Westfield Theatre Boosters
Meeting Minutes
June 10, 2014
Call to Order
Booster President, Patti Mehegan, welcomed everyone and meeting was called to order at 7:03 p.m. Attendance for the meeting was 18 members/theatre parents.
Thespian Report – Estella Massey
- Senior Cabaret is Wednesday, June 11, at 7:30 p.m. Senior Parody starts at 7:00 p.m.
- Theatre Awards are Friday, June 13, from 6:00 – 9:00 p.m. Light refreshments will be offered at 6:00 p.m.
- New Thespian officers were voted in at last Thespian Meeting. Officers to be announced at Theatre Awards.
Secretary’s Report – Holli Tippl
May meeting minutes were approved.
President’s Report – Patti Mehegan
- Forwarded from Susie Pike:
-Auditorium reserved on Oct. 17 for homecoming tailgate.
-Auditorium reserved for Haunted House Wednesday, Oct. 29 – Friday, Oct. 31. We will not be able to have the H.H. on Nov.1 as this day will be used for first build day for fall main stage.
-Travel dates for theatre trip will be April 16 – 19;students will only miss one day as the 17th is a teacher workday.
-Susie has requested Saturday, May 9, for the Cappie’s Show.
-The calendar for 2014-2015 should be up on the website by the end of school.
- Discussed changing day of week for 2014-2015 monthly Booster meetings. Meetings will now be the second Wednesday of the month.
- Committee Chairs – need to continue to encourage all parents to get involved, especially parents of underclassmen. Committee Chairs sign-up sheet was circulated for consideration.
- Discussed instituting a Fundraising Committee; chair would act as coordinator. Fundraising ideas generated were restaurant promotion events (Chick Filet, Chipotle) , car wash, and show raffles. Also touched on the potential for increasing price of tickets for Booster – sponsored shows/cabarets.
- New Talent Showcase hotwash – the showcase was successful and a good way to get ‘new faces’ on the stage. DVD purchase sheet was circulated for consideration.
- New Parent Coffee – discussed benefits of doing a New Parent event at Bull Run Winery instead of an in-home coffee. Tina Dempsey, Becky Hawryluck, and Paula Witt to follow up on this.
Treasurer’s Report – KevinDempsey/Melissa Tucker
- 2014-2015 school year’s budget was approved.
- New Talent Showcase revenues similar to last year’s . $572.00 brought in. DVD orders light. Still waiting on all expenses to be submitted.
- Summer Stage checks are due by Wednesday, June 11.
Director’s Report – Lori Knickerbocker for Shannon Lynch/Susie Pike
- Preparations for Senior Cabaret are progressing. Tickets will be $8.00.
- Preparations for Theatre Awards are progressing.
Summer Programs – Lori Knickerbocker and Tina Dempsey
- Summer Stage – Well attended first all- cast meeting tonight. Rehearsals start June 18. First Build Day is Saturday, June 21.
- YAW – only one spot left; hope to be full by start. New dates for the workshop working well.
IMPROV – Paula Witt
- Team took second place at Robinson High School competition on May 16.
- Andrew Sharpe is the new team captain.
- Team members will be performing a skit, written by WHS theatre alumni, at the Reema Cabaret.
Committee Reports
- Membership (Paula W.) – membership forms for 2014-2015 available now. Alumni memberships can be purchased for graduating seniors. They will receive a certificate or gift.
- Scholarships (Karen P.) – all applications have been submitted and the process is going smoothly.
- Photo Sharing (Maureen M.) – Parents are encouraged to upload photos to Shutterfly account for the Awards ceremony. Linda Tobin to take over photo sharing for 2014-2015 year.
Old Business
- Maureen M. will do senior citizen and nursing home outreach and Booster photo poster for next school year.
- Linda T. will take photos of Booster Board Members at next Booster meeting.
- Lanyards and “Drama Mama” t-shirts are being organized by Tina D. and Lori. D.
- Paula W. will test drive the credit card reader for ticket sales during summer stage. If this is successful, the reader will be tested with merchandise sales.
- Booster laptop is 5-6 years old and needs to be replaced. Discussed fundraiser or Booster drive to raise funds for.
New Business
- Options for limiting the disturbance on Sunday performances – Susie to speak to appropriate person(s).
- Request for Dunk Tank for this year’s Bulldog BBQ – Patti will be representing Theatre at Bulldog BBQ and will find out more information. Thespians will be asked if this is something they would like to do.
Other Business
- Becky H. suggested making WHS Theatre Booster letterhead available for writing thank you notes and other correspondence. Paula W. has logo letterhead that she uses for membership. Discussion was had about who should write correspondences from Theatre/Boosters to others outside. Suggested that Theatre dept. correspondence should come from Susie and that Booster correspondence from Booster President, Patti M.
- Discussion about freshmen not being aware of the Thespian process. Suggested that Patti discuss with Susie the possibility of an additional open meeting for all theatre students in January.
- Rich D. and Dempseys will be out of town for Build Day on June 28th. Looking for experienced individuals to coordinate build activities on that day. Tina D. to contact individuals.
Next Meeting
- Next general meeting: Wednesday, 10 September, 2014, 7 p.m. , Black Box
- Next Executive Board meeting: 5 August, 2014, location TBD