Fellowship ad eundum and honoris causa are awarded by RCOG in recognition of the work of individuals who are not Members or Fellows of the RCOG but have contributed in some way to the advancement of O&G, women’s healthcare services and/or the work of the RCOG.
A Fellowhip ad eundum is bestowed by the College to individuals who:
- Have demonstrated through research or clinical commitment, major contributions to obstetrics, gynaecology or reproductive health; AND
- Have contributed to the advancement of the science or practice of obstetrics and gynaecology in a substantial way; AND
- Are of an extremely high scientific calibre.
A Fellowship honoris causa is bestowed by the College to individuals who have demonstrated:
- The highest level of dedication and achievement in clinical care; OR
- The highest level of support to the development of women’s healthcare services; OR
- The highest level of work/support for the RCOG.
- Only RCOG Fellows or Members can nominate someone for a Fellowship ad eundum or honoris causa;
- Please attach a CV or detailed profile of the nominee to support the nomination, this is very useful supporting evidence and can help the assessment panel reach their final decision
- Please complete the Fellowship ad eundum/honoris causa nomination form providing as much information as possible, additional supporting information can also be provided from non-RCOG members
Nomination Form
To be completed by the Primary Nominator
Please read the Guidelines below before completing this form.
Section 1: The Nominee(Nominee must not be a Fellow or Member of the RCOG)
Job title:
(work or home)
Section 2: The Nominator
(Proposer must be a Fellow or Member of the RCOG)
Job title:
(work or home)
Section 3: The Supporter
(Supporter must be a Fellow or Member of the RCOG)
Job title:
(work or home)
Please indicate which your recommended fellowship category for this person is:
Fellowship ad eundemFellowship honoris causa
Section 4: Supporting Statement
Please give a summary explaining why you believe the individual you are nominating has shown the characteristics and requirements to be admitted to the fellowship of the RCOG. This should be a minimum of 200 words and a maximum of 500 words.
Please provide as much information and evidence as you can to support this nomination using the headings and questions outlined below (continue on an additional sheet if necessary).
Brief biography
Please provide a summary of the nominee’s:
- Key roles and positions
- What is the nominee best known for achieving
- National and international recognition/awards
Outline why the nominee is considered worthy to be awarded a Fellowship ad eundum or honoris causa, provide examples to support your justification.
Fellowship ad eundum nomination
If you would like the nominee to be granted a Fellowship ad eundum please answer the following questions:
What research or clinical commitment has the nominee demonstrated?
What major contributions has the nominee made to obstetrics, gynaecology or reproductive health?
How have the nominee’s endeavours advanced the science or practice of obstetrics and gynaecology?
Fellowship honoris causa nomination
If you would like the nominee to be granted a Fellowship HONORIS CAUSA please answerone or more the following questions:
How has the nominee demonstrated:
- The highest level of dedication and achievement in clinical care? OR
- The highest level of support to the development and/or delivery of women’s healthcare services? OR
- The highest level of work/support for the RCOG?
Before submitting your nomination please ensure the following have been included
- Contact details for nominee, nominator and supporter
- Supporting statement from the nominator
- Nominee’s CV or profile (website searches can be very useful in building up a profile if you’re unable to locate a CV)
SIGNED: ______
DATE: ______
Please send your completed nomination form to:Victoria Bytel,Director of Membership Relations
Or by mail to:
Victoria Bytel
Director of Membership Relations
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
27 Sussex Place