Project form
1. General
1.1 Presentation of the Belgian NGA
1.2 (Only for NGOs) Other government funding of the NGO
1.3 (Only for NGOs) Data necessary for the calculation of the structure cost
2.Presentation of the project
2.1Project synthesis
2.2Transversal themes
2.3.Description of the partner (s)
2.4 Logical Framework:
General objective:
2.6Planning (quarterly)
Part II Project proposal
Part III Annexes
The project form presented below applies to projects for the Open Call for Proposals for“Rights Based Development Initiatives in Vietnam” and is in line with the procedures of the Royal Decree of 24/09/2006 on subsidizing programs and projects.
This form will allow the Contracting Authority to assess whether the project meets the criteria as explained in the Guidelines for applicants, and in line with the requirements of the Royal Decree of 24/09/2006 on subsidizing programs and projects.
Without counting the annexes, a project file consists of two parts:
•PART I: A synthesis according to a fixed form. It presents a summary of the project highlighting key information. This part must be duly filled to be eligible. The first chapter (1. General) are data about the Belgian ANGC. All the required data are available at the Belgian office of the ANGC. The second chapter (2. Presentation of the project, contains the summary of the project.
•PART II: The description of the project. the NGO has the freedom to present the project in the way it seems most appropriate and which is best suited to the specificity of the project.
The project should be presented in a synthetic way. Part II and Annexes (except the mandatory annexes particularly strategic framework cooperation agreements and partnerships, see Part III) may collectively add up to maximum 50 pages.
In assessing whether the project is eligible, the Contracting Authority can request supplementary to request technical information (technical dossier).
1. General
1.1 Presentation of the Belgian NGA
Name / Juridical status / Main Activity (specificity):Registered Office / Date recognition NGA:
Address secretariat :
Telephone: / Fax: / E-mail: / Website:
Responsible at NGA+ title: / Tel: / E-mail:
Contact: / Tel: / E-mail:
1.2 (Only for NGOs) Other government funding of the NGO
* All government funds: Europe, Belgium, communities and regions, provinces, etc. For the FPS Foreign Affairs, specify on which service it exactly goes: Belgian Fund for Food Security (former Belgian Survival Fund) / Conflict Prevention / Relief / ...
1.3 (Only for NGOs) Data necessary for the calculation of the structure cost
Total turnover * of the NGO for the year N-2 **: / Amount:Explanation:
* This is the turnover in the accounting sense of the term, ie. The amount is resumed under section 70/74 of the annual accounts of the NGO, legal entity, beneficiary of the grant.
** N = calendar year in which the budget commitment of the intervention will happen.
2.Presentation of the project
2.1Project synthesis
Title*:Specific Objective:
Duration (months): / Begin/End date:
Account number of the project (Belgium)
Does the project have a band with a program / project co-funded by the DGD in the past? / No: / Yes:
Organizations with which a cooperation agreement has been concluded **: / Other financing foreseen for the project (funding source and amount):
Other organizations involved ***:
Main sector****: / Subsector 1:
Subsector 2:
Target group: / . / Number of Beneficiaries:
* The title should be concise and meaningful, that is also understandable to outsiders, and must
include the contents of the specific objective.
** If the project involves collaboration with various organizations, recognized or not (see Article 3 of K. B. 24/09/2006), the cooperation agreements or MoUs must be attached.
*** If there are other NGAs directly involved in the project, and implementing joint actions this should be duly explained in Part 2. The MOUs explaining the collaboration should be included.
**** The business sectors must be completed according to DAC code; Maximum 1 main sectors and two sub-sectors
2.2Transversal themes
Please indicate here how the following cross-cutting themes are taken into account in the project *:
DAC mainstreamingGender / 0 / 1 / 2
environment / 0 / 1 / 2
Good governance / 0 / 1 / 2
Trade development / 0 / 1 / 2
Rio markers / 0 / 1 / 2
desertification / 0 / 1 / 2
Biodiversity / 0 / 1 / 2
Climate change / 0 / 1 / 2
Social economy / 0 / 1 / 2
Urban environment / 0 / 1 / 2
Child rights / 0 / 1 / 2
Hiv/AIDS / 0 / 1 / 2
Score / Definition
0 / intervention has no eye for this purpose (this is possible if certain themes for the project are not relevant or appropriate)
1 / This issue is important (significant objective) but not the main focus of the project
2 / This is the main focus (main objective) to set up intervention
2.3.Description of the partner(s)
Name: / Legal form: / Main activity (specificity):Date of Creation:
Phone: / Fax: / Email: / Website:
If this is the case, name of the local antenna concerned with the project :
Phone: / Fax: / E-mail: / Website:
Responsible Organisation+Title: / Phone: / E-mail:
Contactperson: / Phone: / E-mail:
Date first collaboration with NGA:
Main donors for the organisation:
2.4 Logical Framework:
General objective:
Baseline / J1 / J2 / Sources of verification*Specificobjectives: / Assumptions and Risks**:
Indicator 1***
Indicator n
Result 1 : / Assumptions and Risks:
Indicator 1
Indicator n
Result n : / Assumptions and Risks:
Indicator 1
Indicator n
* On the level of each indicator
** In part II the NGA must explain the risk analysis and the approach to risk management.
*** Value J1 on the level of the specific objective is not obligatory.
Results: / Means / CostsResult 1:
Activity 1:
Activity n:
Result n:
Activity 1:
Activity n:
Management costs
J1 / J2 / TOTAAL / R1 / R2 / RnOperating costs
1. / investments
2. / Operations
3. / Personnel
Operating costs
1. / Investments
2. / operations
3. / Personnel
Direct costs(management costs and operations)
Forfait 100%
Structure costs(cfrBrussels office)
2.6Planning (quarterly)
Results / Means / costs (€) / totalResult 1:
Activity 1.1. / Investments:
Activity 1.2
/ Investments:
Activity 1.n
/ Investments:
Result n:
Activityn. 1
/ Investments:
Part II Project proposal
Part III Annexes