University to be led by past chair
- Explore healthcare internal auditor certification
a.Development of plan including ROI to present to Board to be led by Chair and Executive Director